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Genki L12 Vocabulary
Genki 3rd edition Vocabulary in lesson 12
Question | Answer |
あまい | sweet |
あるく | to walk |
いたい | hurt; painful |
インフルエンザ | influenza |
おおい | there are many . . . |
おだいじに | Get well soon. |
おてあらい | restroom |
おなじ | same |
かぜ | cold |
かぜをひく | to catch a cold |
かのじょ | she; girlfriend |
かれ | he; boyfriend |
かれし | boyfriend |
きっぷ | train ticket |
きょうみがある | to be interested (in) |
きんちょうする | to get nervous |
げんきがない | don’t look well |
しあい | match; game |
ジュース | juice |
しんぱいする | to worry |
すてき(な) | nice |
せいせき | grade (on a test, etc.) |
せき | cough |
せきがでる | to cough |
せまい | narrow; not spacious |
それに | moreover, . . . |
~だい | charge; fee |
たぶん | probably; maybe |
たまご | egg |
できるだけ | as much as possible |
なくす | to lose |
にさんにち | for two to three days |
ねつがある | to have a fever |
のど | throat |
のどがかわく | to become thirsty |
はじめて | for the first time |
はらう | to pay |
ひろい | wide; spacious |
ふく | clothes |
ふつかよい | hangover |
プレゼント | present |
ホームシック | homesickness |
もうすぐ | very soon; in a few moments/days |
もの | thing (concrete object) |
ようじ | business to take care of |
わかれる | to break up; to separate |
わるい | bad |