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Spanish Step by Step

Irregular Verbs Preterit

andar to walk
estar to be
poder to be able
querer to want
tener to have
caber to fit
hacer to do, to make
poner to set, to put
saber to know a fact, to know how to do something, to find out
venir to come
decir to tell, to say
traer to bring, to wear
producir to produce (film, movie, music composition)
dar to give
ser to be
ir to go
contradecir to contradict
deshacer to undo, to destroy
componer to compose
proponer to propose
contener to contain, to contain oneself
detener to detain
mantener to maintain, to keep
conducir to drive
traducir to translate
atraer to attract
distraer to distract, to be amused
prevenir to prevent, to forestall, to warn
divertirse to have fun
mentir to lie
preferir to prefer
sentirse to feel
sugerir to suggest
corregir to correct
despedirse to say goodbye
pedir to ask
reirse to laugh at (someone)
repetir to repeat
seguir to follow, to continue
servir to serve
sonreír to smile
vestirse to get dressed
dormir to sleep
morir to die
apagar to turn off
buscar to search
comenzar to begin
explicar to explain
llegar to arrive, to get
tocar to play, to touch
ahogarse to drown
cargar to carry, to load
castigar to punish
colgar to hang
entregar to hand in, to deliver
madrugar to get up early
pegar to hit, to glue
tragar to swallow
vagar to wander
acercarse to approach, to move closer
arrancar to pull out, to root out, to start
colocar to put, to place, to locate
destacarse to stick out
justificar to justify
mascar to chew
pescar to fish, to hunt
sacar to take out
suplicar to beg, to plead
alcanzar to reach, to overtake
amenazar to threaten
lanzar to throw, to shoot, to launch
realizar to achieve, to accomplish, to make
rezar to pray
caer to fall, to really like
leer to read
oír to hear
construir to build
destruir to destroy
creer to believe, to think
concluir to conclude, to finish
contribuir to contribute
distribuir to distribute
fluir to flow
huir to flee, to escape, to run away
incluir to include
influir to influence
poseer to possess, to own
no poder to fail
no querer to refuse
tropezarse (con) to bump into, to trip over
conocer to meet
Created by: Nolin
Popular Spanish sets




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