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Top 100 Drugs Butler

Top100 Drugs 01-28-2010

BrandGenericIndicationDosage FormMOAImportant
Abilify Aripiprazole Schizophrenia, bipolar, major depressive adjunct Solution inj, oral. Tablet, ODT Blocks 5HT Hepatic metab, BBW suivide in children AR: weight gain, tardive dyskinesia
Accutane Isotretinoin Acne Capsule Reduces sebaceous gland size and sebum production. Hepatic metab. BBW teratogenic. AR: dec bone density, hearing loss, vision loss. Dispensing requirements.
Actos Pioglitazone Diabetes mellitus Tablet Dec insulin resistance, acts on PPAR. Need insulin to work. Hepatic metab. BBW class 3/4 HF. AR: returned ovulation.
Adderall XR Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts ADHD Capsule ER, tablet Blocks reuptake and promotes release of NE and DA Hepatic metab. Int: MAOI. Contra: arteriolsclerosis, symptomatic CVD, HTN, hyperthyroid, glaucoma, agitated state.
Advair Fluticasone and salmeterol Asthma Aerosal (HFA), powder Corticosteroid, long acting beta agonist. Not for immediate relief. AR: Thrush.
Advil/Motrin/Caldolor Ibuprofen Inflammation, pain, fever Caplet, capsule, gelcap, injection, susp, tablet, chewtab Reversibly inhibits Cox1&2, dec formation of prostaglandins. Hepatic metab, urinary.Inter ACEI, ARB, thiazide. Contra: asthma. BBW: MI, GI bleed, stroke.
Aldactone Spironolactone Edema tablet Competes with aldosterone for receptor in distal tubule. K+ sparing. Hepatic metab, urinar. Int: MAOI, K+ sparing. Contra: anuria, ARF, allergy to sulfonamides. AR: ammenorrhea, hirsutism, gynecomastia.
Alphagan Brimonidine Glaucoma Opt solution Alpha2 agonist receptor in eye, reduces humor. Hepatic metab. MAOI. AR: conjunctivitis, visual disturbance.
Altace Ramipril Hypertension Capsule, tablet ACEI Hepatic metab. Int: lithium, antacids. AR: Hyperkalemia, cough.
Amaryl Glimepiride Diabetes mellitus Tablet Stimulate insulin release, reduce glucose production, inc insulin sensitivity. Hepatic metab. Renal. Contra: ketoacidosis. AR: weight gain.
Ambien/Zolpmist/ Edluar Zolpidem Insomnia Tablet, tab ER Enhance effect of GABA A via BZD1. Hepatic metab, renal. Int: antifungal, depressants. AR: sleep behaviors. May be habit forming.
Amitiza Lubiprostone Constipation, IBS w/ constipation Softgel cap Bicyclic fatty acid that acts on apical portion of intestines as Cl channel activator. Stomach metab, feccal exc. Contra: bowel obstruction.
Apidra Insulin glulisine Diabetes mellitus Injection solution Rapid acting insuln analog. DOA 2 hours. AR: hypokalemia. Take after each meal
Aranesp Darbepoetin alfa Anemia Injection solution Causes the release of reticulocytes from bone marrow BBW: CV mortality, cancer, CRF. AR: PRCA.
Argatroban Argatroban Prophylaxis or treatment of thrombosis Injection solution Direct thrombin inhibitor. Inhibits fibrin formation. Used in HIT Hepatic metab. Int: NSAID, ASA. Contra: major bleeding.
Aricept Donepezil Alzheimers Tab, Tab ER Reversibly/noncompetitive inhibits acetylcholinesterase in cortex and basal forebrain. Hepatic metab. Int: anticholinergics. Contra: sensitive to pipperidine. AR: accidents, infection, anorexia.
Arimidex Anastrotrozole Breast cancer Tablet Selective aromatase inhibitor. Hepatic metab. Int: estrogen, tamoxifen. Contra: prego. AR: hot flashes, bone pain, cough.
Arixtra Fondaparinux Prophylaxis of DVT Injection solution Pentasaccharide that inhibits factor XA. Renal exc. BBW: neuraxial anesthesia. Contra: <30 Cl, <50kg, major bleed, endocarditis.
Asacol/Lialda/Apriso Mesalamine Ulcerative colitis Cap CR, Suppos, Rectal susp, Tab DR EC, Tab DR, Tab ER Modulate local mediators especially leukotrienes. TNF inhibitor, radical scavenger. Hepatic and GI metab. Int: antacids, PPI, H2, varicella vaccine. AR: pancreatitis.
Aspirin Aspirin Pain, inflammation, fever, MI prevention Caplet, caplet buffered, gum, suppos, tab, tab buffered, chew tab, tab CR, tab DR EC, tab EC Irreversibly inhibits Cox1 and 2 via acetylation. Hepatic and GI metab. Renal exc. Contra: bleeding disorder, asthma, child with infection.
Ativan Lorazepam Anxiety Solution inj, oral, tab BZD receptor on postsynaptic GABA neurons. Enhances GABA. Hepatic metab. Int: alcohol, depressants. AR: anterograde amnesia. Dependence, altered sex drive, photosensitive
Augmentin Amoxicillin and clavulanate Bacterial infection Powd susp, tab, chewtab, tab ER Beta lactamases. Binds to PBP and suicide agent. Hepatic metab, renal exc. INC INR. AR: diarrhea, anaphylaxis.
Avelox Moxifloxacin Bacterial infection Infusion, solu opt, tab Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. Hepatic metab, renal and feces exc. NOT RENALLY ADJUSTED. Tendon rupture, bilirubin change, chelation, QTc prolong, CNS/neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, glucose disturbance.
Bactrim/Septra SMX/TRIM Bacterial infection Solu inj, susp, tab, tab DS Interferes with folic acid synthesis. Dihydropteroate-sulfa. Dihydrofolate-TMP. Urine exc. Int: warfarin, contraceptives. Contra: megaloblastic anemia, infants, hepatic/renal disease, prego. 8oz water, photosensitive.
Bactroban Mupirocin Bacterial infection Cream, oint, intranasal oint Binds to bacterial isoleucyl tRNA synthetase. Protein synthesis inhibition. Skin metab.
Boniva Ibandronate Osteoporosis Inj solution, tablet Inhibits bone resorption via action on osteoclasts. Urinary exc. Contra: hypocalcemia, inability to sit or stand for 60 min. AR: dyspepsia
BuSpar Buspirone Anxiety Tablet Unknown. High affinity for 5HT1a/2. Moderate D2 affinity. Hepatic metab. Int: MAOI, grapefruit. 2-3 weeks for full effect.
Byetta Exanatide Diabetes Mellitus Solu inj GLP1 analog. inc glucose dependent insulin secretion, dec inappropriate glucagon sec, inc B-cell growth and replication. Slow gastric emptying. Renal exc. Contra: gastroparesis. AR: N&V, acute pancreatitis, weight loss.
Bystolic Nebivolol Hypertension Tablet Selective B1 inhibitor. Hepatic metab, renal and fecal exc. Int: MAOI, insulin. Contra: severe bradycardia, heart block, cardio shock, SSS. Hypoglycemic mask.
Cardizem/Cartia/Dilacor/Tiazac Diltiazem Hypertension Cap ER, Inj solu, powd, tab, tab ER Nondihydropyridine CCB. Relax coronary smooth muscle, coronary vasodilation, inc oxygen delivery Hepatic metab.
Cardura Doxazosin Hypertension, BPH Tab, tab ER Inhibits post synaptic alpha1. Vasodilation, reduce peripheral resistance. Inhibits alpha1 in bladder neck/prostate Hepatic metab. Int: Decongestants. AR: orthostatic hypotension
Catapres Clonidine Hypertension Inj solu, tab, patch Stimulates alpha2 in brain stem. Hepatic metab, interheptic recycling. AR: depression. Must taper, rebound HTN
Celebrex Celecoxib Osteoarthritis, RA Cap Inhibits Cox2, dec prostaglandin synthesis. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: asthma, urticaria/allergy to ASA, NSAID. AR: GI bleed.
CellCept Mycophenolate Prophylaxis of organ rejection Cap, powd inj, powd susp, tab, tab DR Cytotoxic to T and B cells, inhibits IMP dehydrogenase. Hepatic metab. BBW: inc infections, lymphoma or skin malignancy, congenital malformations. AR: PRCA, electrolytes.
Chantix Varenicline Smoking cessation Tablet Partial agonist at nicotine receptors in brain. Renal exc, GF and ATS. PreC: suicide/depression. Begin 1 week prior to quitting.
Cipro Ciprofloxacin Bacterial infection Infuse, inj, MicroCap, Opt oint, opt solut, tab, tab ER DNA gyrase inhibition. Renal exc. Int: Antacid, iron salts. Contra: children, prego, theophylline use. FQ.
Claritin D Pseudoephedrine and loratadine Allergic rhinitis Solu, syrup, tab, chewtab, ODT Peripheral H1 antagonism. Decongestant alpha adrenergic) Hepatic metab, renal and feces exc. AR: xerostomia.
Cleocin Clindamycin Bacterial infection Cap, vagcream/suppos, foam, gel, granules, infuse, inj, lotion, pledge, TopSolut Binds to 50S subunit to inhibit protein synthesis. Hepatic metab. May cause C.Diff. AR: diarrhea.
Clozaril Clozapine Schizophrenia Tab, ODT Weak antagonism of D1, 2, 3, 5. high D4 affinity, blocks serotonin, alpha, H1 and cholinergic. Hepatic metab. Contra: agranulocytosis/ granulocytosis, uncontrolled epilepsy, severe CNS depression, coma.
Colchicine Colchicine Prevent/treat gout flare Tablet Disrupts cytoskeletal function by inhibiting b-tubulin polymerization. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: use of CYP3A4 or p glycoprotein inhibitors with renal/hepatic impairment. Avoid grapefruit.
Combivent/DuoNeb Albuterol and ipratropium COPD Neb solu, aerosal Alb-stimulate adenyl cyclase. Ipra-inhibits vagally mediated reflexes. Contra: sensitive to soy lecithin, soybean or peanuts, not for acute attacks.
Concerta/Ritalin/Focalin XR Methylphenidate/Dexmethyl ADHD Cap ER, Solut oral, Tab, ChewTab, Tab ER, Tab SR, Patch Activates brain stem arousal system and cortex to produce stimulation. Bimodal release. Int: MAOI. Contra: anxiety, tension, agitation, glaucoma, motor tics, tourette's, 14 days of MAOI, <6yo. Habit forming.
Cordarone Amiodarone Arrhythmias Inj, tab Lengthen cardiac action potential, some alpha/beta blocking, neg chronotropic. Porlongs conduction and AV refraction. Hepatic metab. INC INR. Contra: cardio shock, sinus bradycardia, 2/3rd AV block,
Coreg Cr Carvedilol Hypertension, HF Cap ER, Tablet Nonselective beta blocker with alpha blocking. Hepatic metab. Contra: 4 HF, 2/3rd AV block, SSS, cardio shock, severe bradycardia, diabetes, asthma/COPD, hypotension. AR bradycardia will get better in days to weeks.
Cortisporin Otic Neomycin, polymyxin B, Hydrocortisone Bacterial infection (pseudomonas) Inj powd, powder Binds to phospholipids alters permeability and damages membrane. AR ototoxicity
Cosopt Timolol and dorzolamide Glaucoma Opt solution Dorzol-inhibits carbonic anhydrase 2 in ciliary process. Tim- beta1/2 blocker. Wait 15 minutes before contact use.
Coumadin/Jantoven warfarin Anticoagulant Inj Powd, tab Antagonizes vit K, causes dec in hepatic vit K clotting factor. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: Many, Contra: many
Cozaar Losartan Hypertension Tab Block angiotensin 2 from binding to AT1. Hepatic metab. AR: rhabdomyolysis
Cubicin Daptomycin Bacterial infection Inj powd Binds to cell membrane, causes depolarization. Renal exc. NOT FOR LUNGS. AR myopathy
Cymbalta Duloxetine Depression Cap DR EC pellets Inhibits serotonin and NE reuptake. Hepatic metab. Int: MAOI. BBW: suicide. Contra: MAOI use, uncontrolled narrow angle glaucoma. PreC: HTN. Up to 4 weeks for effect.
Demadex Torsemide Edema Inj, tab Inhibits Na/K/Cl carrier system in loop of henle. Exc Na/Cl and water. Hepatic metab. Contra: sensitive to sulfonamides, anuria.
Depakote ER Divalproex (valproic acid) Seizure Cap DR, SprinkCap, Inj, syrup, Tab DR, tab ER Inc GABA available Hepatic metab. BBW: hepatic failure, pancreatitis, teratogenic. AR: alopecia.
Desyrel Trazodone Depression Tablet Inhibits serotonin uptake by brain. Inc behavioral effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan Hepatic metab, biphasic elimin. AR: priapism, no large quantities to suicidal/depressed pts.
Detrol LA Tolterodine Urinary urgency/incontinence Cap ER, Tab Competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist, inc in residual urine, dec detrussor pressure Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: urinary retenion, gastric retenion, uncontrolled narrow angle glaucoma
Diflucan Fluconazole Fungal infection Infusion, Powd oral, tab Inhibits gamma-14 alpha demethylation of fungal cells. Renal exc. AR abdominal pain, taste perversion, rash, ALT/AST elevation.
Dilantin Extended phenytoin sodium Seizures Cap ER, Cap PR, Inj, Susp, ChewTab Inc extrusion of Na ions from neurons and cardiac myocytes. SOA motor cortex. SS 10-20mcg/ml. Hepatic metab, renal exc. AR: nystagmus
Dilaudid Hydromorphone Moderate to severe pain Inj (solu, powd), liquid, Rsuppos, tab Binds to opioid receptors in CNS. Cough suppression. Hepatic metab. Renal exc. Contra: severe asthma. AR: nystagmus, taste perversion, xerostomia. Dependence.
Diovan Valsartan Hypertension Tab Block angiotensin 2 and binding at AT1. Fecal exc. D/C if prego suspected.
Diprivan/Lusedra Propofol/Fopropofol Anesthesia Inj emulsion Sterically hindered alkyl phenolic compound. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: sensitive to eggs, soy. Flu-like symptom for up to 3 weeks.
Duragesic/Actiq Fentanyl Moderate to severe pain Patch Opioid analgesic, mu receptor. Hepatic metab. AR: hypoventilation, hypotension, hallucinations, euphoria, urinary retenion. Flush patch.
Dyazide/Maxzide Hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene Edema/hypertension Cap, Tab Triam: inhibits Na reabsorption. HCTZ-inhibits reabsorption of Na/Cl at distal tubule. Renal exc. Conra: anuria, hyperkalemia, sensitive sulfonamides, using K+ sparing diuretics. AR: hyperglycemia, photosensitivity, impotence
Effexor/Pritiq Venlafaxine/desvenlafaxine Depression Cap ER, tab Potent inhibitor of neuronal 5HT and NE reuptake. Weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: MAOI, ASA, NSAID. BBW: suicide risk. PreC: HTN. AR: impotence, dec libido. Must Taper.
Effient Pasugrel Reduces thrombotic CV events with unstable angina Tab Blocks ADP receptor on platelets. Reduce activation, aggregation. GI metab, hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: Active bleed, history of TIA or stroke. BBW: cause bleeding, >75yo. AR: hyperlipidemia.
Elavil Amitriptyline Depression Tab Inhibits membrane pump mechanism for reuptake of NE and 5HT. Onset up to 4 weeks. Int: MAOI. Contra: MAOI, acute MI recovery. AR: blurred vision, urinary retenion.
Elimite/Nix Permethrin Head lice/scabies Cream Inhibits Na influx through nerve cells membrane channels in parasites. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: sensitive to chrysanthemums. Clothing/bedding must be washed. Can repeat in 7 days.
Epogen/Procrit Epoetin alfa Anemia Inj Induces erythropiesis, release of reticulocytes. Fecal exc. Contra: sensitive to albumin, uncontrolled HTN. BBW: CV events, tumor growth, DVT risk.
Evista Raloxifene Osteoporosis Tab SERM. Dec bone resorption, dec in total and LDL cholesterol. Estrogen antagonist at uterine, breast. Hepatic metab, fecal exc. Contra: prego, venous thrombolic events, DVT, pulmonary embolism, retinal vein thrombosis. D/C 3 days before immobility. AR: hot flashes, weight gain, edema, sweating.
Fioricet Butalbital, caffeine, acetaminophen Headache Tab APAP: analgesia, Butal: sensory cortex depression. Caff: CNS stimulation Int: CNS depressants, dec INR. Contra: porphyria
Flagyl Metronidazole Bacterial infection Cap, Tab, Tab ER, ointment, gel, cream, IV, vaginal Unstable intermediate which binds to DNA causing breakage and cell death. Renal exc. INC INR. Contra: sensitive to nitromidazole, first trimester. AR: metallic taste. Disulfiram rxn with alcohol.
Flexeril Cyclobenzaprine Muscle spasms Tab Acts on brainstem. Reduction of tonic somatic motor activity on both alpha and gamma motorneurons. Renal exc. Contra: congestive HF, hyperthyroidism, cardiac arrhythmias, conductive disturbance, acute MI recovery. AR: taste disturbance, blurred vision.
Flomax Tamsulosin Urinary symptoms d/t BPH Cap Selective alpha blocking of receptors in prostate. Relax prostate and bladder neck. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Rule out prostate carcinoma. AR: abnormal ejaculation.
Flonase/Flovent Fluticasone Allergic rhinitis Inhaled susp Corticosteroid. Hepatic metab, renal and fecal exc. PreC: adrenal suppression, immunosuppression, kaposi sarcoma. Avoid chicken pox exposure.
Folic Acid Folacin/Pteroylglutamine acid/folate Anemia Inj, tab, solu Stimulates WBC and platelet formation. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: phenytoin. AR: prenicious anemia, gasping syndrome.
Foradil/Brovana Formoterol/Arformoterol Asthma/COPD Cap Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by selective action on beta2 receptors with little effect on heart rate. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: MAOI and tricycles. BBW: may inc asthma related death. Do not swallow capsules.
Fosamax Alendronate Osteoporosis Oral solu, tab Inhibits bone resorbption by working on osteoclasts. Renal and fecal exc. Int: Ca or antacids. Contra: hypocalcemia, esophagus abnormalities. Renal adjust. Must sit/stand for 30min.
Gentamicin/Tobramycin Gentamicin/Tobramycin Bacterial infection Cream, infuse, inj, oint opt, oint top Interferes w/ bacterial wall synthesis by binding to 30S and 50S Renal exc. BBW: pregos. AR: neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, ototoxic.
Glucophage XR Metformin Diabetes mellitus Tab ER Dec hepatic glucose formation, dec intestinal absorption of glucose, improves insulin sensitivity Renal exc, Int: alcohol inc lactic metabolism. Prec: dec B12 absorption, lactic acidosis, GI upset, metallic taste. Contra: SrCr>1.5M, 1.4F, lactic acidosis. Parts of tablet may be in feces.
Glucotrol Glipizide Diabetes mellitus Tab ER Stimulates insulin release, reduces glucose from liver, insulin sensitivity inc at peripheral targets. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Contra: sensitive to sulfonamides, T1DM, juvenille or unstable. Ketoacidosis.
Humalog Insulin lispro, rDNA origin Diabetes mellitus Inj solution Rapid acting insulin analog. DOA<5 hours. Renal exc. AR: hypokalemia.
HydroDIURIL Hydrochlorothiazide Edema/hypertension Tab Inhibits Na reabsorption in distal tubules. Renal exc. Int: Inc lithium levels. AR: muscle cramps/weakness, hypokalemia. Contra: sensitive to sulfonamides, anuria, renal decompensation, prego. Monitor glucose closely.
Imdur Isosorbid mononitrate Angina Tab ER Systemic vasodilation, dec preload, dec LV end diastolic volume and pressure. Hepatic metab, renal and fecal exc. PreC: alcohol may inc hypotension. AR: HA. Contra: sensitive to organic nitrates, concurrent use w/ PDE-5 inhibitors, angle closure glaucoma, head trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, severe anemia.
Imitrex/Sumavel DosePro/Treximet Sumatriptan/Sumatriptan and ibuprofen Migraine headache Solu inj, Nasal solu, tab Selective agonit for 5HT 1B and 1D in cranial arteries, causes vasoconstriction, reduces sterile inflammation. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: ergots, MAOI. AR: tight feeling in head or chest, vertigo. Contra: ischemic HD, cerebrovascular syndromes, peripheral vascular syndrome, uncontrolled HTN, Use w/in 24 hours of ergotamines or 5HT1 agonist
Inderal LA Propranolol Hypertension inj solu, oral solu, tab Non-selective blockade of beta adrenergic receptors Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: toxic effects w/ verapamil. Lidocaine, ergots, epinephrine. Contra: uncompensated congestive HF, cardiogenic shock, severe sinus bradycardia or heart block, severe hyperactive airway disease. Hepatic dose adjustment.
InFED/Venofer Iron dextran complex/Iron sucrose Anemia Inj solu Release iron from plasma stores, replenishes sstores in the bone marrow to incorporate into hemoglobin. Renal and fecal exc. Int: ACEI. AR: arrhythmias, change in urine color. Contra: none irone deficient anemia, BBW: deaths associated with parenteral use (anaphylaxis), only use when pt cannot have PO. Test dose for anaphylaxis.
Isoptin/Calan SR Verapamil Angina, hypertension, arrhythmias Caplet SR, Tab SR, inj Inhibits Ca from entering slow channels in heart. Coronary smooth muscle relaxation, vasodilation, inc O2 delivery, dec AV conduction. Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: BB and prazosin inc therapeutic/toxic effects. AR: constipation, edema. Contra: severe LV dysfunction, hypotension, SSS, 2/3rd block, aflutter, afib.
Januvia Sitagliptin Diabetes mellitus Tab Inhibits DPP causing inc incretin levels which inc insulin synthesis, dec glucagon release dec'ing hepatic glucose production. Renal exc. Int: inc digoxin level. Contra: T1DM, ketoacidosis. PreC: pancreatitis
Keflex Cephalexin Bacterial infection Cap, tab, powd susp Binds to PBP Renal exc. Int: estrogen absorption, flase+ urine glucose. INC INR AR: diarrhea, hives/itching. PCN cross allergy
Keppra Levetiracetam Seizures Inj solu, oral solu, tablet Inhibition of N Ca channels, facilitations of GAB, reduction of K current Renal exc. PreC: psychosis, suicide, withdrawl.
Lactulose Lactulose Chronic constipation Solu oral, solu rectal Bacterial degredation causes acidic pH and inhibits NH3 from diffusing into blood, NH3 diffuses into gut, osmotic effect GI metab, need colon flora for activation, renal and fecal exc. Int: antacids. Contra: galactosemia. Diarrhea may indicate overdose
Lamictal Lamotrigine Seizures Tab, chew tab Inhibits release of glutamate, inhibits voltage Na channels to stabalize membranes. Hepatic and renal metab. Renal exc. Int: valproic acid, contraceptives. AR: rash. BBW: skin rash, blood dyscrasias
Lamisil Terbinafine Fungal infections Oral granules, tab, topical solut, gel, cream Inhibits squalene epoxidase Hepatic metab, renal exc. PreC: hepatic cirrhosis, lupus. May cause altered taste
Lanoxin Digoxin Heart failure/atrial fibrillation solu oral, inj solu, tab, cap Inhibits N/K ATPase pump in myocardial cells, promotes Ca influx to inc contractility. AV suppresion inc refractory period and dec conduction velocity GI metab. Int: diuretics cause electrolyte issues. Additive with verapamil. AR: gynecomastia. Contra: VFib. Can cause yellowing of vision.
Lantus Insulin glargine (rDNA origin) Diabetes mellitus Inj solut Long acting insulin analog. Skin metab, renal exc. AR hypokalemia.
Lasix Furosemide Edema/hypertension Solu inj, solu oral, tab Inhibits reabsorption of Na and Cl in ascending loop of henle and distal tubule. Renal and fecal exc. Int: AMG inc auditory toxicity. AR: hearing loss, weakness, muscle cramps. Contra: anuria, BBW: fluid/electrolyte loss.
Levaquin Levofloxacin Bacterial infection Solu inj, solu oral, infuse, tab Inhibits DNA gyrase, promotes DNA breakage. FQ Renal exc. BBW: tendon rupture, prolonged QTc. PreC: <18 yo. Chelation, photosensitivity
Levemir Insulin detemir Diabetes mellitus Inj solu Intermediate to long acting insulin analog. Renal exc. AR: hypokalemia, blurred vision.
Lexapro Escitalopram Depression Tab, oral solu Selectively inhibits reuptake of 5HT Hepatic metab, renal exc. Int: MAOI. AR: ejaculation disorder. Contra: concurrent use of MAOI or pimozide. BBW suicide risk.
Lidoderm Lidocaine Topical anesthetic Patch, oint, cream topical, cream rectal Blocks initiation and conduction of nerve impulses by dec'ing membrane permeability of Na ions Hepatic metab, renal exc. AR: hypotension, bradycardia. Contra: Adam-stokes syndrome, severe cases of SA, AV heart block. Corn allergy with pre-mixed injection. Remove for MRI scans.
Lipitor Atorvostatin Elevated cholesterol Tab Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase Hepatic metab, bile and renal exc. Int: inc Dig levels. Contra: acute liver disease, unexplained persistent inc LFTs, prego, breast feeding.
Lithonate/Lithotab Lithium carbonate Bipolar disorder Tab, syrup, solu, SR Tab, Cap Alters cation transport across cell membrane in nerve and muscle cells. Influecen reuptake of 5HT and NE. Renal exc. Not metabolized. Int: toxic w/ haloperidol. AR: N/V/D, drowsy, blurred vision, tinnitus, extreme polyuria. Contra: Severe CV or renal disease, dehydration, Na depletion, prego. BBW lithium toxicity. May have altered taste.
Created by: lkirk2
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