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Wendy 10 cats, unclean, flu-like symptoms w. muscle aches and tender lymph nodes. Symptoms: Toxoplasmosis/Rheumatic fever/Hepatitis Toxoplasmosis
Cupping w. bloodletting is best for which of the following conditions: W-D Bi/ Cough w. asthma/ Acute sprain w. Blood stasis/ GI disorders Acute sprain w. Blood Stasis
Which 2 points work best for migraines that are more temporal and cause intercostal pain and hypochondriac pain: P6, Sp 4/ L 7, K 6/ SJ 5, Gb 41/ Si 3, B 62 Sj 5, G 41
Cupping therapy is cx in which of the following condiotions? Pt w. an acute cough & asthma/ Pt taking Coumadin-susceptible to spontaneous bleeding/ Pt. w. GI symptoms like vomiting, nausea, st upset/ Pt w. dx of Bi syndrome due to W-D Pt taking Coumadin and so susceptible to bleeding
Correct circulation of Qi flow, SI-Ht-UB, Li-Sp-St, Sj-Gb-Lv SJ-Gb-Lv
Long tongue most likely indicates: Qi Xu, Ht Fire, Ht Fire & Ht Phlegm fire, Ht Fire & Ht Phlegm fire,
Sarah has just returned from 2 year stay in S. East Asia. Horrible ab cramping and pain. Lab work indicates that she has both intetianl and amoebic parasite. Immunoglobin Immune response be elevated? Basophils/Eosinophils/Leukocytes Eosinophils
If you recommend your patient eat chicken, what results are you expecting? Nourish Kd/ Builds strong bones/ Aid diarrhea Nourish Kidneys
If your patient's doctor calls the clinic and requests you send over all patient files, proper procedure? Have the pt sign a medical release form first before sending over the files
What is the underlying pathogen that causes Meniere's disease Phlegm/ Cold/ Damp Phlegm
Lucy lost total of 10 lbs i last 2 months, very thirsty, urinate a lot, c/o of unpleasant smell when she breathes, looks skinny and pale, Dx? DI, ALE, DM DM
Paul dx c. HIV 2013, pain in lower R quadrant along c. migraines, loss of taste on half his tongue, 2 reddish boils in front of ear and head itches T: red & swollen w. yellow tc P: Wiry, rapid Dx? Herpes Zoster/Mumps/Migraines/ Herpes Zoster
Pt nervous, HTB dx, chronic constipation, heart weak. T: red P: rapid. TCM nutrition flavor & temp of food to eat? Sweet&warm/ slaty&cold/ butter&Cold/ pungent&hot Bitter&cold
You treated a pt. c. cupping when you remove the cups notice a blister. Next step? Drain the blister/ apply ice/ tx. Abt topical ointment and cover c. gauze Tx. Abt topical ointment and cover c. gauze
J digestive problems, poor appetite & sl ab distention after eating w. desire to lie down curled up in a ball, tired all the time & has lassitude. Pale complex obesity tendency. Feels cold all the time. Limbs are cold&swollen c. edema non-pit Dx? Sp Yang Xu c. Damp
This meridian begins at the m. malleolus travels up medial leg to m. thigh to external genitalia, then ascends to the abdomen & chest to supraclavicular fossa, ascends through the throat, ascends besides the mouth & nose to inner canthus. Yin Motility
Pt taking medication has been dx Vit D & Calcium Xu, medication been taking? Diuretics/ Anticoagulant/ Corticosteroids/ Antidepressants Corticosteroids
Ben goes to the beach for a bonfire in late Oct. Fun night drinking and falls asleep on beach. Fixed back pain T: thick, wc Dx? Damp Bi/ Cold Bi/ Heat Bi Cold Bi
Pt only drinks unpasteurized milk, has chills & diarrhea, clutches her ST from pain, fever that comes & goes for past week, may be Brucellosis. Advise? Tell her to drinks lots of water & send her to MD, report the case to public health department within 2 days.
Which muscle meridian connects all the muscle meridians? Foot Yangming Channel/ Foot Jueyin Channel/ Foot ShaoYang Channel Foot Jueyin Channel
Based on classic texts, pt suffers from aphasia or incoherent speech has an issue w. which of the following channels? Du/Sp/Ht/Kd Heart
General order of invasion of pathogenic factor into our body? Cutaneous-Connecting-Primary-Zang-Fu
Created by: Aculinh
Popular Acupuncture sets




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