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Vocabulario Unit 3

Se puede practicar los verbos de vocabulario 3

contagiar to infect, to transmit
daƱar to damage
engordar to gain weight
adelgazar to lose weight
aumentar de/perder peso to gain/lose weight
aumentar to increase in size
debilitarse to get weaker
sentirse to feel
hinchar to swell
diagnosticar to diagnose
operar to operate
recuperar to recuperate
vacunar to vaccinate
alimentar to nourish
respirar to breathe
cuidarse to take care of
incluir to include
fortalecer to strengthen
mantener to maintain; support
procurar to make sure
asegurarse to secure; claim
reducir to reduce; to go down
enterarse to inform; to tell; to notify; to advise
estar sin aliento to be out of breath
estornudar to sneeze
digerir to digest
orinar to urinate
vomitar to vomit
sangrar to bleed
abusar to abuse
usar to use
fallecer to pass away
padecer to suffer, endure
drogarse to take drugs
dejar de (+ infinitivo) to give up; to stop
fumar to smoke
arruinarse to ruin ones life
manipular to manipulate
marginar to marginalize
aislar to isolate; to quarantine
intervenir to intervine
oponerse a to resist; to oppose
preocuparse to be concerned about
temblar to fear
ansiar to be anxious
doler to hurt; to ache
limpiar to clean
blanquear to whiten
barrenar to drill
morder to bite
cepillar to brush
enjuagar to rinse
relajarse to relax
inclinarse to lie back
escupir to spit
romper to break
pulir to polish; to file; to perfect
sacar to remove
empastar to fill
aliviar to bring relief; to alleviate
elegir to choose; to select
Created by: suzpiner
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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