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A-Level Vocab
Term | Definition |
l'aplhabétisation | literacy |
apprendre | to learn |
apprentissages | learning |
garantit | guarantee |
notament | in particular |
un sur dix | one in ten |
le chemin | career path |
les frais | fees |
les champs | fields |
Sais-tu | Did you know |
Subir | undergo |
non-scolarisés | uneducated |
Ainsi | thus |
former | to train |
enseignants | teachers |
Malgré tout | Nevertheless |
L'école maternelle | Nursery |
L'école primaire | Primary school |
le brevet | GCSE's |
un écolier | a primary school student |
le maître | Primary school teacher |
un collegien | a high school student |
un lycéen | a sixth form student |
la rentrée | return to school after summer |
suivre un cours de | go to a lesson |
l'APEL | PTA |
l'étude | Study room |
une colle | a detention |
se faire coller | sent to a detention |
les fournitures scolaires | school stationary supplies |
un classeur | a folder |
une feuille de papier | a piece of paper |
une trousse | a pencil case |
un feutre | a marker |
un stylo plume | a fountain pen |
un effaceur | pen and pen rubber |
un tableau | black/white board |
un craie | a crayon |
ça y est | That's it |
retrouver | to refind |
transmettre | to transmit |
accumeler | to accumulate/gain |
expériments | experience |
échanger | exchange |
soient | whoever |
de peau | skin |
te forger | to forge/make |
sans compte | without counting |
une chance | a privilege |
scolarisés | educated |
laïque | secular-school has no religious links |
à l'époque | at the time |
lié | bound/linked with |
le citoyen | citizen |
n'améliore | not improve |
en revanche | on the other hand |
chacun | eachother |
goûts | taste |
témoignage | personal story |
expérimenté | experience |
contrôles | test |
rate | fair |
verser une somme | to pay |
compures | a break |
orientation | career |
se trompe | make a mistake |
SVT | Biology and Chemistry |
SES | Social and economics |
en fonction de | according to |
épreuves | final exam |
évaluer | to assess |
manuel | textbook |
spécialités | options |
livrés à | left to |
proviseur | headteacher |
passent | to sit |
A quoi ça sert? | What's the point? |
échou | failure |
rèussi | pass |
impôts | tax |
les écarts | the divide |
abolie | abolished |
des internes d'outre mer | foreign students |
aisées | wealthy |
le revenue | income |
fondée | founded |
surchargées | overloaded |
milieux sociaux | social backgrounds |
les caves | cellar |
le dégouster | taste |
cinquante | fifty |
effectués | carried out |
qui remporte la plane | who wins |