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Term 5 Unit 2

Surrounding each type of bacteria is a substance called _______. This substance is viscous (sticky) and gel like in texture. Allows bacteria to stick to surfaces so they better survive in many different types of environments. glycocalyx
If the glucocalyx is firmly attached to the bacteria, it is called a _______. capsule
If the substances is loosely attached to the bacteria, it is called a _________. slime layer
These are important because they can make a bacteria more harmful or virulent. It protects the bacteria from the immune system of the host it is invading. capsules
Many types of bacteria move on their own. To this they have _______. These are long filaments that move, therefore making the bacteria mobile. flagella
There are 4 different types of flagella: monotrichous,amphitrichous,lopotrichous,peritrichous
Meaning at one end monotrichous
Meaning at one at each end amphitrichous
Meaning two or more at one end or each end lopotrichous
Meaning flagella all over the cell peritrichous
Another type of movement is called _____-movement towards a favorable evironment or away from an adverse one (stimulus) taxis
This stimulus can be chemicals for _____ chemotaxis
Or light for _______ phototaxis
The plasma membrane has 2 layers. This structure is called the _______. This bilayer helps maintain the water balance in the cell. The membrane al decides what enters or exits the cell phospholipid bi-layer
Because prokaryotes do not have a nucleus their genetic information (DNA) is located coiled up inside the cell nuclear area
They are located inside the cell. They serve as sights for protein synthesis ribosomes
Algae, protozoans, fungi, plants, and animals are? eukaryotic cell
A cell much larger and more complex than the prokaryotic cell eukaryotic cell
For some eukaryotic cells the _______ serves as the cell wall. The _______ of the eukaryotic cell is also a phospholipid bi-layer plasma membrane
There are ______ organelles associated withe the eukaryotic cell. seven
Groups of fours are? tetrads
It is a matrix with the cell but outside the nucleus. cytoplasma
They are produced by the golgi complex. They contain digestive enzymes that can break down many different types of molecules that enter the cell including bacteria. White blood cells in humans play a crucial role in cellular immunity of _______. lysosomes
A function of the _____ is to package and secrete some proteins and lipids from the cell. The ______ also uses carbohydrates and proteins within the cell to form glycoproteins which are secreted from the cell. cisternae
It is made up of 4 to 8 flat sacs called _______. golgi complex
The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane called the _______. nuclear envelope
It is a round shaped organelle and is usually the largest structure within the cell. The genetic information needed for cellular function and reproduction is contained within the ________. nucleus
Spiral shaped prokaryotes are either _____, which are stiff, or _____ which are flexible. Slightly curved rods are ____, and the term _____ is used to describe cells that are intermediate in shape between cocci and bacilli. spirilla,spirochetes,vibrios,coccobacillus
Spriochetes are unique in that they move by an ______. These are bundles of fibers that wrap around the bacteria. They are anchored at one end and move to make the spriochete move axial filament
It is located directly on the inside of cell wall. plasma membrane
Some are attached to the ER and some are free floating. _____ play a crucial role in protein synthesis for the cell. ribosomes
It is semi-rigid and is responsible for the shape of the bacteria. The main function of the cell wall is to prevent the cell from bursting open. The cell wall can also be responsible for the bacterias ability to cause disease. the cell wall
It provides a surface are for chemical reactions within the cell. It also functions as a trasportation way for molecules and as a storage area. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
It is round in shape and are located throughout the cell. _____ play a central role in the production of ATP which is a form of energy for the cell. mitochondria
They are located near the nucleus. They are composed of a ring with nine bundles of which has three microtubules. The ______ are important to cell division and to the formation of cilia and flagella. centrioles
The seven organelles associated with the eukaryotic cell are? nucleus,endoplasmic reticulum,ribosomes,golgi complex,mitchondria,lysosomes,centrioles
Divided in three planes to form cuboidal packet sacinae
If the substance is loosely attached to the bacteria, it is called a _______. slime layer
The three basic parts of a flagellum are? filament, hook, basal body
Inside the cell is a matrix called ______. It is about 80% water. The other 20% is nutrients, enzymes, and minerals. cytoplasm
The cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cell contains different types of filaments that form the ____. It also provides shape and structure to the cell. cytoskeleton
Attached in pairs are? diplococci
The three basic shapes are? cocci, bacilli, spirals
Clusters are called _____. staphylococci
Created by: genny1117
Popular Pharmacology sets




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