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LC Capíutlo 12

LC Capítulo 12

la copa (de un árbol) tree top
nadador swimmer
a medida que as, while
calentar to warm up
torturar torture, torment
estimular to encourage, stimulate
la vegetación vegetation
pisar to step on
sostenerse to remain standing
la medalla medal, medallion
desmayarse to faint, pass out
el agotamiento exhaustion
arrastrarse to crawl
las yemas de los dedos fingertips
retroceder to go backwards
acerado sharp, cutting
asaltar to attack, assault
movedizo loose
desmedido disproportionate
los padecimientos sufferings (e.g. illness, complaints)
atropelladamente quickly
las huellas footprints, tracks
remoto remote
el murmullo the murmur
infundir To infuse, instill
el paraje place, spot
brutal brutal, savage, amazing
despedazado torn apart
desmedidamente excessively
tibia warm, tepid
Me puse a (+ infinitive) I started to...
recostarse to lie down
un tronco trunk
gutural guttural, throaty
áspero rough
la corteza bark (of a tree)
arrojar to throw
rebotar to bounce
tumbar to knock down
en guardia en guarde
claramente clearly
el tintineo tinkling
descifrar to decipher
polvoriento dusty
las pantuflas slippers
de cuero leather
angustiado anxious, worried
escuálido skinny, scrawny
un canasto basket
una carabina rifle
la cola tail, line (of people)
recto straight
olfatear to sniff
en seguida right away
pegar un tiro a alguien to shoot someone
lamer to lick
esquivar to avoid, dodge
atormentarse to torment oneself
inmutarse to get worked up
marinero de guerra war marine / marine (the navy)
suplicante pleading
reanudar to resume, renew
Created by: SrtaWilmot
Popular Spanish sets




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