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Question | Answer |
表姊 | An older female cousin |
新春聯歡晚會 | Chinese New Year celebration party |
入場券 | Admission ticket |
舞蹈 | Dance |
流行 | Popular |
饒舌歌 | Rap |
歌詞 | Song lyrics |
分享 | To share |
如意 | As one wishes |
嫁人 | To marry |
硬 | Hard; stiff |
錢財 | Wealth |
聳立 | To stand high |
考驗 | To test |
經得起 | To be able to stand; to bear; to endure |
舞獅 | Lion dance |
喜氣洋洋 | Jubilation |
引導 | To guide; to lead |
觀眾 | Audience |
合唱 | Chorus |
青春 | Youth |
茉莉花 | Jasmine |
相聲 | Comic dialog |
圓滿 | Satisfactory |
精彩 | brilliant |
觀賞 | To see and enjoy |
古典歌曲 | Classical song |
民族 | Nationality; ethnic group |
穿插 | To insert |
感人 | Touching; moving |
鄉土味 | Hometown’s feel |
抄錄 | To make (write down) a copy |
吉祥 | Lucky |
姑娘 | Maiden; girl |
強壯 | Strong |
辮子 | Braids |
家園 | Homestead |
山峰 | Mountain peak |
不斷 | Uninterrupted; continuous |
社區 | Community |
人士 | Public figure |
動感十足 | Full of movement |
熱烈地 | Enthusiastically |
拜年 | To wish somebody a Happy New Year |
高原 | Plateau |
節奏 | Rhythm |
芬芳 | Fragrant |
短劇 | Short drama |
結束 | To end |