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vocab & character review

denizens residents or frequenters of a place
kosher food that is permissible to eat according to Jewish dietary laws
modicum a small amount
connoisseur a person with expert knowledge in some field or manners
gentile a non-Jew
macabre dwelling on the gruesome, tending to produce horror
amorphous shapeless, unclassifiable, lacking organization
cajole to persuade with flattery or gentle urging
henpeck dominated by persistant nagging
modus operandi a method of procedure
epitomize to serve as the typical or ideal example of
baleful deadly, forboding, threatening evil
convoluted extremely involved, intricate
guffaw a loud, boisterous burst of laughter
dais extremely involved, intricate
nebulous indistinct
greenhorn an inexperienced or naive person
immaculate spotless, impeccable
bespectacled wearing spectacles
lithe easily bent or flexed
Hudis Shilsky Ruth's beloved Mameh who suffered from polio and was faithful to her three children and husband
Fishel Shilsky Ruth's father, Tateh, a rabbi who believed in God and money and was abusive to his children and wife
Aunt Mary Hudis's wealthy sister who lived in New York and employed both Ruth and Dennis McBride
Peter Ruth's first boyfriend who impregnated her but could not marry her
Jaqueline (Jack) Dennis's daughter from a previous relationship who helped Ruth and her children with food and emotional support
Hunter Jordan Ruth's second husband. He worked for the New York housing authority
Helen McBride-Richter A teenage musician and hippie who left home for a time and became a nurse
Chicken man An elderly, frequently drunk gentlman who befriended, advised, and philosophized with James when he stayed with Jack and Richard
Gladys "Dee Dee" Shilsky Ruth's younger sister who was born in America and cut Ruth out of her life when Ruth decided to leave the family, marry a black man, and stay in New York
Sam Shilsky Ruth's older brother who ran away from home, enlisted in the military, and later died in WWII
Frances Moody Falcone Ruth's only school friend in Suffolk who lives near a cemetary
Rocky Ruth's boss when she was a manucurist in New York who tried to entice her to become a prostitute
Eddie Thompson Ruth's neighbor in Suffolk who helped her son learn about his mother's family
Rosetta McBride Ruth's oldest daughter who was appointed to keep the younger children in line and who became a psychologist
Andrew Dennis McBride Ruth's first husband who supported her through difficult times and died of cancer before James was born
Created by: arecob
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