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Government Final

1. checks and balances 1. An example is that presidential appointments to Supreme court must be confirmed by Senate
2. cabinet 2. President and his cabinet officers have different goals and this can cause problems
3. President vs. Judicial 3. President uses appointment process to select judges with philosophies similar to his
4. President-formal powers 4. Commissions military officers, state of union address, receives ambassadors, grants pardons: line-item veto violated separation of powers
5. War Powers Resolution 5. President has to bring troops home within 60-90 days unless congress extends time
6. impeachment 6. House votes for impeachment; senate acts as jury
7. president-informal powers 7. Increased because of tensions between US and USSR, increase in expectations by public, economic and domestic problems, more involvement in foreign affairs
8. federal bureaucracy 8. Set guidelines after getting mandate from congress
9. Supreme court 9. Most of cases come from appellate courts; selects which cases it wants to hear for most part
10. justices 10. Given life tenures so they would free from politics
11. Warren's court 11. Ruled against segregation, expanded rights of accused, increased 1samendment protection, gerrymandering
12. public policy 12. Differences in public policy a result of federalism
13. Shays' rebellion 13. Pointed out need for a strong central government to protect property and raise army
14. federal system 14. Political power in a federal system is divided between central government and smaller governments
15. McCulloch vs. Maryland 15. States can not fix federal agency
16. civil rights 1950s - 16. Expanded when Supreme Court integrated schools
17. free speech and Supreme Court 17. Protects symbolic speech
18. Civil rights act 1964 18. Made discrimination in public accommodations illegal
19. 14th amendment 19. Applied to Bill of Rights to states
20. Miranda vs. Arizona 20. Read suspects rights; protect against unfair police interrogation tactics
21. reserved powers 21. Those rights not specified as belonging to the national government or specifically denied to states
22. Ist amendment 22. Establishment clause-can't establish a national church
23. Griswold vs. Connecticut 23. Right to privacy
24. Roe vs. Wade 24. Abortion; right to privacy
25. PACs. 25. Raise money for political campaign
26. lobbyist 26. Lobbyist- talk to congressmen about corporation located in congressional district, talk to White House staff about national issues; talk to journalist about issue; lobbies help link people with political process
27. interest groups 27. Link people with people process
28. political parties 28. Percentage that identified themselves as Republican or Democrat decreased
29. liberals 29. Lower incomes, want government to regulate economy but stay out of social/moral issues ; African American tend to support; also known as Democrats
30. conservatives 30. Higher incomes, want government to stay out of economic affairs but to regulate social/moral issues; republicans
31. primaries 31. Closed primary-have to declare which political party that are a member of
32. conventions selection process of VP 32. Balance ticket
33. voters 33. Directly elect senators and representatives
34. presidential nominating process 34. Presidential primaries have become more important that conventions; partisan identification is most important factor in selecting presidents
35. political socialization 35. One acquires his/her political values
36. critical elections 36. Happen when voters change traditional patterns of party identification
37. campaign finance 37. Only president elections are supported by public money
38. media 38. Focus on day to day activities of candidates
39. electoral process 39. 18-21 year olds don't turn out to vote; winner take all process of electorate vote process; independent voters have been increasing since 1970's, plurality election candidates who receives most votes win
40. conference committee 40. Come up with compromise bill because different versions were passed by House and Senate
41. committee system 41. Committee system more important in House because of its size it is easier to get things accomplished in committees
42. standing committee 42. Permanent committees that deal with particular subjects
43. Congress vs. President 43. Budget and Impoundment control act-attempt by congress to get power back from president; president can use media to influence congress; assign people in executive office to lobby legislators, take advantage of majority control in congress, take adva
44. Congress vs. Supreme Court 44. If Supreme Court declares law unconstitutional, Congress can amend the Constitution
45, membership of Congress 45. Mostly WASP males but since the 1990's have had more minorities and women elected
46. Veto power 46. SEE NOTES
47. Iron triangle 47. Executive Dept; congressional committee, interest groups
48. Congress 48. Legislative powers is long, decentralized and involves compromise, most contested power has been interstate commerce
49. Incumbents 49. Get more campaign contributions; casework and pork barrel projects
50. House v. Senate 50. House has more formal rules; Senate has more informal procedures
51. oversight 51. Approves spending
52. Congressional districts 52. Drawn by state ligislatures
53. democracy 53. System of government that gives power to people
54, monarchy 54. Powers of govt. are held by king or queen
55. Elite theory 55. Societies are divided along class lines and upper class makes the important decisions
56. aristocrac 56, Small ruling group holds power based on birth, wealth, etc
57. Pluralist theory 57. Politics is competition among differing groups representing different goals
58. Characteristics of Am. democracy 58. Freedom, personal liberty, equality, right to privacy, majority rule, etc.
59. Who shaped our system of govt.? 59. Greece, rule of law, political debates, natural law, Locke
60. Am. Vs. British democracy 60. Britain-parliament and cabinet headed by prime minister who has a cabinet that directs government; US has 3 separate branches of govt. and people indirectly elect president
61. How does a pluralist system represent 61. People can join a variety of groups which represent their beliefs and lobby govt
62. Bicamerial legistlature 62. Has an upper and lower house in legislative branch; house has 435 members and Senate, upper house, has 100 members
63. Standing committees 63. Permanent committees in House and Senate
64. Choices president has upon received a bill 64. Veto bill and send back to congress, sign bill into law, no action and becomes law after certain number of days, take no action and if congress adjourned bill dies pocket veto
65. Advice and consent 65. Senate gives advice and consent on treaties and appointments
66. Presiding officers of House & Senate 66. Speaker-House; VP-Senate
67. veto 67. President rejects a bill
Created by: vivianbivens13
Popular American Government sets




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