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Srta lynch 2020 LC
Leaving Certificate Listening Vocabulary 2020
Spanish | English |
se trata de | it's about |
una revista | a magazine |
los artículos | the articles |
se inaugurará | it will be inaugurated |
desfiles de moda | fashion shows |
una pareja de recien casados | a pair of newlyweds |
cuenta con | has |
las últimas | the latest |
la banquera español | the Spanish banker |
según | according to |
poderoso | powerful |
comparto fotos | I share photos |
el cambio clímatico | climate change |
la cumbre mundial | the world summit |
el cirujano | the surgeon |
me dedico a | I'm dedicated to (job) |
la cirujía plástica | plastic surgery |
en concreto | specifically |
ya han salvado | they have already saved |
de forma gratuita | for free |
el doctór milagro | the miracle doctor |
transplante de cara | face transplant |
ya tenía | she already had |
no estaba acostumbrado | he wasn't used to |
es uno más de la familia | He's one of the family |
se jubilan | they retire |
localizan | they find |
rescatan | they rescue |
se hacen mayores | they grow old |
heroes de cuatro patas | four legged heroes |
un cuestionario | a survey |
una entrevista | an interview |
es uno más de la familia | He's one of the family |
enseñar | to teach |
se ven obligados | they have to |
empresas | companies |
un título reconocido | a recognised degree |
como funciona | how it works |
aumentar | to increase |
clases particulares | grinds |
seguirá en riesgo máximo | will continue in maximum risk |
tormentas | storms |
la alerta roja | red alert |
fuertes vientos | strong winds |
lluvias torrenciales | torrential rains |
inundaciones | floods |
un comunicado | a statement |
piden tener máxima precaucion | they ask people to |
si se va a viajar | if one is going to travel |
colegios permanecerán cerrados | schools remain closed |
avisan que | they advise that |
en el resto del país | the rest of the country |
niebla intensa | intense fog |
se alcanzarán | they will reach. |
en cuanto a | in relation to |
tierra de sol y nieve | land of sun and snow |
temporada | season |
principios de | the beginning of |
sin embargo | however |
barato | cheap |
es muy conocida | it's very well known |
esquiar de noche | night ski |
toca relajarse en la playa | its time to relax on the beach |
meter en la maleta | to pack in the case |
un bañador | a swimsuit. |