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History Chapter 10

The complete study guide

Charlemagne King of France, Crowned by Pope Leo III
King William King of England, Established royal courts and wrote the Domesday Book
King Henry II King of England, Enlarged the court system to take care of everything, Had a falling out with the Church after the Bishop of Canterbury disagreed with him and was killed
King John King of England, Brother of King Richard the Lionheart, Was forced to sign the Magna Carta by the nobles to limit the king's power
King Edward King of England, established the English Parliament
Hugh Capet King of France, Right after the last Carolingian king died, Had very little power, Started and ended the Capetian dynasty
Philip II Augustus King of France, Expanded income, power, and territory, Involved with the Crusades with King Richard
Louis IX King of France, Very religious and later made a saint, Tried to bring justice to the people and personally heard their petitions
Philip IV King of France, Established the French Parliament, Established the longest dynasty
Otto I King of the Holy Roman Empire, Crowned by the pope in 296, Created the Holy Roman Empire
Fredrick I King of the Holy Roman Empire, Tried to keep Italy in the Empire, faced opposition from the pope, Died in knee high water during the Crusades
Fredrick II King of the Holy Roman Empire, Tried to keep Italy in the Empire, faced opposition from the pope
Cyril and Methodious Byzantine missionaries in 863, Created the Cyrillic alphabet for the Slavs and used this to print Bibles
Treaty of Verdun Treaty between Charlemagne's three grandsons that ended their war and divided France into three
Feudalism System started when peasants began to look to landowners for protection, The landowners maintained order rather than a single government
Aristocracy The rich and nobles
Vassalage A system in which a noble or a landowner would enter into a mutual agreement with another, usually getting protection, loyalty, or income in exchange for land
Fief The land given by a noble to a vassal
Chivalry The code knights follow with expectations for purity; is highly connected with the Church
Manor A large section of land
Manorial System A system like feudalism in which loyalty would be given in exchange for land, but without military or politics
Carruca A heavy plow pulled by oxen that could easily turn over large clay stones. It was very expensive so a community would share one.
Domesday Book The number of people, manors, and farm animals of the census carried out by King William
Battle of Hastings Battle by King William to overthrow the Angle-Saxons. On October 14th, 1066, King Harold of the Angle-Saxons was defeated.
Magna Carta The document signed by King John that limits the kings power and later inspired the Bill of Rights
What are the causes of the end of the Carolingian Empire? It was weakened by division and invasion, and Charlemagne's grandsons broke out into war
Who were the Vikings and how were they dealt with? They were invaders from Scandinavia and were amazing shipbuilders and sailors, used waterways to reach inland targets, and were strong warriors. After being given land by Frankish rulers, the assimilated into the culture and adopted Christianity.
What was involved in a Feudal Contract? It was an unwritten agreement that bound lords to vassals and vice-versa. It was based on honor, not servitude, and both parties are responsible for each other.
What were the roles, duties, and responsibilities of knights? The knights were highly trained vassals who served lords. They had social prestige and lived by a code of chivalry. There were many steps to become a knight and it required good connections. The knights protected the innocent, rich women, and the Church
What was the Song of Roland about and what was its purpose? It was about the ideal knight and values that they should have. Because the tune is easy to memorize and sing, it could be easily transmitted to the common folk
What caused the population boom between 1000-1300 AD? There were advances in agriculture, the climate changed, there were less wars, and there was more food.
Why did people during the population boom live in communities? The new equipment and animals were expensive, so the people had to pitch together to get communal stuff. It was also easier to share costs and work.
What were some agricultural advancements? The horse collar, hydropower for mills, three field systems, the carruca, ect.
What was the influence of trade in Medieval Europe? The Hanseatic League was formed in the Baltic and Northern Sea region, and alliance of 100 northern cities that gave mutual trade protection. A lot of people went to Italy, and merchants and artisans exchanged goods.
What was the English Parliament like? At first, there were 2 knights from each county, 2 people from each town, and all nobles in the Parliament. Later this evolved into the House of Lords (nobles+clergy) and the house of Commons (everyone else)
What was the French Parliament like? Three estates: the Clergy, the Nobles, and the Peasants.
What did Charlemagne and Otto I have in common? They were both crowned by the pope
How the heck do you spell Midevil? M-E-D-I-E-V-A-L
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