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Question | Answer |
Ma Huang tang | CON:weak, copious urine, bleeding(nose) CAU:HTN |
Gui Zhi Tang | CON:ext cold/int heat(may cause nosebleed) CAU:in summer take Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang if GZT causes side effects. |
Yin Qiao San | CAU: will be ineffective if therre is damp-heat(modify it.) |
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang | CON:simple W-H |
Ren Shen Bai Du San | CON:only for W-C-D, not for heat |
Bai Hu Tang | CON: fever from SP/S xu, true cold false heat. CAU: careful follow up-stop if patient gets too cold |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang | CON: only for robust patient w/excess. CAU: long term use, heat in Ying or Blood(can injure Yin). |
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang | CON:wheezing d/t cold, if OPI lingers due to Qi xu. |
Long Dan Xie Gan ang | CAU: long term use or large dose can harm SP/S |
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang | CON:early stage WFD, spasms or convulsions |
Da Cheng Qi Tang | CON:prego CAU: weak. CAn cause vomiting or severe diarrhea |
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang | CON:prego CAU: weak. |
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang | CON:prego CAU: weak. |
Xiao Chai Hu Tang | CON:excess above/def. below, LR fire, gum bleeding CAU:Liv Yang Rize, HTN, vomiting blood due to Yin Xu |
Ping Wei San | CAU: Drying formula, modify for Yin and Blood xu or for prego |
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang | CAU: Drying formula, modify for W-H or deficient fire |
Ba Zheng San | CAU:no long term use. modify for deficiency cold or prego |
Wu Ling San | CAU:modify for SP/K Qi xu, SP/S xu, Yin xu |
Wu Pi San | CAU: add herbs for severe SP Qi Xu |
Li Zhong Wan | CON:ext. condition w/ fever or Yin xu. If used for sudden turmoil stop formula when vomit and diarrhea stop. |
Wu Zhu Yu Tang | CON: vomit or rebellion due to heat CAU: drink cool and then rest to minimize side effects. |
Da Jian Zhong Tang | CON: internal clumping, D-H, Yin or Blood xu |
Si Ni Tang | CON:True heat, false cold |
Si Jun Zi Tang | CAU: overuse can cause dry mouth, irritability, thirst. CAU:fever, def. heat, irritability, thirst, constipation |
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang | CON: Yin xu fever. Only for Qi xu prolapse, not all prolapse. |
Sheng Mai San | CAU:high fever!, if OPI not resolved can prolong disease |
Si Wu Tang | CON: acute blood loss, severe blood xu CAU: modify for SP Yang xu |
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | CAU:indigestion, diarrhea d/t SP xu, white greasy tongue coat. (Can still be cloying) |
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan | CON:Yin xu w/ dry mouth-throat, red tongue, little coat |
Yue Ju Wan | CON: stag d/t deficiency |
Ban Xia Hou po Tang | CON: patients with flushed face, bitter taste, red tongue scant coat |
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang | CON:L/K both def. wheezing and unproductive cough in L |
Ding Chuan Tang | CON:W-C w/o sweat, internal phlegm heat, chronic asthma with Qi xu, frail pulse |
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang | CON: heat from excess or cold from def. |
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang | CON: prego. ext. should be released before using this formula. |
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang | CON: prego. excessive menstrual bleeding, any hemorrhagic disorder |
Wen Jing Tang | CON: abdominal mass d/t Blood stasis from excess |
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan | CAU:Prego/post parto, only for confirmed Blood stasis pattern |
Si Shen Wan | CON:Accum. or Stagnation in S/LI |
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | CAU: no long term use due to toxic substances |
Xiao Feng San | CON: Qi or Blood Xu |
Xiao Huo Luo Dan | CON: Yin xu, prego, only for strong constitution |
Er Chen Tang | CON: L Yin xu cough CAU: wrong use can lead to thirst and dry throat |
Bei Mu Gua Lou San | CON:Yin xu cough |
Zhi Sou San | CON:Yin Xu cough, L heat cough |
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang | CON:vertigo from Liv Yang rize or Blood xu |
Bao he Wan | CON:SP xu |