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ConLC02)Verbes -er2

Vocabulary V02 French regular verbs finishing -er

Plaisanter To joke
Pleurer To cry
Porter To carry
Pousser To push/To grow (plant)
Poser To put/lay down
Préparer To prepare
Présenter To present
Presser To push/To press/ To hurry
Preter To loan
Prier To pray
Prouver To prove
Quitter To leave
Raconter To tell (a story)
Refuser To refuse
Regarder To look at
Regretter To regret
Remarquer To notice
Remercier To thank
Rencontrer To meet up with
Rentrer To return (home)
Réparer To repair
Repasser To iron
Ressembler To look like
Rester To stay
Retirer To withdraw/To move away
Retourner To return (in a country)/To turn over
Rever To dream
Rouler To drive/ To roll
Sauver To save
Sauter To jump
Secouer To shake
Séparer To separate
Serrer To hold/ To embrace
Siffler To whistle
Signaler To signal/ To tell
Signer To sign
Sonner To ring
Souffler To blow
Souhaiter To wish
Supporter To support/ To cope
Téléphoner (á) To phone/ To call
Terminer To end/ To terminate
Tirer To pull/ To shoot
Tomber To fall
Toucher To touch
Tourner To turn
Tousser To cough
Traiter To treat
Travailler To work
Traverser To cross over
Tricher To cheat
Trouver To find
Tuer To kill
Utiliser To use
Verser To pour
Visiter (un endroit) To visit (a place)
Voler To fly / To steal
Aboyer To bark
Accéder To have access to
Adapter To adapt
Allumer To turn (light) on
Attacher To attach
Collectionner To do a collection of
Démontrer To demonstrate
Frotter To rub
Illustrer To illustrate
Mesurer To measure
Noter To note/ To take note
Piloter To pilote
Arranger To arrange/ To organize
Ranger To tidy up
Echanger To exchange
Partager To share
Bouger To move
Charger To load/ To charge
Changer / Se changer To change / To change oneself its clothes
Corriger To correct
Encourager To encourage
Interroger To ask / To interrogate
Juger To judge
Nager To swim
Loger To stay (in a place) /To lodge
Obliger To force someone
Forcer To force something
Agacer To annoy/ To irritate
Avancer To move forward
Balancer To swing/ To balance
Commencer To start/ To commence
Prononcer To pronounce
Placer To place
Enlever To remove
Lever / Se lever To raise-To stand/ to get up
Emmener To bring away
Amener To bring in
Mener To lead to
Effrayer To scare/ To frighten
Essuyer To wipe
Essayer To try
Envoyer To send
Nettoyer/Balayer To clean/To brush the floor
Popular French sets



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