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Reading Revision H

Vocabulary to help with the Reading assessment

supplémentaire extra
barbant really boring
secher des cours to skip lessons
dur hard
filière course / route
le choix choice
exigences demandes
enseignants pupils / learners
promouvoir to promote
aucun none / not any / no
pareil same
inoubliable unforgettable
la côte the coast
vers around / towards
bénévole volunteer
un aller-retour a return (ticket)
durer to last
un métier a job
tôt earlly
quelquefois sometimes
il s'agit de ... it's about
le conseil advice
poursuivre to persue
afin de ... in order to ...
l'avenir the future
un couvercle a lid
un casserole a saucepan
bouillir to boil
congeler to freeze
le chaleur heat
nettoyer to clean
nocif harmful
sel salt
rideaux curtains
moins less
depuis since
enfin finally
rever to dream
choses things
éprouver to experience / feel
se retrouver to meet up
chaque each
l'habitude the habit
compter to count
tous everyone
goudronner to tarmac
l'herbe grass
racines roots
quel que soit whatever
côtoyer along side
un coureur a runner
auparavant before
douloureux sore
partout everywhere
le parcour the course
tricher to cheat
selon according to
esprit spirit
quelque some
proche near
le poudre powder
le ciel sky
le paysage countryside
vite quickly
la pluie the rain
éclairer to light up
bouger to move
vibrer to vibrate / tremble
des mois for months
francophones French-speaking
un concours competition
peinture painting
rencontrer to meet
un niveau a level / standard
tels que such as
il pleut it's raining
glacé icy
le vent the wind
la terre the earth
Created by: Mmewinter
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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