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LFBP Lesson 48

Lesson 48 from "Learn French By Podcast"

appeler to call
automatiquement automatically
bagages luggage
carte bleue credit card
ce, cette this
ceci this (one)
chèque cheque
client customer
cour yard
déjeuner lunch
petit déjeuner breakfast
dernier last, final
descendre to go down: je descends, tu descends, il/elle descend, nous descendons, vous descendez, ils/elles descendent, avoir descendu
désirer to desire
dire to say: je dis, tu dis, il/elle dit, nous disons, vous disez, ils/elles disent, avoir dit
disposition, à available
donner, ~ sur to overlook
également also, too
entre enter
fente slot
glisser to slide
heure, à quelle heure at what time
inclus included
indiquer to indicate
jardin garden
libre, de free
liquide, en by cash
lumière light
monter to go up
neuf nine
non-inclus not included
nuit night, evening
occasion opportunity
oublier to forget
ouvert open
palier landing
parfait perfect
parler to speak
passe pass
payer to pay
petit small
porte door
pour for
prendre to take: je prends, tu prends, il/elle prends, nous prenons, vous prenez, ils/elles prennent, avoir pris
à la prochaine until next time
proviseur principal
refermer, se to close again
réveiller to wake: je réveille, tu réveilles, il/elle réveille, nous réveillons, vous réveillez, ils/elles réveillent, avoir réveillé
réviser to revise
route road
signer to sign
soirée evening
sortir to go out
suite, en in a suite
tout de suite right away
sur on
taper to type: je tape, tu tapes, il/elle tape, nous tapons, vous tapez, ils/elles tapent, avoir tapé
temps time
toilettes toilets
vite, aussi que as soon as possible
vue view
Created by: shernden
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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