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SAT/GED Vocabulary 1

SAT/ GED Vocabulary Words and Simple Definitions

catalyze to inspire, charge
abase to humiliate, degrade
aberration abnormality
abate to reduce, lessen
abject wretched, pitiful
abridge to shorten
abnegate to self-deny
abrogate to abolish with authority
abstain to refrain from
accede to agree
accessible reachable
accolade high praise
accomodating helpful
accord agreement
accost to confront verbally
acerbic bitter, acidic, biting
acquiesce agree
acrimony bitterness
acumen keen insight
acute sharp
adamant immovable
adept skillful
adhere stick to something
admonish caution or warn
adroit skillful
adulation extreme praise
adumbrate vaguely explain
adverse harmful, unfavorable
advocate argue in favor
aerial air
aesthetic artistic
affable friendly
affluent rich
affinity liking of someone or something
affront to insult
aggrandize to increase
aggregate whole
aggrieved distressed
agile quick, nimble
agnostic don't believe in God
agriculture farming
aisle small passageway
alacrity speed, eagerness
alias false name
allay to soothe, calm
allege assert, say, make a claim
alleviate make more bearable
allocate set aside
aloof emotionally, logically distant
altercation fight
amalgamate bring together
ambivalent having mixed, opposing feelings
ameliorate to improve
amenable willing
amenity comfortable item
amiable friendly
amicable friendly
amorous loving
amorphous shapeless
anachronism out of proper time period
analgesic pain reliever
analogous similar
anarchist anti-government/ law
anathema cursed despicable person
anecdote short funny story
anesthesia substance that causes lost sensation
anguish sadness, torment
animated lively
annex to incorporate a space
annul to void, invalidate
anomaly something out of place, abnormal
anonymous unknown
antagonism hostility
antecedent came before
antediluvian ancient
anthology selected writings, songs, etc.
antipathy strong dislike
antiquated out of date
antiseptic clean, sterile
antithesis absolute opposite
anxiety intense uneasiness
apathetic lacking concern, no emotion
apocryphal fictitious, fake
appalling shocking, disgusting
appease to calm, satisfy
appraise to assess worth
apprehend to arrest, seize
approbation praise
appropriate to take, use
aquatic related to water
arable to grow crops in soil
arbiter dispute settler
arbitrary based on random reasons
arbitration resolving a dispute
arboreal related to trees
arcane obscure, secret
archaic outdated
archetypal best example
ardor lots of vigor, energy
arid very dry
Created by: ccyndimolina
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