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Food terms 1

Food vocabulary

Add añadir
Almonds Almendras
Anchovy Anchoa
Aperitif or an appetize Aperitivo
Artichoke Alcachofa
Avocado Aguacate
Bittersweet Agridulce
Broiled A la parrilla
Broiled on a hot surface, a la plancha
brunch, hearty second reakfast Almuerzo
Celery Apio
Charcoal grilled A la brasa
Clams Almejas
Confectioner´s sugar, icing sugar azúcar glace
cooked with white wine, onions, and tomatoes A la marinera
Cranberry Arándanos
Dressing, seasoning Alino
Finely granulated sugar Azúcar blanca de granulado muy fino
Flatten Aplastar/aplanar
Food Alimentos
Garlic shrip camarones al ajillo
Garlic Ajo
Haute cuisine Alta cocina
Herring Arenque
Marinade Adobo
Meatball Albóndiga
Oil Aceite
Olive Aceituna
Olive oil Aceite de oliva
Rice Arroz
Roast meat, roasted Asado
Roasted or baked in the oven Al horno
Roll out Aplanar
Saffron, corocus Azafrán
Smoked Ahumado
Sour or bitter Agrio
Length of barra Y/ baguette Bocadillo
Spirits Aguardiente, also called orujo
Steak house: roasting pan Asador
Steamed Al vapor
Sugar Azúcar
Sweet basil Albahaca
Syrup Almíbar
To blanch or pre-cook in boiling water blanquear
to season or dress a salad Aderezar / alinear
Tuna Atún
Acorn Bellota
Barbeque Barbacoa/ parrillada
Beef steak Bistec
Dried, salt cod Bacalao
Eggplant, aubergine Berenjena
Milkshake Batido de leche
Whisk Batir
Minced meats and bechamels sauce canelones
Chestnut Castaño
Cinnamon Canela
Crab Cangrejo
Espresso coffee alone, (no milk) café solo
milk (coffee) café cortado
Lait Café con leche
Meat Carne
Minced meat Carne picada
Pumpking, squash Calabaza
Rind Cáscara
Sausage meat Carne de salchicha
Shells Cáscaras
Small serving of draft beer Cana
Snail Caracol
Spring onion (scallion) calcots
Squid Calamar, calamares
Stock, consomme, clear broth Caldo
To heat or warm Calentar
Variety meats. pffañ Casquería
Zucchini Calabacín, calabacita, zapallito
Brush Cepillar
Beer bar Cervecería
Coriander Cilantro, culantro
Clove Clavo (de olor)
Cook Cocinar
Bake Cocer al horno
Cocoa powder Coca en polvo
Cabbage Col, repollo
Cauliflower Coliflor
Combine Combinar
Consistency Consistencia
Artichoke hearts Corazones de alcachofas
Bowls Cuenco
Onion Cebolla
Scallion (young onion) chalota
Supper, dinner Cena
Pork Cerdo
Minced pork Cerdo picado
Mushrooms Champiñones
Small cuttlefish Chocos
Pork sausage Chorizo
Dash chorrito
Plum Ciruela
Dried plum, prune ciruela seca
Egg white Clara de huevo
Suckling pig cochinillo
Long simmered stew Cocido
Good home cooking, plain fare Cocina casera
Simmer Cocinar a fuego lento
Quail Codorniz
Strain Colar
Food coloring Colorante alimenticio
Dining room Comedor
Food Comida
Meal, dinner, lunch Comida
Junk food Comida basura, chatarra
Cumin Comino
Thoroughly Completamente
Seasoning Condimento
Rabbit Conejo
Frozen Congelado
Preservative Conservante
Preserve Conservar
Oats Copos de avena
Lamb Cordero
Quartered Cortado en cuatro
Trim Cortar
Diced Cortar en cuadritos
Thinly sliced Cortar en lonchas finas
Potato peeler Cosa para pelar patatas (pelador)
Spare ribs Costillas
Raw Crudo
Crispy Crujiente, crocante
Curdle Cuajar
Cover Cubrir
Tablespoon Cuchara
Measuring spoon Cuchara de medir
Spoon Cucharada
Teaspoon Cucharita
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