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Spanish AP Vocab 7


el desfile parade
desgarrar to tear, rip, pull (muscle)
deshacer to unravel, break apart, dissolve, undo
deslizarse to slip, slide
desmayarse to faint
desnudarse to get undressed
despacio slowly
despedir to dismiss, fire, say goodbye to
el despegue take off (airplane)
desperdiciar to waste
despreocupado carefree, easygoing
destacado outstanding, distinguished, prominent
destacar to emphasize, highlight
la deuda debt
devorar to devour
dibujar to draw, sketch
el dibujo drawing
dicho de otra manera in other words
¡diga! hello? (answering the phone)
discutidor argumentative
diseñar to design
disfrutar to enjoy, enjoy oneself
disgustar to upset
disminuir to decrease, diminish
doblar to bend, fold, turn
la docena dozen
doler to hurt
doloroso painful
dominar to master, have command of
dudoso doubtful, dubious
durar to last, go on for
echar to throw, put in, add, emit
echar a to start to [do something]
echar a perder to ruin, spoil
echar abajo to demolish, overthrow
echar de menos to miss (a person)
echar la culpa to blame
echarse una siesta to take a nap
educado polite, well-mannered, educated
el efectivo cash
efectuar to bring about, carry out
eficaz effective, efficient
el ejército army
el que dirán public opinion
elegir to choose, elect
emborracharse to get drunk
emocionante exciting
emocionarse to get excited
empeorar to worsen
emplear to use, employ
Created by: ball_dean
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