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SS&S 9-16 terms
poetry terms from chapters 9-16 of Structure, Sound, and Sense
Question | Answer |
tone | the attitude expressed toward the subject of the poem |
Frost | poet who wrote "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" |
alliteration | repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more words |
assonance | repetition of a vowel sound in two or more words |
consonance | repetition of a consonant sound in two or more words |
rhyme | the repetition of the final stressed vowel sound followed by the final consonant sound in two or more words |
end rhyme | rhyme used in the final words of two or more lines |
approximate rhyme | the use of similar but not identical final vowel and/or consonant sounds in two or more words |
slant rhyme | another name for approximate rhyme |
internal rhyme | rhyme used within a line rather than at the ends of lines |
refrain | the repetition of one or more whole lines at regular intervals in a poem |
rhythm | the regular repetition of stressed syllables in a line of poetry or music |
stressed | a syllable that is spoken more loudly, more clearly enunciated, and for a longer duration than other syllables |
rhetorical stress | the emphasis on a syllable that comes from the way the sentence is structured rather than just the pronunciation of the word |
end-stopped | a line of poetry that ends in a punctuation mark or natural pause |
run-on | a line of poetry that does not end in punctuation or a natural pause |
enjambment | the more formal term for the use of run-on lines |
scan | to mark the meter of a poem, including foot divisions and stressed/unstressed syllables |
caesura | a pause within a line |
free verse | a poem lacking a regular meter or rhyme scheme |
prose poem | a poem not divided into lines |
meter | the repeated pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables and line length |
foot | one unit of a line consisting of one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables |
extra-metrical syllable | a syllable (usually unstressed) additional to the regular meter of a line |
stanza | a group of lines in a poem separated by a space from the next group of lines |
truncation | the omission of a syllable at the beginning or end of a line of poetry |
scansion | the result of marking the meter of a poem |
blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter |
monometer | a line with one foot |
dimeter | a line with two feet |
trimeter | a line with three feet |
tetrameter | a line with four feet |
pentameter | a line with five feet |
hexameter | a line with six feet |
heptameter | a line with seven feet |
iambic | one unstressed followed by one stressed syllable |
trochaic | one stressed followed by one unstressed syllable |
anapestic | two unstressed followed by one stressed syllable |
dactyllic | one stressed followed by two unstressed syllables |
spondaic | two stressed syllables |
expected rhythm (meter) | what the ear anticipates hearing because of the pattern established previously in the poem |
heard rhythm (meter) | what the ear actually hears during an oral reading of a line of poetry |
iambic pentameter | the most common English meter |
onomatopoeia | the use of words that sound like their meaning |
phonetic intensive | the use of words that for some reason suggest their meaning |
euphony | the grouping of pleasant, mellow sounds |
cacophony | the grouping of harsh or discordant sounds |
structure (of a poem) | the arrangement of ideas, images, thoughts, and sentences in a poem |
form | the meter, stanza length, use of refrain of a poem |
stanzaic form | the use of a repeated pattern of groups of lines |
continuous form | a structure in which lines are broken only by units of meaning which do not fall into regular patterns of stanzas |
fixed form | a poetic structure that has become established through repeated use |
sonnet | a fixed form of 14 lines of iambic pentameter with a regular rhyme scheme |
Italian sonnet | a sonnet with the volta after the 8th line |
Petrarchan sonnet | another name for an Italian sonnet |
English sonnet | a sonnet with the volta after the 12th line |
Shakespearean sonnet | another name for an English sonnet |
octave | a group of 8 lines |
sestet | a group of 6 lines |
quatrain | a group of 4 lines |
couplet | a group of two lines, usually rhyming |
villanelle | a 19-line poem with five tercets and one quatrain |
1st and 3rd lines of first stanza | which lines are repeated regularly in a villanelle |
elegy | a poem mourning the death or loss of something valued |
ode | an exalted poem celebrating something, usually very formal |
heroic verse | lines written in iambic pentameter |
heroic couplet | two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter |
epic | a long narrative poem usually about grand, important events |
ballad | a story-poem intended originally to be sung |