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LC Capítulo 4

se calmó la brisa the breeze calmed down
un punto de referencia reference point
avanzar to advance, move forward
moverse en línea recta to move in a straight line
una velocidad speed
imprimir to imprint, to impress, to print
telegrafiar to telegraph, to cable
un helicóptero helicopter
escrutar to scrutinize, examine
el horizonte horizon
abrasarse to burn
el rostro face
la borda rail, railing, gunwale (part of a boat)
aullar to howl
con claridad clearly
los acantilados cliffs
enloquecer to go crazy
el ánimo spirit; mood
por mucho que no matter how much, however much
despegar to take off (plane)
en el ocaso at sunset
desviar la vista to look away
atreverse a hacer algo to dare to do something
pestañear to blink
oscurecer to get dark
rebelde unruly
percibir to perceive, to notice
los motores motors, engines
una señal sign, signal
inmediatamente immediately
derrumbarse to collapse
sumergido en submerged in
las tinieblas darkness
sordamente muted, muffled
poblado de full of
el cuadrante de mi reloj quadrant (thing on a watch)
amanecer to dawn
desesperadamente desperately
incluso even, including
colgar como una canasta to hang like a basket
la red net
el piso floor
un banco bench, bank
sin esperanza without hope
misteriosamente mysteriously
la Osa Menor Little Dipper
una maraña tangled mess
estar pendiente de algo to keep an eye on something
preso de overwhelmed by
la angustia anguish
resplandeciente radiant
incrustado encrusted
penetrar hasta los huesos to penetrate to the bone
liso straight, smooth
dorado golden
una torcedura twist (in the stomach)
a medida que at the same time as
el resplandor brightness
una emoción desbordada an overwhelming excitement
Created by: SrtaWilmot
Popular Spanish sets




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