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austere severely simple and plain; without ornament or comfort
heresy severely simple and plain; without ornament or comfort
reprove to condemn for a fault or offense
juggernaut a large, overwhelmingly powerful object
Juggernaut the title of a Hindu god whose image was drawn in procession on a huge wheeled vehicle; devotees are said to have thrown themselves under its wheels
relish o enjoy greatly - n – great enjoyment of food or other things
immodest adj. – lacking in modesty; indecent
indignation n – anger aroused by something thought to be unjust or wicked
apropos adj – suitable or relevant to what is being said or done
apropos of – concerning, with reference to
disquietude n – a state of uneasiness or anxiety
crony(ies) n – a close friend or companion
contrive v – to plan cleverly, to achieve in a clever or resourceful way
pedant n – a person who parades his knowledge or who insists on strict observance of formal rules and details in the presentation of knowledge
blatant adj. – very obvious and unashamed
disposition n – a person’s natural qualities of mind and character; a natural tendency
countenance n – the expression of the face
assail v – to attack violently and persistently
elicit v – to draw forth; evoke
gaunt adj. – lean and haggard; grim or desolate looking
ruminate v – to meditate, to ponder
stringent adj. – (of a rule) strict; (of financial conditions) tight
disconsolate adj. – (of a rule) strict; (of financial conditions) tight
explicit adj – stating something in exact terms, not merely implying it
doggedly adv – with determination
appalling adj – shocking, unpleasant
undaunted adj – not discouraged; not giving in to fear
incline v – to lean, to slope
malefactor – n – a wrongdoer
accouterments n – equipment (specifically, a soldier’s outfit other than weapons and clothes)
disparity n – inequality; difference
keen adj – sharp; intense
enigma n – something very difficult to understand
deride v – to laugh at scornfully, to treat with scorn
novelty adj – the quality of being something new
dissolution n – the dissolving of an assembly or partnership
aversion n – a strong dislike
vicarious adj – felt through sharing imaginatively in the feelings/activities of another person
depravity n – moral corruption, wickedness
astute adj – shrewd; quick at seeing how to gain an advantage
suffice v – to be enough, to meet the needs of
inordinate adj. – excessive, more than necessary
connoisseur n – one who has expert knowledge and keen determination esp. in the fine arts
Created by: z.gon9137
Popular English Verbs sets




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