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ConLC01) Verbes -er

Vocabulary V01- French regular verbs fisnishing in -er

Apporter To bring
Approcher To get close/approach
Approuver To approve
Arracher To rip
Arriver To arrive
Assister To help/assist - to be present at
Assurer/ S'assurer To insure - To make sure
Attirer To attract
Attraper To catch
Augmenter To increase
Abandonner To abandon
Acclamer To acclaim
Accepter To accept
Accompagner To accompany
Accrocher To hang/get caught in something
Accorder To tune/give permission
Accuser To accuse
Admirer To admire
Adorer To adore
Adresser To address
Aider To help
Aimer To love/like
Ajouter To add
Baisser To lower
Bavarder To chat
Brosser To brush
Bruler To burn
Chanter To sing
Casser To break
Céder To concede/break
Cesser To cease/stop
Chasser To hunt
Chercher To look for
Chuchoter To whisper
Commander To order
Comparer To compare
Compter To count
Conseiller To advice
Couter To cost
Conter To tell a story
Continuer To continue
Couper To cut
Créer To create
Crier To shout
Danser To danse
Décider To decide
Déjeuner To lunch/take breakfast
Demander To ask
Dépenser To spend
Dessiner To draw
Désirer To desire
Détester To hate
Diner To have dinner
Discuter/Disputer To discuss/To argue
Douter To doubt
Deviner To guess
Déménager To move house
Echapper/S'échapper To run away from
Echouer To fail
Ecouter To listen
Embrasser To kiss
Enseigner To teach
Entrer To enter
Etudier To study
Eviter To avoid
Expliquer To explain
Frapper To hit/To knock
Fumer To smoke
Fermer To close
Fonder To create
Fouiller To check (pockets/person)
Gagner To earn/To win
Garder To keep
Gouter To taste
Gratter To scratch
Gronder To growl
Habiter To live in
Hésiter To hesitate
Habiller/S'habiller To dress/To dress oneself
Imposer To force on/To impose
Indiquer To indicate
Insister To insist
Inviter To invite
Jouer To play
Jurer To swear
Laisser To leave/To let
Laver To wash
Louer To rent
Nier To deny
Nommer To name
Manquer To miss
Marquer To mark/To score
Marcher To walk/To function
Monter To go up
Oser To dare
Oublier To forget
Parler To talk
Passer To pass/To pass by
Penser To think
Peser To weight
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