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pt 100

eyes and ears pt100

1. What is introduction? Vision is stimulated by light waves. The eye is the receptor organ for vision
2. What is basic structure of the eye 1) Layers,2) Focusing apparatus,3) Light regulatory apparatus,4) Chambers of eye
1) Layers: a) Sclera- heavy outer layer which gives the round shape of the eyeball• protect the eye; eye muscles attach to it
Layers b) choroid- vasculariz middle layered which nourishes the eyes) retina- innermost layer that contains receptor cells, rods, and cones, and is directly connected with optic nerve to brain
2) Focusing apparatus a) Cornea- transparent curved surface on the sclera through which light is admitted, and initial focus occursb) Lens- curved, transparent body that changes shape to allow light to fall into focus on the retina
3) Light regulatory apparatus a) Iris- colored portion of the eye which changes the diameter of the pupil b) Pupil- dark opening in the center of the iris that controls the amount of light admitted to the eye
4) Chambers of eye Anterior chamber- behind the iris is filled with aqueous humor, a liquid fluid formed by filtration of the blood for nutrients, and is reabsorbed back into the venous system
4) Chambers of eye Posterior chamber- is filled with gelatinous vitreous humor, the permanent interior part of the eye which both nourishes and preserves the eye’s globular shape
3. Conditions of the pupil 1) Miosis= the constriction of the iris which causes the pupil to get smaller letting less light in2) Mydriasis= the dilation/relaxation of the iris which cause the pupil to get larger letting more light in
4. Glaucoma caused by increased intraocular pressure (iop) due to decreased outflow of aqueous humor
5. What are common disorders of the eye a) Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindnessb) Cataracts normally clear lens become cloudy and opaque and causes loss of vision. Surgery is the only effective treatment: removal of old cloudy lens and replacement with an artificial lens
5. What are common disorders of the eye c) Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva due to bacteria, virus, allergies, foreign bodiesi. Infectious conjunctivitis
i. 5. What are common disorders of the eyeInfectious conjunctivitis a. Bacteria conjunctivitis = pink eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious especially among childrenb. Viral conjunctivitis= red eye. Due to allergy or histaminic effect
5. What are common disorders of the con't d) Ocular herpes simplex is causes ulcerations on the surface of the eye, including the cornea, and can lead to blindness if not treated
6. Drugs used in treatment of eye infectionsAnti- infectives :I. Antibiotics- fight bacterial infections o Bacitracin/ neomycin/polymixin b Neosporin opth (ung)o Baccitracin/plymixin- polysporin (ung)o Ciprofloxacin- ciloxin (gtt)
6. Drugs used in treatment of eye infectionsAnti- infectives :I. Antibiotics- fight bacterial infections o Erythromycin- iiotycin (ung) o Sulfacetaminde- bleph-10 gtt/ungo Gentamycin-garamycin gtt/ungo Tobramycin- tobrex gtt/ung
7. Drug used in treatment of eye disorders 1) Anti- inflammatory agent-to reduce swelling, therefore reduce pain caused by swellingCorticosteroids
1) Anti- inflammatory agent-to reduce swelling, therefore reduce pain caused by swellingCorticosteroids o Hydrocortisone- cortisporin gtt/ungo Dexamethasone- decadron gtt/ungo Flurometholone- FML gtt/ungo Prednisolone- pred forte gtt/ungo These steroids are used in many combination drugs with anti-infectives of eye infection
2) Local Anesthetics – eye exam and surgery o Proparacaine- opthetic (gtt) o Tetracaine- pontocaine (gtt/ung)
3) Vasoconstrictors – drugs that get red out o Naphazoline- naphcon-Ao Tetrahydrozoline-visine (gtt)
4) Rebound effect o Occurs with the use of ophthalmic vasoconstrictors o Rebound: when the red come back more intensely than before
o Rebound: when the red come back more intensely than before • Vasoconstrictors should be used for short term only to void rebound effect• Prolonged use can cause blood vessels to permanently dilated (long term effect) which lead to blurred vision. Rebound occurs most often with long term use
7. Drug used in treatment of eye disorders con't 5) Miotics are either direct or indirect acting cholinergic drugs. They both constrict the iris and pupil, reducing IOP. They are used in treatment of glaucoma and in cataract surgery.
Miotics are either direct or indirect acting cholinergic drugs. They both constrict the iris and pupil, reducing IOP. They are used in treatment of glaucoma and in cataract surgery • Acetylcholine-miochol (inj)• Carbacol-isoptocarbocol (gtt/inj)• Echothiophate iodide- phosholine iodide (gtt) • Pilocarpine-ocusert pilo (gtt/ung)• Isoptocarpine (gtt/ung)
8. Additional notes 1) All eye preparations have the potential to cause systemic reactions and side effects because they are absorbed into the vascular system via the aqueous humor 2) Many other medications have an effect on the eye
Additional notes con't 3) Eye suspensions and solutions (ophthalmics) can be used for the ear but ear medications (otics), can never be used for the eyes4) Ear medications are more concentrated and are usually suspensions. They may also be oil based.
9. Correct application of eye drop = instillation 1) Wash hands2) Remove contact lenses (if applicable), wash hands again 3) Tilt head back, instill drops, allow to be absorbed via mucous membrane of the eye4) Never touch the tip of applicator to the eye or eye lash
Correct application of eye drop = instillation con't 5) Never share eye drops6) Discard after 30 days of opening the container7) Note: ointments are applied in a ribbon on the conjunctiva or eyelid8) As the tech is not advice
Created by: vylam152
Popular Pharmacology sets




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