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Pharmacology Health Science

What is Pharmacology? The stucy of drugs and their origin,nature, properties, and effects on living organisms.
What are Classifications? How each drug can be categoized under a broad subcategory or subcategories.
Drugs that have the same effects fit under what? Several classifications.
How are drugs classified? By their chemical composition, how they work, and by the disease they treat.
The Generic name is what? Reflects the chemical name but in a shorter form.
The Brand name is what? The name the manufacturer uses to market the drug.
What are Indications? The reasons for administering a medication or performing a treatment.
What are Contra-indications? A factor that prevents the use of a medication or treatment.
What is a Dose? The amount of a drug to be administered at one time.
What is the Mechanism of Action? How a drug works.
What are Effects? The desire results of administration of a medication.
What are Side Effects? The effects that aren't desired and that occur in addition to the desired effects.
What are Drugs? The chemical substances that cause changes, physical, or emotional in an individual.
What is Medicine? It is a drug used to prevent, treat, or cure an illness or pain.
What are 3 things medicine drugs must have? Effectiveness, safty and side effects.
What are 2 ways to get medication? By prescription or over the counter.
What is the difference between over the counter and a perscription. Over the counter is medicine that can be purchased without a prescription. A Prescription is a written order by a doctor.
What is the FDA and what do they do? They are the Food and Drug Administration and decides if the drugs are safe to use.
Are herval medicines regulated by the FDA? No.
What are some classifications and what are they? Analgesics: relieve pain; Antihstamines: help allergies; Antibiotics: Kill bacteria; Antacids: relieve heartburn.
What are some routes of administration? Sublingual, Oral, Inhalation, Injection, Nasogstic Tube, G-Tube, Peg Tube, and Rectal.
What are some medication forms? Tablets, Liquid form injections, Spray, Liquid/vaporized, Gel, Suspension, Fine powder for inhalation, and Gas.
What are the 2 major steps in administering medication? Obtain an order, and Confirm Order.
What are the Six Rights of Medicaion Administation? Right Medicaion, Right Dose, Right Time, Right Route, Right Patient, Right Documentation.
Cap Capsule
Elix Elixir
gtt Drop
supp suppository
Susp suspension
tab tablet
Created by: sydney01
Popular Pharmacology sets




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