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LC Capítulo 3

ahogarse to drown
sostenerse a flote to stay afloat
hundirse sink
en torno a around
una caja de mercancía a box of merchandise
cargar to load
batido por beaten by
aferrarse to cling to
atolondrado scatterbrained
flotante floating
la superficie surface
cortante sharp
silbido whistling
el contramaestre boatswain
agarrarse to grab
la orientación orientation
el auxilio help, assistance
tranquilizarse to calm oneself down
la balsa boat
siete metros de distancia seven metres away
inesperadamente unexpectedly, suddenly
la cresta de la ola the crest of the wave
alcanzar to reach
vacilar to hesitate
correr el risego to run the risk
procurar to strive to
bruscamente abruptly
una tentativa an attempt
jadear to pant, gasp
azotado lashed, whipped
incorporarse to get up
ocurrir to occur, happen
remar to row
rema para este lado row this way
los remos oars
el mar encabritado riled up sea
el mástil mast
perder de vista a alguien to lose sight of someone
fatigarse to wear out
desesperarse to become exasperated
un aullido de perro dogs howl
los botes boats
acaso + subj perhaps
atontado stunned
resignarse to resign oneself
abrasadora burning
arder to burn
de dril denim
grueso heavy
hondo deep
Created by: SrtaWilmot
Popular Spanish sets




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