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med administration 3

Pharm - administering medications ch3

Five rights drug, dose, patient, route, time
principles of accurate drug administration rights, drug info, interpret order accurately, read labels, minimize abbreviations, calculate doses, measure, correct procedures/techniques for routes, seek info condition related to administration, id, omit/delay dose if indicated, kids - volume, sites
Legal responsibilities in drug administration responsible for safe/accurate administration. expected to know drug and question erroneous orders. still responsible if dr. wrong. also if delegate out. monitor pt. responses teach safe/effective self-administration.
medication errors common errors - incorrect dose, not giving drug, giving unordered drug. can occur from prescribing, transcribing, dispensing and administration.
unit dose system drugs dispensed in single dose containers for ind'l pts. drug orders checked by pharmacist, places indicated number of doses in pt. med drawer at scheduled intervals.
computerized provider order entry (cpoe) prescriber types medication order into computer. dec. errors assoc. w/ illegible handwriting and erroneous transcription/dispensing.
bar coding and drugs 2004 fda req. manufacturers to put bar codes on Rx meds and non Rx meds used in hospitals. id bands/meds/nurse have bar codes and automatic mar recording - 20 yrs to implement in hospitals.
medication reconciliation process designed to dec. errors such as omissions, duplications, dosing errors, drug interactions that occur when pt admitted to agency, transferred. involves accurate med history (Rx, OTC, herbs), list given to pt and next health care provider.
medication orders need full name of patient, drug, dose, route, frequency of administration, date, time and signature of prescriber
SL sublingual
cc cubic centimeter
ad lib as desired
drug preparations and dosage forms vary according to drug's chemical characteristics, reason for use, route of administration.
dosage forms of systemic drugs liquids, tablets, capsules, suppositories and transdermal and pump delivery systems.
systemic liquids are given via orally (PO = per os "by mouth") or by injection (sterile)
tablets/capsules given. po
enteric-coated tablets/capsules coated w/ substance that is insoluble in stomach acid. avoids gastric irritation or keeps drug from being destroyed in acid.
CR, SR, XL usually indicate controlled-release oral tablets and capsules
topically applied meds include solutions, ointments, creams, suppositories.
Created by: FSclafani
Popular Pharmacology sets




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