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French GCSE Eduqas

Personal skills vocab list

actif / active active
agaçant /e annoying , irritating
serviable helpful
aimable pleasant, friendly
amiable amicable, friendly
amusant/e amusing, funny, cheerful
apparaître to appear
aider to help
arrogant/e arrogant, conceited
astucieux / astucieuse crafty , cunning (astute)
beau / belle beautiful , handsome
bien portant in good health , robust
bilingue bilingual
bouclé curly
brun, marron brown
calme calm, cool
célèbre famous
chaleureux / chaleureuse warm
clair light, bright, clear
la compétence skill
confiant /e confident
connu/e (well) known
content /e happy. cheerful
doué/e gifted, talented
drôle humourous, funny
dynamique energetic/lively
embêtant annoying, irritating
en colère angry, in a temper
ennuyeux / ennuyeuse boring
énervant/e annoying
envieux /envieuse envious (jealous)
être de bonne humeur to be in a good mood
étroit d'esprit narrow minded
fâché/e angry
faible weak
feminine feminine, female
fier / fière proud
fort/e loud. strong.
fort/e en good at
grand /e tall, big
gros /grosse fat, thick
heureux / heureuse happy, delighted
idiot/e daft, silly
insolent /e cheeky, insolent
intelligent/e intelligent
joli/e pretty
joyeux/ joyeuse merry, happy
laid/e not good looking
maigre , mince slim
masculin masculine, male
mauvais/e bad
être de mauvaise humeur to be in a bad mood
mignon /mignonne sweet , cute
modeste modest (not a show off)
moyen / moyenne medium-sized, average
né/e born
nerveux/ nerveuse nervous
noir/e dark
ouvert d'esprit open minded
paresseux / paresseuse lazy
personnalité personality
petit/e small
ponctuel/ ponctuelle punctual , on time
populaire popular
propre clean
rapide fast , quick
respectable respectable
rond /e round
s'appeler = il/elle s'appelle ... to be called = he/she is called ...
sensible sensitive
sérieux / sérieuse serious
serviable helpful
stupide stupid. annoying
sympa nice
sympathique understanding, sympathetic
tendu/e tense
timide shy
tranquille, calme quiet, calm
triste sad
vieux / vieille old
vite fast. quick(ly)
la voix voice
la vaisselle dishes
faire la vaisselle to do the dishes
Created by: srudda
Popular French sets




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