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Leading SAFe UD Cert

Certification Questions from Udemy's Practice Tests

Which three attributes summarize DevOps? A mindset, a culture, and a set of technical practices.
What are the three pillars of Scrum? Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation
Cadence and what other action are the key constructs to delivering continuous value? Cadence and synchronization are critical concepts that help us manage the inherent variability of our work.
What is the recommended duration of a SAFe Iteration? 2 Weeks
What are two critical areas that differentiate Agile from waterfall development? enable faster feedback and deliver incremental value
What is one example of a servant leader behavior pattern? Understands and empathizes with others.
An effective SAFe Scrum Master helps the team improve on their journey towards technical excellence through Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and what else? Work in Progress Limits (WIP Limits)
What Does PI Planning Stand for? Program Increment (PI) Planning is a cadence-based, face-to-face event that serves as the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train (ART), aligning all the teams on the ART to a shared mission and Vision.
During PI Planning, which tasks are part of the Scrum Master's role in the first team breakout? Coordinates with other teams & identify risks and dependencies for the Management Review
Who is responsible for prioritizing the Iteration Backlog? Product Owner
What is this statement describing? "Agile Teams continuously adapt to new circumstances and enhance the methods of value delivery." Continuous Delivery
True or False: Scrum is an ideal method for static design requirements? False
True or False: Scrum is a Lean Systems Engineering Technique? False
True or False: Scrum is based on empirical process control theory? True
True or False: Scrum is a software technical practice? False
What is the main reason why some teams never reach stage 4 (Performing) in the stages of high performing teams? Teams fail to reach the highest performance stage because of lack in one or more of the 4 C's: Commitment, Cooperation, Communication, and Contribution. The main reason is that no one guides them.
An Agile Release Train usually contains how many people? 50-125
The sixth SAFe Lean-Agile principle advises to visualize and limit what? WIP (Work in progress)
What Does CALMR Approach Stand for? Culture, Automation, Lean flow, Measurement of flow, Recovery.
Who accepts the user stories? Product Owner (The Agile team creates and refines the user stories and acceptance criteria and the Product Owner accepts the stories. The ScrumMaster facilitates the process.)
WSJF stands for.......? WSJF is a prioritization method, and it stands for Weighted Shortest Job First.
While SAFe advocates for de-centralized decision-making, some decisions can be centralized. Which are the common characteristics of these decisions? Infrequent and long-lasting decisions can be taken from senior management. The decentralized decision-making aims to increase flow where more frequent decisions are required and quick resolution is key to not turn into a bottleneck for flow.
Which of the following is a fictional character created to represent a user type that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way? Persona
What does the Continuous Delivery Pipeline enable? (4 elements) The Continuous Delivery Pipeline has 4 elements: Continuous Exploration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment and Release on Demand.
To lead a successful change, it is key to.......? Before starting the change, develop a vision and communicate it to get buy-in and explain the reasons for the change. Starting the change before developing the vision is wrong. Empower Employees, create short-term wins, anchor new approaches in culture.
According to the Agile Manifesto, the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is _________________? face 2 face conversations
True or False: Design Thinking goes beyond the traditional focus on the features and functions of a proposed product and emphasizes understanding the problem to be solved. True. Design Thinking goes beyond the traditional focus on the features and functions of a proposed product and emphasizes understanding the problem to be solved.
Lean Portfolio Management aligns ___________ and __________ by applying Lean and systems thinking approaches to strategy and investment funding, Agile portfolio operations, and governance. strategy and execution
How many are the pillars of the SAFe House of Lean? (can u name them?) The SAFe House of Lean has Lean-Agile Leadership at the base, Value at the top and 4 pillars which are Respect for people and culture, Flow, Innovation and Relentless Improvement.
Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of the value of the business solutions created and maintained by the portfolio value streams? Customers. SAFe is customer-centric and the ultimate beneficiaries of the delivered value are the customers
Agile teams must contain all the skills required to deliver the increment – this is an example of what? Cross-functionality. The agile teams are cross-functional teams which means that they possess all the skills needed to deliver within the team.
True or False. Features can be stored in the Team backlog? False. Features can only be stored in the Program backlog.
Enterprises must balance their execution focus with a ________________ focus. Customer. SAFe emphasizes customer centricity, putting the customer at the centre of business agility.
True or False: Customer-Centric Teams focus on the customer? True
True or False: Customer-Centric Teams think and feel like the customer? True
True or False: Customer-Centric Teams see to understand the customer? True
The PI Planning event usually spans over______? 2 days. PI Planning is usually 2 days long.
True or False: Capabilities are part of the Portfolio backlog? False. Capabilities are part of the Solution Backlog. Epics are part of Portfolio Backlog, Features of Program backlog and User Stories of Team Backlog.
True or False: Epics are part of the Solution backlog? False. Capabilities are part of the Solution Backlog. Epics are part of Portfolio Backlog, Features of Program backlog and User Stories of Team Backlog.
True or False: Features are part of the Program backlog? True. Capabilities are part of the Solution Backlog. Epics are part of Portfolio Backlog, Features of Program backlog and User Stories of Team Backlog.
True or False: Features are part of the Team backlog? False. User Stories are part of the Team Backlog. Capabilities are part of the Solution Backlog. Epics are part of Portfolio Backlog, Features of Program backlog and User Stories of Team Backlog.
What is a customer-centric development process that creates desirable products that are profitable and sustainable over their lifecycle? Design Thinking. a customer-centric development process that creates desirable products that are profitable and sustainable over their lifecycle. it emphasizes understanding the problem to be solved.
What component of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline focuses on creating alignment on what needs to be built? Continuous Exploration focuses on creating alignment
How many core SAFe values are there? 4 core SAFe values: Program Execution, Alignment, Built-In Quality and Transparency.
Name the core SAFe values? 4 core SAFe values: Program Execution, Alignment, Built-In Quality and Transparency.
When implementing test automation, it is not important to keep test data for automated tests under version control. False. Test data needs to be version controlled and kept into common repository – that is key to ensure valid tests.
What is the portfolio Kanban? A method to visualize and manage the flow of portfolio Epics, from ideation through analysis, implementation, and completion.
True or False: is "In-Test" a phase on the Portfolio Kanban? False. The Portfolio Kanban typically does not have a Test Kanban state as this is captured in lower level Kanabans
The second SAFe Lean-Agile principle advises to apply what type of thinking? Systems Thinking
True or False: DevOps is a set of tools that enable communication, automation and integration among Development and Operations? DevOps is a mindset.
A _____________ validates that the stories in the backlog support the steps needed by the user to accomplish their objective. Story Map. Features that represent a workflow are captured through story maps, which organize a sequence of stories according to the tasks a user needs to accomplish their goal.
How often does the Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration occur? Once Every PI
What includes existing code, hardware components, branding guidelines and enables near-term business Features? Architectural Runway. ...includes existing code, hardware components, branding guidelines and enables near-term business Features.
Which core Business Agility Competency describes the critical skills and Lean-Agile principles and practices that high-performing Agile teams and Teams of Agile teams used to create high-quality solutions for their customers? The Team and Technical Agility. The Lean-Agile Leadership core competency of Business Agility encompasses the Lean-Agile practices which enhance agility.
True or False: Is Timeboxing considered an Agile practice? True. The Ever-Expanding Agile and Lean Software Terminology: Technical Debt, Test Driven Development, Ten minute build, Theme, Tracer bullet, Task Board, Theory of Constraints, Throughput, Timeboxing, Testing Pyramid, Three-Sixty Review
True or False: Is Test Driven Development considered an Agile practice? True. The Ever-Expanding Agile and Lean Software Terminology: Technical Debt, Test Driven Development, Ten minute build, Theme, Tracer bullet, Task Board, Theory of Constraints, Throughput, Timeboxing, Testing Pyramid, Three-Sixty Review
True or False: Is Building GANTT Charts considered an Agile practice? False. The Ever-Expanding Agile and Lean Software Terminology: Technical Debt, Test Driven Development, Ten minute build, Theme, Tracer bullet, Task Board, Theory of Constraints, Throughput, Timeboxing, Testing Pyramid, Three-Sixty Review
True or False: Is Batch work for testing Efficiency considered an Agile practice? False. The Ever-Expanding Agile and Lean Software Terminology: Technical Debt, Test Driven Development, Ten minute build, Theme, Tracer bullet, Task Board, Theory of Constraints, Throughput, Timeboxing, Testing Pyramid, Three-Sixty Review
True or False: Is Making sure requirements are complete prior to development considered an Agile practice? False. The Ever-Expanding Agile and Lean Software Terminology: Technical Debt, Test Driven Development, Ten minute build, Theme, Tracer bullet, Task Board, Theory of Constraints, Throughput, Timeboxing, Testing Pyramid, Three-Sixty Review
What is the main reason for the System Demo? To enable faster feedback by integration across teams. -it is the primary measure of ART progress and is held at the end of each iteration. It’s of the system being built in that ART, and is the primary means for gathering immediate, ART-level feedback.
What is the PO Sync Meeting? a PO sync is often held for Product Owners and Product Management. This event typically occurs weekly, or more frequently, as needed. The PO sync is also timeboxed (30 – 60 minutes) the purpose is to get visibility into how well the ART is progressing
Who facilitates the PO Sync meeting? The Release Train Engineer (RTE) typically facilitates a weekly (or more frequently, as needed) Scrum of Scrums (SoS) event. The SoS helps coordinate the dependencies of the ARTs and provides visibility into progress and impediments.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates the System Demo? False. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates the Retrospective? True. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates the daily stand-up? True. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum of Scrums (SoS)? False. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates Iteration Planning (IP)? True. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
True of False: The Scrum Master facilitates LPM Backlog Refinement? False. Daily Stand-up, Iteration Planning, Iteration Review, and Iteration Retrospective ensures they are productive and kept within the timebox.
How many Iterations would it take for a team with a velocity of 20 story points per Iteration to finish a backlog of 60 story points? 3 iterations. If the total amount of work had been estimated on 100 story points, then, with the average velocity of 20 points, it would take 5 iterations to complete the project.
True or False: Vision is an input to PI Planning? True. Inputs to PI planning include: 1. Business context 2. Roadmap and vision 3. Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog
True or False: Ready user stories is an input to PI Planning? False. Inputs to PI planning include: 1. Business context 2. Roadmap and vision 3. Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog
True or False: Program Roadmap is an input to PI Planning? False. Inputs to PI planning include: 1. Business context 2. Roadmap and vision 3. Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog
True or False: Top-10 Feature list is an input to PI Planning? True. Inputs to PI planning include: 1. Business context 2. Roadmap and vision 3. Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog
True or False: A set of PI Objectives is an input to PI Planning? False. Inputs to PI planning include: 1. Business context 2. Roadmap and vision 3. Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog
Who participates in the backlog refinement event? The agile team members and other Subject Matter Experts which include: 1. Product Owner, 2. Scrum Master, who facilitates, 3. All team members, 4. Any other stakeholders as required, including representatives from different Agile teams or the ART
How many pillars are there for Scrum? 3. Three pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control: transparency, inspection, and adaptation
What are the three pillars of Scrum? transparency, inspection, and adaptation Three pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control.
In the context of a Team Increment, every Iteration each team plans, builds, tests, integrates, and______? Review their work.
Why is it important to organize the work for Iteration Planning? So realistic work scope can be defined. The purpose of iteration planning is to organize the work and define a realistic scope for the iteration.
Who defines the final scope of a committed Iteration? The Agile Team. Prior to iteration planning, the Product Owner (PO) will have prepared some preliminary iteration goals, based on the team’s progress in the PI so far. The Product Owner defines the ‘what’; the team defines ‘how’ and ‘how much’.
A servant leader knows that his or her own growth comes from _____________? Facilitating the growth of others
True or False. Products are more robust when individuals have specific skill sets. False
True or False. Teams are more productive than the same number of individuals? True.
What is the recommended frequency range for PI Planning in SAFe? 8-12 weeks. PI is a timebox which an ART delivers incremental value in the form of working, tested software and systems. The most common pattern for a PI is four development Iterations, followed by one Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration.
What is one example of a servant leader behavior pattern? Understands and empathizes with others.
How many dimensions does the Team and Technical Agility competency have? Three. The Team and Technical Agility competency has 3 dimensions: Agile Teams, Built-in Quality and Teams of Agile Teams
Empathic design encourages activities such as.... Gemba walks. Visits to the place where the customer work is done and they are key to empathic design and customer centricity
True or False: Releasing is typically coupled with the development cadence. False. Releasing is typically de-coupled from development which at the heart of Release On Demand
Who owns story planning and high level estimates? The Agile Team. the ultimate decision maker when estimating the stories they will implement
The teams in an Agile Release Train are aligned to a common vision via.....? Program Backlog. The Program Backlog is the common backlog for the Agile teams on the Agile Release Train and aligns the team around a common vision
The bigger the system, the _________ endemic quality is. more important.
What can be used as an estimation buffer? IP Iteration. The IP Iteration is once every PI and is allocated for innovation and exploration and serves as a buffer
Which component of the Lean Portfolio Management ensures that the entire portfolio is aligned and funded to create and maintain the solutions needed to meet business targets? Strategy & Investment Funding: The Strategy & Investment Funding dimension of LPM ensures that the entire portfolio is aligned and funded
Market events can be............? internal and external
True or False: The Architectural runway needs to be continuously maintained? True.
True or False: Agile Product Delivery is one of the Core Competencies of Business Agility. True. 7 competencies are: Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, Continuous Learning Culture, Lean-Agile Leadership, Team and Technical Agility, Agile Product Delivery and Enterprise Solution Delivery.
How many core SAFe values are there? Four: Program Execution, Alignment, Built-In Quality and Transparency
How many pillars are there in the SAFe House of Lean? Four. The SAFe House of Lean has Lean-Agile Leadership at the base, Value at the top and 4 pillars which are Respect for people and culture, Flow, Innovation and Relentless Improvement.
True or False: System Teams are a role on the Agile Release Train? True. There are 5 key roles at the Agile Release Train level: release Train Engineer (RTE), Product Management, System Architect/Engineer, Business Owners and System Team.
Which component of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline takes the changes from the staging environment and deploys them to production? Continuous Deployment.
True or False. Agile Teams are Self-Organizing True. Agile teams are self-organizing teams with collective ownership over the development and delivery.
In the context of whole product thinking, which product goes beyond what is expected and enables competitors to differentiate their offerings? Augmented Product. 4 types of products in the context of whole product thinking: Generic, expected, augmented and potential product.
What are the 2 types of products in whole product thinking? Generic, expected, augmented and potential product.
True or False: Business Agility is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with innovative, digitally-enabled business solutions? True. Business Agility increases the ability to compete in the modern market environment.
Which phase of the Portfolio Kanban is used to sponsor the epic and define its intent and definition? The Reviewing phase of the Portfolio Kanban is used to sponsor the epic and define its intent and definition.
True or False: A customer journey map illustrates the experience as a user engages with a company’s Operational Value Stream, products, and services. True.
In the zone between general solutions and custom solutions are ________________? deep and narrow solutions. General solutions are intended to be used by a significant number of customers. Custom-built solutions are built and designed for an individual customer. Deep and narrow solution has a small number of customers who pay a lot
True or False. ARTs apply cadence and synchronization to help manage the inherent variability of research and development. True
Features are stored in the_________? Program Backlog
Enterprise Architect is a role on which 2 dimensions of Lean Portfolio Management? Lean Governance, and Strategy and Investment Funding The Enterprise Architect role is relevant to the Lean Governance and Strategy and Investment Funding dimensions of the LPM.
Which design thinking tool enables teams to understand how the stories in the team backlog support user objectives? Story Map. Features that represent a workflow are captured through story maps, which organize a sequence of stories according to the tasks a user needs to accomplish their goal.
How many core competencies are there for Business Agility? Seven. Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, Continuous Learning Culture, Lean-Agile Leadership, Team and Technical Agility, Agile Product Delivery and Enterprise Solution Delivery.
True or False the Value Vision expresses the strategic intent of the Program? False. The strategic intent is expressed via the Program Vision and helps to gain shared understanding and align to common vision.
True or False the Team Mission expresses the strategic intent of the Program? False. The strategic intent is expressed via the Program Vision and helps to gain shared understanding and align to common vision.
True or False the Program Vision expresses the strategic intent of the Program? True. The strategic intent is expressed via the Program Vision and helps to gain shared understanding and align to common vision.
True or False the Solution Summary expresses the strategic intent of the Program? False. The strategic intent is expressed via the Program Vision and helps to gain shared understanding and align to common vision.
How many types of products exist according to whole product thinking? four. Generic, expected, augmented, and potential
By organizing the second operating system around_________ instead of ________, SAFe offers a way for enterprises to focus on customers, products, innovation, and growth. value streams, departments Organization around value streams emphasizes the delivery of value and customer-centricity.
What does WSJF stand for. Weighted Shortest Job First. WSJF is a prioritization method based on Cost of Delay and Job Duration and allows to sequence the execution in the most economically viable way.
What is WSJF? Weighted Shortest Job First. WSJF is a prioritization method based on Cost of Delay and Job Duration and allows to sequence the execution in the most economically viable way.
Good coaches do not give people the answer, but instead they do what? Guide people to the solution.
Becoming a coach requires a shift from old behaviors to new ones. What are three examples of old behaviors? Focusing on deadlines, Driving toward specific outcomes, Fixing problems for the team, are three examples of old behaviors.
When does the Check step occur in the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle occur in Scrum? At the Iteration Review. Plan –Iteration Planning is the plan step Do – Iteration Execution is the do step Check – Iteration Review is the check step Adjust – Iteration Retrospective is the adjust step
Who can change the backlog during an Iteration? RTE Release Train Engineer (RTE) is a servant leader and coach for the Agile Release Train (ART).
According to the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, what is a team's ultimate competitive advantage? Teamwork. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.
Scrum Masters help remove impediments, foster an environment for high-performing team dynamics, and what else? Relentlessly Improve.
What is the name of the event where all team members determine how much of the team's backlog they can commit to delivering during an upcoming Iteration? Iteration Planning (IP) an event where all team members determine how much of the Team Backlog they can commit to delivering during an upcoming Iteration. The team summarizes the work as a set of committed Iteration Goals.
Why do teams have an Iteration Retrospective? The Iteration Retrospective is a regular event where Agile Team members discuss the results of the Iteration, review their practices, and identify ways to improve.
What is the recommended frequency range for PI Planning in SAFe? Every 12-16 Weeks
Which demo is performed in the IP Iteration? The integrated Demo from the Agile Release Train's final iteration
When does the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle occur in Scrum? At all formal Scrum Events
What is the purpose of the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle? To provide regular, predictable development cadence to produce an increment of value
True or False: A PI Planning anti-pattern is: "The team decides which changes need to happen and when" False.
True or False: A PI Planning anti-pattern is: "Stories are created for the PI Planning Iterations" False.
True or False: A PI Planning anti-pattern is: "Part-time scrum masters do not have time to plan as a part of the team" True. This is an anti-pattern.
True or False: A PI Planning anti-pattern is: "Too much time is spent analyzing each story" True. This is an anti-pattern
True or False: A PI Planning anti-pattern is: "Too much time is spent prioritizing features" False.
How are the 5 Whys used? To identify the root cause of a problem
What are the 5 Whys? Asking why over and over up to 5 times to get to the root cause. A fishbone diagram can be used as a tool as well.
True or False: Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand are Agile Product Delivery competencies? True.
True or False: DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline are Agile Product Delivery competencies? True.
True or False: Continually Evolve Live System is an Agile Product Delivery competencies? False.
True or False: Customer Centricity and Design Thinking are Agile Product Delivery competencies? True.
What are the 3 Dimensions of Agile Product Delivery Competency? 1. Customer Centricity and Design Thinking 2. Develop on Cadence, Release on Demand 3. DevOps and Continuous Delivery Pipeline
Which event is synchronizes the ART and is attended by Scrum Masters weekly or more frequently? Scrum of Scrums (SoS)
Features that represent a workflow are captured through.....? Story Map Features that represent a workflow are captured through story maps, which organize a sequence of stories according to the tasks a user needs to accomplish their goal.
Which event is held at the end of every PI and demonstrates and evaluates the current state of the solution? The Inspect & Adapt (I&A) event held at the end of every PI and demonstrates and evaluates the current state of the solution along with retrospection and improvement action items.
he System demo happens after which iteration event? Iteration Review The Iteration Review is the event to demonstrate the implemented functionality.
True or False. "Lean-Agile Leadership" is one of the Core Competencies for Business Agility? True.
True or False. "Organizational Agility" is one of the Core Competencies for Business Agility? True.
True or False. "Team and Technical Agility" is one of the Core Competencies for Business Agility? True.
True or False. "Program Agility" is one of the Core Competencies for Business Agility? False.
What are the 7 core competencies of Business Agility? 1-Lean Portfolio Management, 2-Organizational Agility, 3-Continuous Learning Culture, 4-Lean-Agile Leadership,5-Team and Technical Agility, 6-Agile Product Delivery and 7-Enterprise Solution Delivery.
True or False. DevOps enables "Automation"? True.
True or False. DevOps enables "Backlog Prioritizatoin"? False.
True or False. DevOps enables "Integration"? True.
True or False. DevOps enables "Marketing"? False.
DevOps Enables what 2 things? Automation and Integration
According to the Agile Manifesto, Responding to Change is more important than ________________? Following a Plan
Agile Release Trains are organized around....? Development Value Streams
How many dimensions does the Lean Portfolio Management have? Three. 1-Startegy & Investment Funding, 2-Agile Portfolio Operations and 3-Lean Governance.
What is the highest hierarchy level of requirements in SAFe? Epic Epics are the highest level of requirements in the hierarchy of requirements Then are Capabilities, Features and User Stories.
All four release on demand activities are enabled by ________? DevOps Enables the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and Release On Demand which is part of it.
True or False: "Technical Excellence" is a dimension of the Team and Technical Agility competency? False.
True or False: "Agile Teams" is a dimension of the Team and Technical Agility competency? True.
True or False: "Team of 'Agile Teams" is a dimension of the Team and Technical Agility competency? True.
True or False: "Built-in Quality" is a dimension of the Team and Technical Agility competency? True.
In SAFe Built-in Quality thinking is organized around five specific aspects—Flow, Architecture and Design Quality, Code Quality, System Quality and _____________________? Release Quality The 5th aspect of Build-In Quality is Release Quality.
The System demo is demoed from which environment? Staging The system demo is typically demoed from the Staging environment which closely resembles Production.
True or False: Program Agility is one of the Core Competencies of Business Agility? False. 7 core competencies of Business Agility are: Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, Continuous Learning Culture, Lean-Agile Leadership, Team and Technical Agility, Agile Product Delivery and Enterprise Solution Delivery.
The core SAFe values are Transparency, Alignment, Program Execution and_______________? Built-In Quality Program Execution, Alignment, Built-In Quality and Transparency.
What are the core SAFe values? 1-Program Execution, 2-Alignment, 3-Built-In Quality and 4-Transparency.
How many core SAFe values are there? Four. 1-Program Execution, 2-Alignment, 3-Built-In Quality and 4-Transparency.
Which event is synchronizes the ART and is attended by POs and Pms weekly or more frequently? PO Sync event attended by POs and Pms and is used for synchronization and coordination between them.
Who are the key stakeholders on the Agile Release Train? Business Owners Business Owners are the key stakeholders on the Agile Release Train and have ultimate responsibility for the business outcomes of the train.
What does DevSecOps emphasize? Security Practices DevSecOps emphasizes security practices.
True or False "Learn" is an activity of Release On Demand? True. The 4 activities of release on demand as part of the continuous learning pipeline are: 1. Release, 2. Stabilize & Operate, 3. Measure, 4. Learn.
True or False "Stabilize and Operate" is an activity of Release On Demand? True. the 4 activities of release on demand are Release, Stabilize & Operate, Measure, and Learn
True or False "Automate" is an activity of Release On Demand? False. The 4 activites of Release on Demand are: 1-Release, 2-Stabilize & Operate, 3-Measure, 4-Learn
True or False "Measure" is an activity of Release On Demand? True. The 4 activites are: 1. Release, 2. Stabilize & Operate, 3. Measure, 4. Learn
How many activities are there for Release on Demand? Four
What are the four activities of Release on Demand? Release, Stabilize and operate, Measure and Learn.
True or False: "Measurement" is part of the CALMR approach to DevOps? True.
True or False: "Continuous Improvement" is part of the CALMR approach to DevOps? False.
True or False: "Lean Flow" is part of the CALMR approach to DevOps? True.
True or False: "Automation" is part of the CALMR approach to DevOps? True
What does CALMR stand for? Culture, Automation, Lean Flow, Measurement and Recovery.
True or False: "Avoid using suppliers" is part of SAFe economic framework? False
True or False: "Understanding solution economic trade offs" is part of SAFe economic framework? True.
True or False: "Operating within lean budgets and guardrails" is part of SAFe economic framework? True.
True or False: "Sequencing jobs for the maximum benefit" is part of SAFe economic framework? True.
True or False: SAFe advocates the use of suppliers where applicable? True.
What synchronizes the teams in the Agile Release Trains on common cadence? Program Increment (PI) The teams on the Agile Release Train are synchronized on a common cadence, which is the Program Increment (PI) cadence.
How many teams typically form one Agile Release Train? 5-12
True or False: SAFe recommends that one Agile Release Train (ART) consists of to 12 Agile teams. True
The Agile Manifesto favors Customer Collaboration over ________________? Contract Negotiation
True or False: "Lean Portfolio Management" is a Core Competency for Business Agility? True
True or False: "Continuous Integration" is a Core Competency for Business Agility? False
True or False: "Continuous Learning Culture" is a Core Competency for Business Agility? True
True or False: "Agile Product Delivery" is a Core Competency for Business Agility? True
In SAFe, special time is allocated for innovation and exploration during_________? IP Iteration IP iteration is specifically allocated for innovation and exploration and happens once every PI.
LACE is part of which dimension of Lean Portfolio Management? Agile Portfolio Operations
What does LACE stand for? Lean Agile Center of Excellence
How many SAFe Lean-Agile principles are there? Ten. There are 10 SAFe principles in addition to the 12 principles of Agile Manifesto.
Who owns Feature priorities? Product Management
True or False "Product Owners" own Feature priorities? False. Product Management owns features
True or False "Product Management" owns Feature priorities? True.
True or False "Release Train Engineers" own Feature priorities? False. Product Management owns features
True or False "Business Owners" own Feature priorities? False. Product Management owns features
True or False: Product Owners own prioritization of User Stories. True
True or False: "Lean Agile Principles" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. FAlse
True or False: "Enterprise Solution Delivery" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
What is the acronym/phrase used to memorize Business Agility core competencies? CC the BA and "EAT Lean OCL"
True or False: "Agile Solution Delivery" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. False. But "Agile Product Delivery" and "Enterprise Solution Delivery" are competencies
True or False: "Agile Product Delivery" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True.
True or False: "Enterprise Product Delivery" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. False. But "Agile Product Delivery" and "Enterprise Solution Delivery" are competencies
True or False: "Team and Technical Agility" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Organization Agility" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Lean-Agile Leadership" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Lean Portfolio Management" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Agile Portfolio Management" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. False, but Lean Portfolio Management is...
True or False: "Organizational Product Delivery" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. False. "Organizational Agility" and "Agile Product Delivery" are competencies
True or False: "Organizational Agility" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Lean Agile Learning" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. False. "Continuous Learning Culture" is the competency
True or False: "Continuous Learning Culture" is one of the core competencies of Business Agility. True
True or False: "Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility True
True or False: "Team of Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility True
True or False: "Built-in Quality" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility True
True or False: "Customer Centricity and Design Thinking" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility False. Customer Centricity and Design Thinking is part of the 3 Dimensions of Agile Product Delivery
True or False: "DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility False. DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline is one of the 3 dimensions of Agile Product Delivery.
True or False: "Develop on Cadence, Release on Demand" is one of the dimensions of Team & Technical Agility False. Develop on Cadence, Release on Demand is one of 3 dimensions for Agile Product Delivery
True or False: "Customer Centricity and Design Thinking" is one of the dimensions of Agile Product Delivery True
True or False: "Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand" is one of the dimensions of Agile Product Delivery True
True or False: "DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline" is one of the dimensions of Agile Product Delivery True
True or False: "Team of Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Agile Product Delivery False. "Team of Agile Teams" is part of the "Team and Technical Agility" Core Competencies of Business Agility.
True or False: "Continuous Learning Culture" is one of the dimensions of Agile Product Delivery False. "Continuous Learning Culture" is one of the Team and TEchnical agility core competencies of business agility.
True or False: "Lean System and Solution Engineering" is one of the dimensions of Enterprise Solution Delivery True
True or False: "Coordinating Trains and Suppliers" is one of the dimensions of Enterprise Solution Delivery True
True or False: "Continually Evolve Live Systems" is one of the dimensions of Enterprise Solution Delivery competency of Business Agility). True
True or False: "Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand" is one of the dimensions of Enterprise Solution Delivery False. it is a dimension of Agile Product Delivery
True or False: "Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Enterprise Solution Delivery False. it is a dimension of Team & Technical Agility
True or False: "Strategy & Investment Funding" is one of the dimensions of Lean Portfolio Management True
True or False: "Agile Portfolio Operations" is one of the dimensions of Lean Portfolio Management True
True or False: "Lean Governance" is one of the dimensions of Lean Portfolio Management True
True or False: "Lean-Thinking People and Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility True
True or False: "Lean Business Operations" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility True
True or False: "Strategy Ability" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility True
True or False: "Learning Organization" is one of the dimensions of Continuous Learning Culture True
True or False: "Innovation Culture" is one of the dimensions of Continuous Learning Culture True
True or False: "Relentless Improvement" is one of the dimensions of Continuous Learning Culture True
True or False: "Leading by Example" is one of the dimensions of Lean-Agile Leadership True
True or False: "Mindset and Principles" is one of the dimensions of Lean-Agile Leadership True
True or False: "Leading Change" is one of the dimensions of Lean-Agile Leadership True
True or False: "Agile Portfolio Operations" is one of the dimensions of Lean-Agile Leadership False. it is a dimension of Lean Portfolio Management
True or False: "Innovation Culture" is one of the dimensions of Lean-Agile Leadership False. it is a dimension of Continuous Learning Culture
True or False: "Learning Organization" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility False. it is a dimension of Continuous Learning Culture
True or False: "Lean Governance" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility False. it is a dimension of Lean Portfolio Management
True or False: "Agile Teams" is one of the dimensions of Organizational Agility. False. it is a dimension of Team and Technical Agility.
What is the difference between IP Iteration and PI Planning? (IP=Iteration Planning Iteration, PI=Program Increment Planning) Iteration Planning is an event where all team members determine how much of the Team Backlog they can commit to delivering during an upcoming Iteration. Program Increment (PI) Planning is where the team’s backlog has been seeded and partially planned
What is the architectural runway? consists of the existing code, components, and technical infrastructure needed to implement near-term features without excessive redesign and delay. Supports the continuous flow of value through the continuous delivery pipeline
What does BDUF stand for? Big Design Up Front. Agile development avoids this and replaces it with the belief that the best architectures, requirements and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
What is the foundation of the House of Lean? Lean-Agile Leadership
What is the goal or the "roof" of the House of Lean? Value
What are the 4 pillars of the House of Lean Respect for people & culture, Flow, Innovation, Relentless Improvement
What is the acronym used to remember the House of Lean Pillars? Respect people and cultures who are FIRI
What are the Agile Release Train Roles? (ART Roles) Release Train Engineer (RTE), Product Management, System Architect/Engineering, Business Owners, Customers
True or False: The Architectural Runway differentiates Agile from Waterfall? False. INcremental delivery of value and fast feedback differentiate Agile from Waterfall
True or False: Face to Face Interaction differentiates Agile from Waterfall? False. INcremental delivery of value and fast feedback differentiate Agile from Waterfall
What are 2 critical areas that differentiate Agile from Waterfall? Incremental delivery of value and fast feedback differentiate Agile from Waterfall
What are the 3 attributes of DevOps? A shared Culture, A set of Technical Practices, A mindset.
What is the acronym used to recall the 3 attributes of DevOps CTM - shared Culture, Technical Practices, a Mindset
The Scrum Master helps with Continuous Improvement, Continuous Deployment and what? WIP Limits. Work in Progress Limits.
What is empirical process control theory? verifiable with observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic, hence the System Demo at the end of each iteration.
Lean Portfolio Aligns [blank] and [blank]? strategy and execution
True or False: Lean Portfolio Aligns budget and strategy? False
True or False: Lean Portfolio Aligns portfolio and program backlog? False
True or False: Lean Portfolio Aligns budget and execution? False
True or False: Lean Portfolio Aligns strategy and execution? True
True or False: The ultimate beneficiaries of the value of business solutions are business owners? False. Customers
True or False: The ultimate beneficiaries of the value of business solutions are Product Owners? False. Customers
True or False: The ultimate beneficiaries of the value of business solutions are Executives? False. Customers
True or False: The ultimate beneficiaries of the value of business solutions are Release Train Engineers? False. Customers
True or False: The ultimate beneficiaries of the value of business solutions are Customers? True
Enterprises must balance their execution focus with a [blank] focus. Customer
True or False: Enterprises must balance their execution focus with a economic focus. False. Customer
True or False: Enterprises must balance their execution focus with a architectural focus. False. Customer
True or False: DevOps is a tool. False. it is a mindset
What is this statement describing? 'Agile Teams continuously adapt to new circumstances and enhance the methods of value delivery.' Continuous Improvement
What is the Inspect and Adapt Event and when does it occur? The Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is a significant event, held at the end of each Program Increment (PI), where the current state of the Solution is demonstrated and evaluated by the train. There are 3 parts Demo, Metrics, retrospective & prob solving workshop.
Name one time when a Scrum Master participates but does not necessarily facilitate. When using ad-hoc teams for an inspect & adapt meeting
Which meeting should the Scrum Master attend (not facilitate)? Scrum of Scrums
What does PI Planning sttand for, who attends and how often is it held? Program Increment (PI) Planning is a cadence-based, face-to-face event that serves as the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train (ART), aligning all the teams on the ART to a shared mission and Vision
What is one time when a Scrum Master participates but does not necessarily facilitate? When the agile release train does not require any team coordination.
What are Feature Toggles? Feature toggles is a technique to facilitate dark launches by implementing toggles in the code, which enables switching between old and new functionality.
True or False: The teams in the Agile Release Trains do not need to be synchronized on common cadence. False. The teams on the Agile Release Train are synchronized on a common cadence, which is the Program Increment (PI) cadence.
Who creates and refines the user stores and the acceptance criteria? The Agile team
A solution which is intended to be used by a significant number of customers is called______? General solutions
True or False A market rhythm is a set of events that occur repeatedly on a predictable cadence. True
The relationship between what? and what? are the in the core of WSJF. Cost of Delay divided by the Job Size/Duration
What are the 7 core competencies of Business Agility Enterprise Solution Delivery, Agile Product Delivery, Team and Technical Agility, Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, Continuous Learning Culture, and Lean-Agile Leadership
In the context of whole product thinking, which product is often considered the “minimal offering” of a product? Generic Product
What are the 4 types of products in the context of whole product thinking? generic, expected, augmented and potential product.
According to the Agile Manifesto, the highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of what? Valuable Software
The Continuous Delivery Pipeline has 4 elements, what are they? Continuous Exploration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment and Release on Demand.
The program board highlights feature delivery dates, milestones, and what else for Agile Release Train teams? Depencencies
Who commits to the plan at the end of Iteration Planning? The Team
The business must depend on the team for what in order for the business to do any meaningful planning? Commitment to the Plan
During PI Planning, who owns the planning of stories into Iterations? Agile Teams
Each PI Planning meeting evolves over time, and ending PI Planning with a Retrospective will help to do what? Continuously Improve
Which type of enabler does a System Architect review during a System Demo? Enabler Portfolio Epics
Scrum Masters are effective by using Scrum methods, supporting SAFe principles and practices, and what else? Identifying and eliminating impediments, and facilitating flow.
To ensure all stories and teams PI plans are completed prior to IP Iteration is an anti-pattern for the IP Iteration? TRUE
To plan work for the IP Iteration during PI Planning is an anti-pattern for the IP Iteration? TRUE
Features lend themselves to the Lean UX process model. They include a description, a benefit hypothesis, and what else? Acceptance Criteria
In the context of whole product thinking, which product represents everything that might be done to attract and keep customers? Potential Product
Scrum Masters are effective by using Scrum methods, supporting SAFe principles and practices, and what else? Eliminating impediments and facilitating flow.
Who acts as the Customer for developer requests? Product Owner
How many Values are in the Agile Manifesto? There are only 4 Values: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools; Working software over comprehensive documentation; Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; Responding to change over following a plan
Which is a design thinking tool that promotes customer identification by helping teams develop deep, shared understanding for others? Empathy Maps
In the Agile Manifesto Values , fill in the blank: "[blank] and [blank] over processes and tools." Individuals and Interactions
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "[blank] over comprehensive documentation." Working Software
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "[blank] over contract negotiation" Customer Collaboration
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "[blank] over following a plan" Responding to change
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "Individuals and Interactions over [blank] and [blank]" processes and tools
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "Working software over [blank] " comprehensive documentation
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "Customer Collaboration over [blank] " Contract Negotiation
In the Agile Manifesto values, fill in the blank: "Responding to change over [blank] " following a plan
Who Coaches the Agile Team in self management? Scrum Master
Who Contributes to the Vision and Roadmap? Product Owner
Who Prioritizes the Team Backlog? Product Owner
Who Helps the team focus on creating increments of value each iteration? Scrum Master
Who Creates, clearly communicates and accepts Stories? Product Owner
Who Facilitates the removal of impediments to the team’s progress? Scrum Master
Who Ensures that all team events take place, are productive and kept within the timebox? Scrum Master
Who Acts as the Customer for team questions? Product Owner
What ART event provides Visibility into progress and impediments? Scrum of Scrums
What ART event provides Visibility into progress, scope and priority adjustments? PO Sync
What ART events are facilitated by the RTE? PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums
In which ART event do Scrum Masters, other selected team members, and SME's, (if necessary), attend? Scrum of Scrums
In which ART event does Product Management, Product Owners, Other Stakeholders, and SME's (as necessary) attend? PO Sync
How often does a Scrum of Scrums take place? Weekly or more frequently, 30-60 minutes.
How often should a PO Sync take place? Weekly or more frequently, 30-60 minutes.
Created by: jeremyepryor



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