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S3T3c1 Vocab
Las definiciones de la belleza
Term | Definition |
accesible | accessible |
agradable | nice, pleasant |
alegre | happy, cheerful |
auténtico | authentic |
bello | beautiful, lovely |
bonito | pretty, beautiful |
corpulento | stocky, hefty |
cosmético | cosmetic |
cualquier | any, whichever |
delgado | thin, slim, slender |
dispuesto | ready, willing |
drástico | drastic |
europeo | European |
famoso | famous |
feo | ugly |
físico | physical |
gordo | fat, plump |
guapo | good-looking |
grotesco | hideous |
hermoso | beautiful, lovely |
inverosímil | unlikely |
lindo | beautiful, pretty |
maduro | mature |
memorable | memorable |
mestizo | mixed-race |
mismo | same |
natural | natural |
premiado | awarded |
prohibido | prohibited |
razonable | reasonable |
rico | rich |
superficial | superficial |
único | unique; only |
venezolano | Venezuelan |
alguien | someone |
cada | each, every |
entre | between |
nadie | no one, nobody |
a favor | in favor |
al principio | at first |
en contra | against |
hoy en día | nowadays |
por fin | finally |
tal como | such as |
la apariencia | appearance |
la armonía | harmony |
la autenticidad | authenticity |
la autoestima | self-esteem |
la actitud | attitude |
la belleza | beauty |
la cirugía plástica | plastic surgery |
el concepto | concept |
el concurso | contest |
la confianza | confidence, trust |
la consecuencia | consequence |
la controversia | controversy |
la corona | crown |
la cualidad | characteristic, trait, feature |
el cuerpo | body |
el defecto | defect |
los demás | others |
el deseo | desire, wish |
el envejecimiento | aging |
la época | era, period of time |
el erizo | hedgehog |
el espejo | mirror |
la estética | esthetics (study of art and beauty) |
la estrella | star |
la fábula | fable |
la fama | fame |
la felicidad | happiness |
el fenómeno | phenomenon |
la fuente | source |
el humor | humor, mood |
la intervención | intervention |
el inverosimilitud | unlikeliness |
los jóvenes | teenagers, young people |
el modelo | model |
la moraleja | moral |
el motivo | motive |
la muerte | death |
la naturaleza | nature |
la percepción | perception |
la población | population |
el precio | price |
la preocupación | worry |
la presión | pressure |
la quinceañera | 15th birthday |
la rana | frog |
la reacción | reaction |
la reconstrucción | reconstruction |
el resultado | result |
el riesgo | risk |
la riqueza | wealth |
la semejanza | similarity |
la sociedad | society |
el valor | value |
la vergüenza | shame, embarrassment |
admirar | to admire |
alcanzar | to reach |
aparecer | to appear |
aprender | to learn |
aprobar (o-ue) | to approve |
analizar | to analyze |
atreverse a | to dare to |
cambiar | to change |
cansarse | to get tired |
conseguir (e-i) | to obtain, get |
contribuir | to contribute |
definir | to define |
denunciar | to condemn |
desear | to desire, wish |
determinar | to determine |
eliminar | to eliminate |
empujar | to push |
esforzarse (o-ue) | to make an effort |
establecer | to establish |
favorecer | to favor |
gozar de | to enjoy |
juzgar | to judge |
mejorar | to improve |
mostrar (o-ue) | to show |
motivar | to motivate |
observar | to observe |
ocultar | to hide, conceal |
ofrecer | to offer |
parar | to stop |
parecer | to seem |
peinarse | to brush, style hair |
percibir | to sense, notice |
perdurar | to endure, last |
permitir | to allow |
promover | to promote |
reparar | to fix, repair |
satisfacer | to satisfy |
valer la pena | to be worth it |
verse (+adj) | to look (a certain way) |
vestirse (e-i) | to get dressed |