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表姊 An older female cousin
新春聯歡晚會 Chinese New Year celebration party
入場券 Admission ticket
舞蹈 Dance
流行 Popular
饒舌歌 Rap
歌詞 Song lyrics
分享 To share
如意 As one wishes
嫁人 To marry
Hard; stiff
錢財 Wealth
聳立 To stand high
考驗 To test
經得起 To be able to stand; to bear; to endure
舞獅 Lion dance
喜氣洋洋 Jubilation
引導 To guide; to lead
觀眾 Audience
合唱 Chorus
青春 Youth
茉莉花 Jasmine
相聲 Comic dialog
圓滿 Satisfactory
精彩 brilliant
觀賞 To see and enjoy
古典歌曲 Classical song
民族 Nationality; ethnic group
穿插 To insert
感人 Touching; moving
鄉土味 Hometown’s feel
抄錄 To make (write down) a copy
吉祥 Lucky
姑娘 Maiden; girl
強壯 Strong
辮子 Braids
家園 Homestead
山峰 Mountain peak
不斷 Uninterrupted; continuous
社區 Community
人士 Public figure
動感十足 Full of movement
熱烈地 Enthusiastically
拜年 To wish somebody a Happy New Year
高原 Plateau
節奏 Rhythm
芬芳 Fragrant
短劇 Short drama
結束 To end
Created by: sunnycl2002
Popular Traditional Chinese sets




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