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spanish 1A
spanish | English |
rojo | red |
azul | blue |
blanco | white |
negro | black |
armarillo | yellow |
verde | green |
gris | gray |
marron/cafe | brown |
anaranjado | orange |
Rosado | pink |
morado | purple |
dorado | gold |
plateado | silver |
oscuro | dark |
claro | light |
Verde azulado | cyan |
beige | beige |
azul marino | navy blue |
violeta | violet |
granate | maroon |
esta | its |
es | is |
cerca de | near |
lejos de | far from |
por | by |
en | in |
yo | I |
tú | you |
él | he |
ella | she |
usted | you (polite) |
nosotros | we |
ellos/ellas | they |
ustedes | all of you |
tengo | i have |
Mi familia consiste en | my family consist of |
parientes | reliteves |
padre | father |
madre | mother |
padres | parents |
abuelo | grandfather |
abuela | grandmother |
bisabuelo | greatgrandfather |
bisabuela | greatgrandmother |
hermano | brother |
hermana | sister |
primo/prima | cosuin |
tio | uncle |
tia | aunt |
Tío abuelo | great uncle |
Tío abuela | great aunt |
sobrina | neice |
sobrino | nephew |
nino | baby |
apellido | last name |
llama | name |
su | his/her |
vive en | he/she lives in |
es mi | its my |
¿Quién es la persona? | Who is the person? |
Esposo(a)/Marido(a) | husband/wife |
hijo/hija | child |
niño/niña | baby |
Nieto(a) | grand child |
Padrastro | stepfather |
Madrastra | stepmother |
Hermanastro | step brother |
Hermanastra | step sister |
Novio(a) | boyfriend/girlfriend |
unos | some |
soy | i am |
mi | my |
alto | tall |
bajo | short |
furete | strong |
débil | weak |
delgado | thin |
flaco | skinny |
gordo | heavy/fat |
atlético | athletic |
enérgco | energetic |
mediano | average |
lindo/guapo | good looking |
feo | ugly |
joven | young |
mayor | older (old) |
veigo | old |
carinoso | caring |
tacaño | mean |
simpático | kind |
gracioco | funny |
timido | shy |
aburrido | boring |
intresante | intreasting |
quiteo | calm |
casado | married |
saltero | single |
divorciado | divorced |
estricto | strict |
divertido | fun |
Apasionado | passinate |
egoista | selfish |
trabajdor | hard working |
Conversador/hablado | talkitive |
extrano | strange/weird |
Pesado/molesto | annoying |
Valiente | Valiente |
Complicado | complicated |
terco | stubburn |
(des)organizado | (dis)organized |
culto | educated |
el es | he is |
ella | she |
ser | to be |
limpiar | clean |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
Pasear a mi mascota | to walk my pet |
sacar la basura | take out the garbage |
compleatar teara | to complete HW |
Los dormitorios | the bedrooms |
cocina | kicthen |
baño | bathroom |
comedor | dining room |
sótano | basement |
cuarto de lavado | laundry room |
jardín | garden/backyard |
entrada | entrance/ garage |
pasillo | hallway |
tocino | bacon |
desayuno | breakfest |
avena | oatmeal |
huevo | egg |
queso | cheese |
panqueques | pankackes |
tortilla de huevos | omelet |
tomar | drink |
jugo | juice |
leche | milk |
agua | water |
café | coffee |
té | tea |
Ceuuelto | scrambled |
frijoles | beans |
yogur | yogurt |
salsa | sauce |
miel | honey |
queso crema | cream cheese |
sal | salt |
pimienta | pepper |
salsa de tomate | ketchup |
canela | cinnamon |
azucar | sugar |
cacahuate | peanut |
creama | cream |
vainilla | vanilla |
con | with |
mermalada` | jam |
Querer | i want |
Almorzar | to have lunch |
papas | potatoes |
Fritas | fries |
Purés | mashed |
hamburguesa | hamburger |
panecillo | bun |
lechuga | lettuce |
tomate | tomato |
cebolla | onion |
mostaza | `mustard |
mayonesa | mayo |
carne | mean |
jamon | ham |
pavo | turkey |
maiz | corn |
cerdo | pork |
pollo | chicken |
cordeo | lamb |
bistec | steak |
asado | roasted |
rellano | stuffed |
yema | egg yolk |
Brócoli | broccoli |
apio | cellery |
ajo | garlic |
champion | mushroom |
calabaza | pumpkin |
espinaca | spinach |
(las) habas verdes | string beans |
(la) batata | sweet potato |
(el) calabacín | zucchini |
(la) col | cabbage |
(el) espárrago | asparagus |
(la) berenjena | eggplant |
(la) zanahoria | carrot |
La langosta | lobster |
El pescado | fish (food) |
almeja | clam |
El atún | tuna |
El cangrejo | crab |
el mejillón | mussel |
el calamar | squid |
el bacalao | cod |
el camarón/la gamba | shrimp |
salmón | salmon |
El mero | bass |
El tiburón | shark |
La platija | flounder |
cerezas | cherries |
(Las) uvas | grapes |
(Los) limones | lemons |
(Las) limas | limes |
(Las) piñas | pineapples |
(Los) duraznos | peaches |
(Las) fresas | strawberries |
(Las) sandías | watermelons |
(Los) cocos | coconuts |
(Las) frambuesas | raspberries |
(el) aguacate | avocado |
(el) pomelo | grapefruit |
(la) ciruela | plum |
(el) pepino | cucumber |
(el) rábano | radish |
(el) garbanzo | chickpea |
La langosta | lobster |
El pescado | fish (food) |
La almeja | clam |
El atún | tuna |
El cangrejo | crab |
el mejillón | mussel |
el calamar | squid |
el bacalao | cod |
el camarón/la gamba | shrimp |
El sálmon | salmon |
El mero | bass |
El tiburón | shark |
La platija | flounder |
El pastel | Pastry |
el dulce | candy |
El bizcocho | cake |
El batido | shake |
La crema | cream |
El pudin | pudding |
El pay/ la tarta | pie |
La galleta | cookie |
El Helado | Ice cream |
El chocolate | chocolate |
La vanilla | vanilla |
La cobertura | topping |
El sabor | flavor |
Las chispas | sprinkles |
¿Cómo es la comida? | How is the food? |
La comida es _____ | The food is |
Agradable | Pleasing |
Aterrador | Appalling |
Caliente | Hot |
Decente | Descent |
Digestible | Digestible |
Podrido | Rotten |
Enorme | Enormous |
Fabuloso | Fabulous |
Fantástico | Fantastic |
Crudo | rare |
Medio/al punto | medium |
Bien hecho | well-done |
huele (a) | it smells (like) |
Me repugna ___ | ___ is disgusting (dislike) |
Fuerte y picante | tangy |
Saludable/ sano | healthy |
Grasiento | greasy |
Congelado | frozen |
Cocido | cooked |
Picante | spicy |
Sabroso | tasty |
Insípido | tasteless |
Salado | salty |
Sabroso | tasty |
Insípido | tasteless |
Salado | salty |
Soso | bland |
Campero | free-range |
De grano entero | whole grain |
Quemado | burned |
Puedes | you can |
Hornear | to bake |
Batir | to beat |
Cortar | to cut/ chop |
Trocear | to cut up |
Llenar | to fill |
Rellenar | to stufff |
Freír | to fry |
Fríe | fry |
Derretir | to melt/thaw |
Guisar | to stew |
Hervir | to boil |
Machacar | to crush/to mash |
cocina | cook |
Mezclar | to mix/ blend |
Pelar | to peel |
Remover | to stir |
Quitar | remove |
Salar | to add salt |
Sazonar | to season |
Helar | to freeze |
Untar | to spread |
Nevar | to froth/ to snow |
Picar | to chop |
Poner en capas | to layer |
Fundir | to melt |
Tostar | to toast |
Revuelve | scramble |
Vaciar | to empty |
Glasear | to glaze |
Enjuagar | to rinse |
Verter | to pour |
Empanizar | to bread |
Meter | to put/dip |
Colocar | to put/ place |
Agitar | to shake |
Amasar | to knead |
Asar | to roast |
Refrigerar | to chill |
Llenar | to fill |
Combinar | to combine |
ahumar | to smoke |
Sólo Como __ | I only eat |
Estoy satisfecho | I’m full |
para llevar | to go/take out |
¿Cuánto vale(cuesta)? | How much is it/it cost? |
¿Cuánto le debo? | How much do I owe you? |
¿Acepta tarjetas de crédito? | Do you take credit cards? |
Efectivo | cash |
dinero | money |
He acabado | I am finished |
dejar propina | to leave a tip |
(no) me cae bien | i (don’t) like |
cambio | change |
Dejar | leave |
un abogado | Lawyer |
un detectivo | Detective |
un arquitecto | Architect |
un ingeniero | Engineer |
un mecánico | Mechanic |
una policía | Policeman |
un bombero | Fireman |
un barbero | Barber |
un programador | Programmer |
una periodista | Journalist |
Una enfermera | Nurse |
una secretaria | Secretary |
un vendedor | Salesman |
un contable | Accountant |
Diseño de juego | game design |
Más | more |
Menos | less |
Un farmacéutico | pharmacist |
Un músico | musician |
Un fotógrafo | photographer |
Un psicólogo | psychologist |
Un trabajador social | social worker |
Un consejero | counselor |
Un bibliotecario | librarian |
Un cartero | mailman |
Un político | politician |
Un científico | scientist |
Un piloto | pilot |
Un director | principal |
Un agricultor | farmer |
Un dentista | dentist |
Un peluquero | haircutter |
Un veterinario | vet |
Un autor | author |
Un químico | chemist |
Un basurero | garbage man |
Un doctor | doctor |
Un cirujano | surgeon |
Un empresario | entrepreneur |
Un cocinero | cook |
el bingo | bingo |