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LC/JC) Prefixe 1

Adjectifs/noms/verbes avec le préfixe IN-/IM-

Imbattable unbeatable
Imbuvable undrinkable
Immobile Immobilisé/e immobile
Impoli/e impolite
Impertinent/e impertinent
Imperrissable unperishable
Immature imature
Imparfait/e imperfect
Impatient/e impatient
Impensable unthinkable
Imperceptible imperceptible
Imperméable impermeable
Impossible impossible
Imprécis/e Unclear
Imprenable Impregnable
Imprévisible Unplanned/unpredictable
Imprévu/e Unexpected
Improbable Improbable
Improductif/ive Unproductive
Imprudent Imprudent
Impudique Indecent
Impuissant/e Powerless/helpless
Impur/e Impureté Impure/impurity
Inabordable Unapproachable/inaccessible/unattainable
Inacceptable Unacceptable
Inaccessible Inaccessible/Unattainable
Inactif/ive Inactive
Inadapté/e Inappropriate/unsuitable
Inadéquat/e unsuitable/unfit/inadequate
Inadmissible Unacceptable/Intolerable
Inaltérable Imperishable/stable
Inanimé/e Inanimate
Inapplicable Unenforceable
Inapprivoisé/e Untamable
Inapprochable Unapproachable/Inaccessible
Inapte Unfit/Ill-fitted
Inassouvi/e Unquenched
Inattaquable Unassailable/impregnable
Inattendu/e Unexpected/surprising
Inattentif/ive Inattention Absent minded/inattentive
Inavouable Inavouer Shameful/guilty
Incalculable Uncountable/Incalculable
Incapable Incapable
Incertain/e Uncertain
Incessant/e Unremitting/constant
Inclassable Unclassifiable
Incassable Unbreakable
Incohérent Incoherent/illogical
Incommode Incommoder Uncomfortable
Incompatible Incompatible
Incompétent/e Incompetent
Incomplet/te Incomplete
Incompréhensible Beyond Understanding
Inconcevable Unconceivable
Inconfortable Inconforter Uncomfortable
Inconnu/e Unknown
Inconscient/e - Inconsciemment Inconscience unconscious/reckless
Inconsidérer rash
Inconsistent/e Inconsistent
Incontestable Unquestionable
Incontrolable Out of control
Inconvenant/e Improper/discourteous
Inconvénient/e Inconvenient
Incorrect/e Incorrect
Incorrigible Incorrigible
Incorruptible incorruptible
Incrédule Incredulous/skeptical
Incroyable Incredible/unbelievable
Incurable Incurable
Indécent/e Indecent
Indéchiffrable illegible
Indéfendable Untannable/undefendable
Indéfini/e Indefinite
Indélicat/e Indélicatesse Indelicate/rude
Indéniable undeniable
Indépendant/e Independent
Indescriptible Indescribable
Indésirable Undesirable
Indestructible Indestructible/Unbreakable
Indéterminé/e Indeterminate
Indifférent/e Indifféremment Indifferent
Indigeste Indigestible
Indigne Indignité Unworthy of/undeserving of
Indirect/e Indirect
Indiscernable Indiscernible
Indiscipliné/e Undisciplined
Indiscret/e Indiscrétion Indiscrete
Indiscutable Undiscussable
Indispensable Indispensable/vital/essential
Indisposé/e Indisposed
Indissoluble Indissoluble
Indistinct/e Indistinctement Indistinct/unclear/confused/vague
Indolore Painless
Indomptable Untamable
Ineffacable Indelible/permanent
Inégal/e Inégalité Unequal/different
Inélégant/e Inélégance inelegant
Inépuisable Inépuisé/e Inexhaustible
Inespéré/e Unhoped for
Incommensurable Immeasurable
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Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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