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LC Capítulo 2
Term | Definition |
el golfo de México | Golf of Mexico |
deslizarse | to slip, to glide |
infundado | unfounded, groundless |
la costa | coast |
en torno a | about, around |
el cabo | Corporal |
pálido | pale |
desencajado | contorted |
el mareo | dizziness; seasickness |
un novato | rookie |
prestar la guardia | keep watch |
la popa | stern (boat) |
el dormitorio | dormitory |
la vomitona | the vomiting |
el Caribe | Caribbean |
frente a | facing |
los torpedos | torpedos |
aficionarse a | to become fond of |
el reloj | watch |
un presentimiento | feeling, premonition |
un cascarón | shell |
manifestar | to demonstrate |
la nave | |
a babor | port side (left) |
un oleaje | a swell (storm) |
la navegación | navigation |
perezoso | lazy |
arrastrar | to drag, pull |
cada vez peor | worse and worse |
descompuesto | not working; out of order |
desvelado | wide awake |
conciliar el sueño | to get to sleep |
los altoparlantes | loudspeakers |
escorar | list (lean towards) |
a estribor | starboard (right) |
silbar | to whistle |
el personal | personnel, staff |
empapado | soaked |
tiritando | shivering |
agarrar | to grab |
el agotamiento | exhaustion |
colocar | to put, place |
en tierra firme | dry land |
la ausencia | absence |
relevar a alguien | to relieve sb |
la brisa | breeze |
arreciar | to get worse |
las olas | waves |
una salvavidas | life jacket |
los auriculares | headphones |
estallar | to explode |
asegurado, asegurada | insured |
la bahía | bay |
recobrar | to recover |
qué vaina | What a pain! |
cortar cabos | cut the ends/ ropes |
las amarras | ties |
el zafarrancho de aligeramiento | |
la carpa | tent |
los altavoces | speakers |
reposado | calm |
calmadamente | calmly |
desorbitado | out of proportion, pop-eyed |
sobresalir | to stand out |
salir a flote | to stay afloat |
asfixiarse | to suffocate |
chorrear | to drip, to gush |
un submarino | submarine |