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Capítulo 8

acercarse a to get closer to
derrumbarse to collapse
al borde de at the edge of, on the verge of
afianzarse to fasten, secure
abrasar burn, set on fire
sedante soothing/sedative
tenue light, faint
con suavidad gently, smoothly
las quemaduras sunburn
escoltar to escort, to accompany
un acuario aquarium
arribar a to arrive at
extraviarse to get lost, to go astray
agudizar to sharpen
subsistir to survive
la embarcación boat
a puñados by the handful
momentáneamente momentarily
revuelto stirred, scrambled
capturar un pez to catch a fish
plateado Silver
desgarrarse to tear, rip
dar muestras de to show signs of
un delfín dolphin
atemorizado frightened
un coletazo swish or flick of the tail
tambalear to wobble, stagger
hundirse to sink
el resplandor brightness
estallar contra to crash into
sobresalir to stand out
de longitud (f) in length (long)
dar la vuelta to turn around
tremendamente tremendously
la lucidez lucidity, clarity
las fauces jaws
tabalearse to stagger
sacudirse to shake off
errar to err, to wander, to roam, to miss
la mandíbula jaw
pavoroso frightening
despresar to cut up, to carve
apaciblemente peacefully
las escamas scales
adherir a to adhere to
los venenos poisons
las agallas gills
las tripas guts
una hembra female animal
desabrido tasteless
viscoso slimy
la certidumbre certainty
distraídamente absentmindedly
la embestida charge, onslaught
Created by: SrtaWilmot
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