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Mannered 1. Artificial; overly stylized 2. Possessing specific manners
Martinet Demanding strict obedience
Matrix Place where something is created or shaped
Usurp To seize and hold (w/o the authority to do so)
Untenable Difficult to defend
Emaciate To make or become thin
Disabuse To free from deception or misconception
Buttress A. A Support B. To support or encourage
Alacrity Eagerness or zeal
Effrontery Audacity
Ebullient Enthusiastic
Ecclesiastical Pertaining to church
Doctrinaire Stubbornly following a principal
Edify Instruct in an uplifting manner
Eminence A person or a position of great importance
Divest Strip away
Castigate A. Criticize severely B. Punish
Diminutive A. Tiny B. Small person or thing C. Word indicating smallness
Aver To affirm
Disparate Entirely different
Aria Solo vocal in opera
Egalitarianism Doctrine of equal rights for all people
Disaffect to cause someone to lose feelings of loyalty or affection
Approbate To sanction; to authorize
Vapid Uninterested
Ascetic A. Self denial of life's pleasures B. One who denies life's pleasures
Canny Shrewd and cautious
Ascribe Attribute
Axiom An accepted principal
Caprice Sudden change
Ellipse Oval
Elegy Mournful poem or song
Belabor A. Beat vigorously B. To talk too much about something
Arcane Secret and mysterious
Discourse A. Communication B. Formal discussion of a subject
Dogma Beliefs put forward as the absolute truth
Enmity Mutual hatred
Veracity Truthfulness
Churl Rude or stingy person
Abrade Rub away
Abscond To flee secretly and hide
Abstract (3 definitions) A. Hard to understand B. Summary C. To remove
Render A. To extract, yield, or become B. TO do service for another
Abstruse Hard to understand
Acerbic A. Sour or bitter tasting B. Pertaining to a bitter person
Amenable A. Open to suggestions B. Accountable
Enervate To weaken
Remonstrate To protest
Remunerate To compensate
Capitulate To surrender
Ambivalence Mixed feelings
Ensemble Separate items viewed as a whole
Avarice Greed
Cupidity Greed
Blithe Cheerful and carefree
Capacious Spacious
Carp (2 def) A. To find fault with and complain incessantly B. Type of fish
Autocracy Governmental rule by one person with unlimited authority
Supplicate To request humbly
Enumerate To list or count items one by one
Surmount To overcome an obstacle or to be above
Ephemeral Short lived
Maverick A. Unbranded cow B. Someone who takes and independent stand
Dissonant A. Disagreement or discord B. Harsh sounding
Supplant To replace
Variegated A. Marked with different colors B. Diversified, has lots of variety
Assiduous Diligent and persistent
Aggregate Gathered together into one mass or the total amount
Epic A. On a grand scale B. Long artistic work that describes heroic deeds
Censure An expression of strong disapproval; to find fault with
Affront To insult openly
Adulate To praise excessively
Rhetoric The art of using languate effectively; pretentious or exaggerated language
Sagacious Wise or shrewd
Burgeon To grow
Cavalier Arrogant
Torpid Inactive or sluggish
Torpor Inactive or sluggish condition
Dirge Mournful Song
Burnish Polish a surface or a glossy appearance
Assimilate To absorb
Collusion Conspiracy
Commodity Something bought/sold; something useful
Complaisant Agreeable
Circumspect Watchful and discreet
Efficacious Capable of producing the desired effect
Enfranchise To release from bondage; to bestow the rights of citizenship
Epigram Short and witty saying
Artisan Craftsman
Strut To show off; brace in a framework
Extrapolate To estimate based on known facts
Extricate To disentangle from a difficulty
Impervious Can not be penetrated or influenced
Impetus A driving force; the force associated with a moving object
Pretension Showy or pompous behavior; a pretext; a claim to something
Prevaricate To lie or be evasive
Semantic Pertaining to meaning
Serrate Toothed
Exult Rejoicing greatly
Dilapidated Ruined by neglect
Diffident Lacking self confidence
Iconoclast One who attacks sacred beliefs
Idiosyncrasy An odd behavior
Idolatry Blind or excessive devotion
Idyll A simple and charming scene; a short poem describing said scene
Tractable Docile or malleable
Immutable Not changeable
Transient Temporary
Trepidation Apprehension
Humanism The study of humankind
Impeccable Not capable of sinning and without fault; Perfect
Husband To conserve
Stymie To block or impede; a situation that impedes someone
Vituperate To scold with abusive language
Imperious Arrogantly overbearing; Urgent
Nadir The lowest point
Implosion A violent inward collapse
Torrid Very hot; Intense or passionate
Totalitarianism Governmental rule by one party
Importune To make persistent requests
Impregnable Safe against attack
Tedium Boredom; Something that is tiresome or tedious
Morphology The study of form
Movement A principal division of a musical composition
Muse To consider at length
Nostrum Scheme; Medicine sold by its maker
Organic Pertaining to bodily organs/plants/animals; systemic organization
Ingenuous Openly straightforward or candid; Naive
Ingrate Ungrateful person
Virtuoso Someone highly skilled in an art
Desiccate To dry out or make lifeless
Despond To lose hope
Ominous Menacing; threatening
Ubiquitous Omnipresent (present everywhere simultaneously)
Martial Pertaining to War
Polar Pertaining to extremes
Ponderous Unwieldy due to weight
Exacerbate To worsen to some condition
Exact To demand and obtain
Insolence Arrogant
Malevolent Spiteful
Polemic An attack on a belief or opinion; controversial and argumentative
Synthesis The combining of parts to form a whole
Manifest Obvious; To prove beyond a doubt; a list of passengers/cargo
Inherent Existing in something as a permanent trait; Innate
Portend To indicate the future
Posit To put something forward as a fact
Exculpate To free from blame
Iniquitous Wicked
Postulate To assume something to be true
Inoculate To use weakened germs to prevent diseases
Repose Peaceful tranquility; poise or composure; To put (ex: trust) in
Occlude To close or obstruct; to bring opposite surfaces together
Expedient Suited to one's purpose; A makeshift solution
Deride Mock
Dilettante An amateur; Person who enjoys the arts
Inculcate To urge or instruct persistently
Derision Scorn or ridicule
Vociferous Characterized by loud and persistent shouting
Odium Blame or hatred
Officious Aggressively offering advice that is unwanted
Tacit Implicit
Exhort To urge passionately
Mantle Something that covers/conceals; The layer of Earth between core & crust
Taciturn Typically silent
Desultory Occurring haphazardly
Treacly Sentimental
Exigent Urgent
Tan To whip; To turn hide into leather
Tangent A sudden digression from a line of thought
Dichotomy A distinct division into two parts
Didactic Excessively instructive
Obviate To anticipate and prevent; to make unnecessary
Technocracy Governmental rule by scientists
Repudiate To disown/refusal to acknowledge or recognize; To deny or reject
Orthodox Generally accepted; Following the accepted way
Melodrama An artistic work using exaggerated behavior
Mercurial Lively; apt to change quickly
Mime To communicate with gestures
Minuet A slow and stately dance or the song thereof
Minute (my NEWT) Extremely small; detailed
Mode The method by which something is done; current style or fashion
Momentum Strength gained from motion or development
Moratorium A suspension of action
Mores Customs
Nascent In the process of coming into existence
Nebulous Cloudy or Hazy; Ambiguous
Nonchalant Calm
Nonplussed Perplexed
Nuance A subtle difference
Obdurate Emotionally hardened
Obsequious Excessively eager to please
Supersede To take the place of
Subpoena A legal order directing someone to testify in court
Craven Cowardly
Heresy Something contrary to accepted beliefs
Subtle Crafty/sly; difficult to notice; capable of discerning fine distinction
Jocular Pertaining to joking or jesting
Juxtapose To place side by side
Learned Having profound knowledge
Irony Difference between the actual and the expected
Invertebrate Having no backbone
Credulous Gullible
Construct A. Something fabricated B. An image or theory
Consummate To complete; Perfect or supreme
Flag To become wake
Crescendo A gradual increase in intensity
Credence Acceptance of something as true
Inundate To overwhelm or overflow
Contention A point put forward in a debate or a conflict
Inure To grow accustomed to something undesirable
Recalcitrant Defiant; disobedient
Recess A temporary pause in activity; An aclove
Penury Extreme poverty
Singular Extraordinary or remarkable; Odd or peculiar; Separate
Quiescent Inactive; dormant
Sinuous Winding or devious
Forestall To anticipate and take actions against
Latitude The distance N or S of the equator; Freedom from normal restraints
Kernel The central part
Prelude An introductory performance; to introduce
Labyrinthine Intricately complex
Parsimonious Stingy
Solicitude Concern for another's well being
Rancor Extreme emotional bitterness
Premise A statement assumed to be true
Pedant Someone who parades his learning or meticulously abides by the rules
Corroborate To confirm
Coup A brilliant
Paucity A small quantity
Invective Verbally abusive; Harsh denunciation; an obscene term
Lattice Something interwoven
Refractory Difficult to manage
Redoubtable Formidable (to be feared/awed); Eminent (widely known/respected)
Solvent A. capable of paying all debts B. Dissolve-er of other substances
Reagent A chemical used in the analysis and synthesis of other chemicals
Solidarity Unity
Intrepid Brave
Fortuity An unexpected event
Couch To express
Lampoon An artistic work that ridicules
Predilection A preference
Irrevocable Irreversible
Conundrum Problem w/o a suitable solution; riddle of words
Forbear To restrain
Convalesce To recuperate
Countenance A look of approval or support; Composure or appearance
Perennial Everlasting or constantly reoccurring
Laconic Concise
Synapse Tiny gap between two nerve cells
Synchronous Occurring at the same time or rate
Florid Appearing healthy; elaborate or ornate
Inertia Resistance to change
Infamous Deserving extreme disapproval; Known widely and unfavorably
Insular Isolated; possessing a narrow viewpoint
Intemperate Marked by extreme climatic temperatures; Unrestrained indulgence
Intractable Stubborn; Difficult to remedy
Intransigent Uncompromising
Leaven To enliven; to lighten; Something that causes fermentation
Legume A seed that splits into two halves
Lethargic Drowsy
Levy To collect something by authority; that which is collected
Limerick A humorous five line verse that rhymes
Listless Lacking energy or desire
Literal Having a strict meaning; very similar to the original
Lucid Easily understood; Transparent; Sane
Luminous Radiating light/energy; Easily understood; Enlightened or intelligent
Luxuriant Growing profusely; luxurious
Proclivity An inclination to do something
Refrain A repeated theme or verse
Oxide Combination of oxygen and another element
Facility An absence of difficulty; Ease; Readiness to be persuaded
Ozone A type of oxygen
Pacific Peaceful or tranquil; tending to put an end to conflicts
Fallow Left inactive
Graduate To divide into intervals or categories
Grandiloquent Elevated or pompous language
Probity Integrity
Precipitate To cause something to happen suddenly
Evanescent Vanishing; fleeting
Stilted Stiff; artificially formal
Palette A board used by painters to mix colors; Colors on the board
Fatuous Foolish
Pan To criticize or review harshly; to move slowly from one side to another
Stratagem A scheme to gain an advantage
Quibble To avoid truth by raising trivial objections; petty objections
Stoic Not outwardly affected by pleasure or pain; emotionless
Ferment To turn sugar into alcohol; to excite or excitement
Explicit In exact terms
Stratum A homogeneous layer of material; multi-layers; a socioeconomic level
Genetics The study of heredity
Expiate To make amends
Stria A thin band or groove
Strident Loud and harsh
Paradox Anything exhibiting a contradictory nature
Poignant So deeply felt as to be physically painful; relevant and to the pt
Gratuitous Given freely; unnecessary (done w/o a good reason)
Reticent Reserved
Retiring Shy and reserved
Fervent Passionate; extremely hot; glowing
Fetter Something that restricts; to restrict the freedom of
Gauche Lacking manners
Gene The part of a chromosome that determines inherited traits
Salutary Beneficial or promoting good health
Guile Treachery
Genre A distinctive style
Germane Relevant
Estrange To make hostile or unsympathetic; to steal away from
Sanction A punishment
Fickle Changing often
Exposition An exhibition; detailed explanation; first part in a musical number
Quantum The smallest indivisible unit of energy; measurable amt of something
Quash To annul; to suppress forcibly
Preside To be in charge
Glib Performed with ease; quickly responding
Overwrought Excessively excited or nervous
Stint To restrict to a small amt; period of time spent doing something
Circumvent To get around something
Cleave To cut forcefully; To be faithful to or be bonded to emotionally
Cloister To seclude; A place devoted to religious seclusion
Coalesce To come together into a single group
Cogent Believable or relevant
Cognition The act of thinking
Cohere To be consistent or to stick together
Conjecture Guesswork
Consternation A state of paralyzing dismay
Decadent Decaying (esp in society); Self indulgent
Decorous Conforming to prevailing customs
Decorum Proper behavior
Decry To condemn or belittle publicly
Deed A conspicuous act; a document of ownership
Demagogue Someone who gains power by arousing an audience's emotions
Denigrate To defame
Denote To indicate
Deposition Statement made under oath; Being deposed from power; Being deposited
Quandry Dilemma
Peripheral On the edge of something; supplementary
Pernicious Extremely destructive of harmful
Soporic Inducing sleep; substance that induces sleep
Satire To use caustic wit to ridicule human weakness
Saunter To walk in a leisurely manner
Scholarship The collective work of scholars; a great knowledge ab something
Score A notch or incision; musical composition; music played in the background
Scruple To hesitate due to a moral conflict; Concern ab the morals of an action
Epoch A remarkable period of history
Equanimity A calm temperament
Inchoate Undeveloped or unorganized
Incisive Mentally perceptive; direct and decisive
Qualify To become capable/legally entitled; Make more specific
Perspicacity A keen perception and understanding
Pervade TO be present or spread throughout
Phenomenon Something observable by one's senses; unusual or unaccountable fact
Placid Having a calm or undisturbed appearance
Platitude A common remark
Plausible Appearing reasonable but unproven; persuasive but deceptive
Pluck To pull the strings of an instrument; Courage and determination
Erudite Profoundly learned
Espouse To give or take in marriage; To support
Figurative To have symbolic meaning
Fission To divide into parts
Whimsical Playful/imaginative; Erratic/unpredictable
Wheedle To coax by using flattery
Whimsy A whim or sudden change; something odd or fanciful
Zenith Point directly overhead/the apex or highest point
Prodigious Of extraordinary power or scope; Marvelous
Profligate (profleegit) Lacking moral restraint; wildly extravagant
Profundity Wisdom; something profound or difficult to understand; a deep place
Profuse Plentiful; giving or spending freely
Prognostic A prediction; indicative of the future
Prologue An introduction
Prone Natural tendency to do something; to lay facing downward
Propitiate To make favorably inclined; To ease the anger of
Propitious Favorable
Propound To put forward for consideration
Stanza A subdivision of a poem or a song
Stark Prominent or sharply evident; complete/extreme; Bare/desolate/bleak
Vogue The current fashion; acceptance or popularity
Volatile Evaporating quickly; threatening to erupt into violence; Fickle
Wanderlust Strong desire to travel
Sovereign Supreme(above all others); independent and self governing
Spatial Pertaining to space
Specious Sounding plausible but actually false; deceptively attractive
Sporadic Infrequent or occurring in a scattered pattern
Spurious False or counterfeit; Appearing similar but functioning differently
Prodigal Abundant; recklessly wasteful; someone who squanders money
Propriety Decency
Provincial Pertaining to the countryside; unfashionable; narrow in view/interest
Prudent Sensible or cautious
Pugnacious Eager to fight
Pundit An authority on a subject
Overture An introduction; An action made to gain a favorable response
Perfidy Treachery
Perfunctory Done as a routine task without much care
Fungus Type of plant that lacks chlorophyll and feeds on organic materials
Furtive Stealthy or sneaky
Hallmark Distinguishing characteristic; A mark indicating purity esp. on metals
Harangue To communicate using strong emotions (esp. Anger); A tirade
Heinous Beyond moral standards
Hieroglyphic Cryptic or secretive
Hone To perfect or sharpen
Created by: 37515081
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