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II- Todos los verbos

ALL infinitive verbs

abrazar - to hug
apagar - to turn off
cruzar - to cross
coleccionar - to collect
dejar - to leave/to allow (to let)
doblar - to turn / to fold
divertirse - to have fun
estar - to be (LOCATION/FEELINGS)
esperar - to wait FOR
gritar - to yell
hacer - to do / to make
hablar - to speak / to talk
ir - to go
llenar - to fill
masticar - to chew
obedecer - to obey
portarse - to behave
pelearse - to fight
querer - to want
reunirse - to meet
seguir - to follow
ser - to be
tener - to have
bailar - to dance
cantar - to sing
correr - to run
estudiar - to study
escuchar - to listen to
esquiar - to ski
jugar - to play (games/sports)
tocar - to play (an instrument) // to touch
montar - to ride
nadar - to swim
pasar - to pass/ to spend time
patinar - to skate
practicar - to practice
ver - to see
comprar - to buy
dibujar - to draw
traer - to bring
salir - to leave / to go out
venir - to come /to arrive
poner - to place / to put
usar - to use
leer - to read
comer - to eat
trabajar - to work
aprender - to learn
contestar - to answer
dar - to give
discutir - to discuss
explicar - to explain
repetir - to repeat
pedir - to ask for / to order
sacar - to take out
llegar - to arrive
entregar - to turn in
prestar - to lend / to loan
respetar - to respect
conocer - to know, to be acquainted with
saber - to know (facts)
asistir a - to attend
ganar - to win, to earn
grabar - to record
participar - to participate
tomar - to take, to drink
volver - to return, to come back
crear - to create, to make
navegar - to navigate , to surf (the Web)
visitar - to visit
acostar(se) - to go to bed, to lie down
afeitar(se) - to shave (oneself)
arreglar(se) - to get (oneself) ready
bañar(se) - to bathe (oneself)
cepillar(se) - to brush (oneself)
cortar(se) - to cut (oneself) -- Like your hair!
despertar(se) - to wake (oneself) up
duchar(se) - to shower (oneself)
levantar(se) - to get (oneself) up, to stand up
lavar(se) - to wash (oneself)
pintar(se) - to paint (oneself) , to put on make-up
poner(se) - to put on (oneself)
preparar(se) - to get (oneself) ready
secar(se) - to dry (oneself)
vestir(se) - to dress (oneself)
escoger - to choose, select
probar(se) - to try on
anunciar - to announce
encontrar - to find
empezar - to begin, to start
echar - to throw
enviar - to send
cobrar - to cash a check
cuidar - to take care of
devolver - to return an item
quedar(se) - to stay, remain
abrir - to open
cerrar - to close
dejar - to leave, to let (allow)
esperar - to wait for
quitar - to take away, to remove
cruzar - to cross
doblar - to turn
parar - to stop
seguir - to follow, to continue
manejar - to drive
coleccionar - to collect (objects)
mentir - to lie
molestar - to bother
saltar - to jump
llevarse - to get along
ofrecer - to offer, provide
permitir - to permit, to allow
besar(se) - to kiss (each other)
saludar(se) - to greet (each other)
despedir(se) - to say goodbye (to each other)
sonreír - to smile
contar - to count
llorar - to cry, weep, whine
reírse - to laugh
recordar - to remember, remind
casarse - to get married (to)
charlar - to chat, talk
cumplir - to fulfill, to carry out, complete
felicitar - to congratulate
nacer - to be born
regalar - to give (a gift)
llover - to rain
nevar - to snow
bajar - to go down, to download
comenzar - to begin, to start
destruir - to destroy
escaparse - to escape, to run away
esconder(se) - to hide (oneself)
quemar - to burn
subir - to go up, to upload, to climb
investigar - to research
ocurrir - to occur, to happen
tratar (de) - to try (to do something)
morirse - to die
rescatar - to rescue, to save
salvar - to save, to rescue
llamar - to call, to name
doler - to ache, to hurt
examinar - to examine, to check
recetar - to prescribe
moverse - to move oneself
sentirse - to feel (an emotion)
caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble
chocar (con) - to crash into, to collide with
lastimarse - to hurt oneself
romperse - to break, to tear
torcerse - to twist, to sprain
tropezar - to trip (over)
añadir - to add to
batir - to beat, whisk
calentar - to heat up
freír - to fry
hervir - to boil
mezclar - to mix, to blend
pelar - to peel
picar - to chop
probar - to taste, to try
encender - to turn on (the light)
olvidarse - to forget
tirar - to spill, to throw away
Created by: Copper21
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