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G-N French Vocab

Slightly higher than beginner french vocabulary (G-N)

Gamin Kid
Garder To look after (and to keep)
Gâté,e Spoiled/decaying
Gâter to spoil
Geler to freeze
Gilet cardigan, jumper
Glisser to slide
Goutte a drop (noun)
Gratter to scratch
Grille (la) gate
Grimper to climb
Guérir to get over, to heal
lisse smooth
laid ugly
large wide
langue tongue, language
laisser to leave, to let
lavabo washbasin, sink
lécher to lick
lecture reading (noun)
lendemain next day
lessive washing, laundry
lèvre lip
lutter to fight
habiller (s') to dress
habits clothes
habitude (d') usually
habituer à (s') to get used to
haie hedge
haut (tout) aloud
honte shame
humeur mood
hurler to scream, to yell.
imaginer to think up, imagine
immeuble building
incendie fire
inquiéter (s') to worry
interroger to ask
inutile pointless, useless
joue cheek
jouet toy
jumeau/elle twin
mâcher to chew
maigre skinny
maitre/esse teacher
mal (adv) badly, poorly
mal (avoir, faire) pain, hurt
mal (noun) evil
maladroit/e clumsy
malin clever, smart
manche (UNE) sleeve
manche (UN) handle, stick
Manquer to miss
mare pond
marée tide
mauvais bad, poor
méchant/e mean, naughty
même same, or very?
mentir to lie (to)
menton chin
ménage housework
Mettre to put, to put on, to take time, to start
Mettre (se) to begin
miette crumb
Mieux Better
moitié half
montrer to show, to present
moquer to make fun of
mordre to bite
mouillé/e wet, damp
mûr/e ripe
naitre to be born
nappe tablecloth
nid nest
nourrir to feed
obliger to have to, to force to
occuper to keep busy
orage storm
ordures garbage, rubbish
oreiller pillow
oser to dare
ôter to remove, take off
Paille Straw
Panne (etre en, tomber en) To break down, stop working
pantoufle slippers
pareil, le the same
paresseux/euse Lazy
partout everywhere
pas step, footstep, pace
pays area, region, land, country
peine (avoir de la) to be sad
pelle spade, shovel
pencher to lean, to tilt
peser to weigh, to carry weight
pièce room, or a play, or a coin
pieton/ne pedestrian
piquer to sting
pire the worst
plafond ceiling
plaindre to pity, to feel sorry for
plaindre (se) to complain
pleurer to cry
plusieurs several
poignée handle
porter to carry, to wear
poser to put, to land, to ask
pouce thumb
pourri/e rotten
prêter to lend
protéger to protect
quitter to leave (not stop!)
Created by: BenjaminEvans
Popular French sets




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