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Español 3 - Unidad 1

Vocabluario (español al inglés)

el adolescente adolescent
el apellido last name
el/la bebé baby
el bisabuelo/la bisabuela great grandfather / great grandmother
el biznieto/la biznieta great grandson / great granddaughter
el cuñado/la cuñada brother-in-law / sister-in-law
el esposa / la esposa husband / wife
el hermanastro/la hermanastra stepbrother / stepsister
la madrastra/el padrastro stepmother / stepfather
la madrina/el padrino godmother / godfather
el nieto/la nieta grandson / granddaughter
el novio/la novia boyfriend / girlfriend
la nuera/el yerno daughter-in-law / son-in-law
el pariente relative
el sobrino/la sobrina nephew / niece
el suegro/la suegra father-in-law / mother-in-law
el vecino/la vecina neighbor
el voluntario /la voluntaria volunteer
la amistad frienship
el bienestar wellbeing
el compromiso commitment / obligation
la comunidad community
la conducta behavior
la honestidad honesty
La identidad identity
el respeto respect
la responsabilidad responsibility
la sociedad society
la tolerancia tolerance
abierto/a open
agradable friendly
desagradable unfriendly
atrevido/a adventurous
capaz capable
comprensivo/a understanding
considerado/a respectful
dedicado/a dedicate
exigente demanding
fiel loyal
infiel disloyal
generoso/a generous
juguetón / juguetona playful
orgulloso/a proud
paciente patient
impaciente impatient
modesto/a modest
presumido/a arrogant
razonable reasonable
sincero/a honest
tímido/a shy
único/a unique
vanidoso/a vain
colaborar to collaborate
contribuir to contribute
desarrollar to develop
entrevistar to interview
investigar to investigate
reciclar to recycle
representar to represent
solicitar to ask for
traducir to translate
aburrirse to get bored
costar to cost (literally or figuratively)
divertirse to have fun
entusiasmar to excite
fascinar to interest
fastidiar to bother
pasarlo bien to have a good time
comportarse bien/mal to behave (well/poorly)
construir to build
disfrazarse to dress up in a disguise
la guardería preschool
el escondite hiding place
la pillapilla tag (the game)
los juguetes toys
la plastilina playdoh
cómics comics
saltar a la comba/ la cuerda to jump rope
devoralibros bookworm
los columpios swings
los toboganes slides (at a park)
trepar to climb
volar to fly
a consecuencia de because of
además also
a pesar de even though
básicamente basically
casi almost
curiosamente curiously
darse cuenta (de) to realize (something)
en realidad really
entonces then
idealizar to idealize
jamás never
para empezar to begin with
por lo tanto because of
por supuesto of course
por último finally
sobre todo Above all
tener lugar to take place
Created by: sacklaur
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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