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French Vocab A-F

Slightly higher than beginner french vocabulary

Bagarrer (Se) to fight
Bague (une) A ring
Baguette (une) a wand (and a bread!)
baignoire (une) bathtub
bâiller to yawn
bain (un) bath
baiser kiss
balai (un) a broom
balancoire (une?) a swing
bande (une) bandage, or group
barrière (une) fence
bas / basse low
bâtir to build
bâton (un) stick
bélier (un) a ram
blesser to wound
bloquer to block
bocal (un) jar
bondir to jump
boucle (une) curl, or buckle, or loop
boue (la) mud
bouton (un) a button
brebis (une) ewe (female sheep)
briller to shine
brouette (une) wheelbarrow
brouillard (un) fog
bruyant/bruyante noisy
buisson (un) a bush
Abimer To damage, spoil
Aboyer To bark (like a dog)
Accouper (S') To squat
Aérer To air out
Affreux (euse) Awful, horrible
Agiter To wiggle
Aiguile (une) A needle
Aile (?) A wing
Ailleurs Somewhere else, Elsewhere
Amande Almonde
Amende Ticket
Apercevoir To see (from afar)
Apercevoir (S') To realize
Appartenir To belong to
Apporter To bring
Apprivoiser To tame
Approcher (S') To come near to
Appuyer To lean
Arme (?) Weapon
Arracher To pull up/out
Arriere Back (of something)
Arriere-plan Background
Arrosoir (?) Watering can
Asseoir (S') To sit down
Attacher To tie to
Atteindre To reach to/for
Attendre (S') To expect (not wait)
Atterrir To land
Autant que As many/as much as
Avaler To swallow
Averse (?) A shower (of rain)
Aveugle Blind
Cacher to hide
cahier notebook
caillou (un) pebble
caniveau (un) gutter
capuche (une) a hood
carré square (both noun and adj)
casser to break
cendre (les) ashes
cerf deer
cerf-volant kite
chacun/chacune each (one) / everyone
chagrin sorrow
champ field
chatouiller to tickle
chauve-souris bat
chenille caterpillar
chouette owl
chuchoter to whisper
ciel sky/heaven
circulation traffic
clair/claire light, clear
coccinelle ladybug
cogner to bang against
col (un) a collar (or mountain pass?)
colère anger
colline (une) a hill
compter to count
confondre to mistake for
construire to build
conte tale (story)
coquin / coquine rascal
corbeau crow
corde rope
corne horn
cou neck
coucher (se) to go to bed
coude elbow
coudre to sew
couloir corridor or hallway
cour yard
course (une) race
craquer to creak
creuser to dig
crier to shout
croiser to cross, to pass, to intersect
cueiller to pick (a flower?)
cuillère spoon
cuisse thigh
cygne swan
debout standing (by)
dechirer to tear something up
decouper to cut out
dedans inside
dehors outside
demi/demie a half
depasser to overtake, pass
depecher (se) to hurry, be in a hurry
deranger to bother
dernier/dernière last
deshabiller (se) to undress
désordre a mess
dessous under
dessous (en) below
dessus on
dessus (au-) over/above
detruire to destroy
devant in front of
deviner to guess
dire (+ vouloir) Je veux dire to mean
disparaitre disappear
disputer quarrel, argue
distribuer to deliver
drap sheet
durer to last, endure
éclair lightning
éclater to burst
écraser to crush
effrayer to frighten
égout sewer
élève student
élever to raise
embêtant/e annoying, a bore
embrouiller (s') to mix up
emmener to take someone somewhere
emporter to take (take away)
endormir (s') to fall asleep
endroit place (a place)
énerver to upset, irritate
enfuir (s') to run away
enlever to take of (clothes), remove
ennuyer (s') to be bored
ennuyeux/se boring
ensoleillé/e sunny
entendre to hear (not listen)
envie (+avoir) to want or like something
envoler (s') to fly away
épais/se thick
épaule shoulder
escalier staircase
essuyer to wipe, dry
éteindre to shut off, put out
étonnant amazing
étonné/e amazed
étroit/e narrow
évier the sink
exprès (+faire) on purpose
fâcher (se) to get angry
fesse bottom, bum
ficelle string
fier, fière proud
file queue or line up
filet net
fille girl
fils son
flaque puddle
fleurir to blossom, flower
flotter to float
fond bottom, end (eg. bottom of the pool)
fondre to melt
foule crowd
frapper to hit
front forehead
fusil rifle
Created by: BenjaminEvans
Popular French sets




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