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Chapter1 V 2-Makayla
age/objects/commands from teacher
Term | Definition |
Je te presente | Id like to introduce you =informal only said to one person |
Je te vous presente | id like to introduce you=formal said to a group |
ca cest | This is ...... (point when saying) |
C'est un amie | This is ...... he is a friend = un is male |
C'est une amie | This is ...... she is a friend=une is female |
Enchante' | very nice to meet you |
Tu as quel age? | How old are you? |
J' ai ans | I am ..... years old |
Il a quel age? | How old is he ? |
Elle a quel age? | How old is she? |
Il a ans | he is .... years old |
Elle a ans | she is....... years old |
Il ya dans la selle classe ? | is there/ are there the classroom |
Combein de'le'ves il ya dans la classe? | How many students are there in the classroom? |
Oui, Il ya | Yes, there is/are |
Non, il n'y a pas de | No, there isnt a/ arent any |
Il ya en a | There are (of them) |
Il n'y en a pas | There arn't any |
une porte | a door |
un tableau | a board |
un bureau(x) | plural for x at end : a desk/heavy big office desk |
un professeur | a teacher |
une profresseur | a professor |
un ordinateur | a computer |
une table | a table |
un lecteur CD | a CD |
un lecteur | a DVD |
une chaise | a chair |
une fenetre | a window |
un garcon | a boy |
un poster | a poster |
une fille | a girl |
une Tele | a tv |
une television | television |
un livre | a book |
une carte | a map |
e'le'ves | students |
Asseyez-vous! | sit down |
Levez-vous! | stand up |
silence! | silence |
Faites attention! | pay attention |
Ecoutez et r'epe'tez apre's moi! | Listen and repeat after me |
Prenez une feuille de papier! | Take out a sheet of paper |
Allez au tableua! | Go to blackboard |
Regardez ( la carte)! | Look ( at the map) |
retournez a' vos places! | go back to your seats! |
Ouvrez vos livres a' la page | open your books to page |
fermoz vos cahiers | close your notebooks |
Je ne comprends pas | i dont understand |
r'epe'tez s'ill vous plait? | could you please repeat that? |
Comment dit-on ...... en francais ? | how do you say ..... in french? |
Q'uest-ce que ca veut dire? | what does ...... mean? |
Comment ca secrit | how do you write |
Comment tu epelles | how do you spell? |
Ca secrit | it is written/spelled |
@ | arrow-baz |
# | air tag |
point | dot |