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La ciudad
Term | Definition |
el banco | bank |
el barrio | neighborhood |
buscar | to look for |
la calle | street |
la camioneta | pickup truck |
la carniceria | butcher shop |
la carretera | highway |
la catedral | cathedral |
el centro | downtown |
el cruce | crosswalk |
cruzar | to cross |
la cuadra | one block |
dejar un paquete | drop off a packet |
despues | after |
doblar | to turn |
luego | then |
la estacion de servicio | gas station |
la estatua | statue |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la ferreteria | hardware store |
la iglesia | church |
la joyeria | jewelry store |
la panaderia | bakery |
la parada de... | the bus/the train stop |
parar | to stop |
pasar | to pass by |
la pasteleria | bakery (pastries) |
el peaton/la peatona | pedestrian |
la pescaderia | fish market |
el pueblito | small town |
seguir derecho | to continue straight |
el semaforo | stoplight |
el templo | temple |
la zapateria | shoe store |
el cajero automatico | the ATM |
el mototaxi | taxi service on a motorcycle |
la mezquita | mosque |
mandar una carta | send a letter by email |