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Terminology PCT

Terminology for the PCT Test

absorption process by which substances (including drugs) are taken up and transported to the bloodstream
acidosis acid-base imbalance in which the blood becomes excessively acidic
addiction pattern of compulsive drug use characterized by overwhelming involvement with the drug, securing its supply and a tendency to relapse after withdrawl
additive effect when the effects of two or more drugs us equal to the sum of their individual effect
adverse effect effects occuring other than the desired one, also called side effects
alkalosis acid-base imbalance in which the blood becomes excessively alkalotic
allergen a substance (ex. pollen) that stimulates cell responses and produces symptoms of allergy
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
anaphylaxis hypersensitivity reaction (allergic reaction)characterized by edema, hypertension, shortness of breath. A life threatening condition
anemia blood deficency of the pigment hemoglobin, which transmits oxygen
anesthetic an agent used to abolish sensation, may be local (Novocaine) or general
aneurysm sac filled with blood, formed by weakness in the wall of the artery or vein
anorectic a drug that depresses appetite
angina pectoris attack of chest pain, caused by insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart
antagonist a drug that opposes the action of another drug
anthelmintic an agent that destroys or paralyzes parasitic worms
antibiotic a substance produced from a living microorganism capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of another microorganism
anticoagulant an agent that prevents or delays the clotting of blood
antihistamine a drug that antagonizes the effect of histamine
antineoplastic an agent that destroys or inhibits tumor cells
antipruritic an agent that relieves itching
antipyretic an agent that reduces fever
antiseptic an agent that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms and may be safely applied to living tissue
antispasmodic a drug that relieves or prevents spasms
antitussive a drug that relieves coughing
arrhythmia irregular heartbeat
arteriosclerosis thickening, hardening, loss of elasticity of the veins (vessels)
bacteria microorganisms that have various forms and often cause disease
bactericidal capable of killing bacteria (many antibiotics)
bacteriostatic inhibits the growth of bacteria, allowing the body to fight the bacteria
benign conditions which do not threaten health
biopsy removal of a small piece of tissue for analysis
carcinogen a substance that may cause cancer
cathartic a drug used to stimulate bowel movements (laxatives)
caustic an agent that causes burning or destruction of tissue
cereberal pertaining to the brain
chemotherapy treatment or prevention of disease by administering chemical agents
congestive heart failure decreased ability of the heart to supply blood to tissue and organs, results in swelling in feet and ankles and fluid buildup in the lungs
cumulative effects toxic effects that result from repeatedly administering a drug faster than the body can eliminate it, results in buildup of the drug
cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder
decongestant a drug that relieves congestion and opens blocked nasal and bronchi
decubitis ulcer bed sore, caused by prolonged pressure on the skin
dependence altered state where continued administration of the drug is necessary to prevent physical or psychological withdrawl
depressant an agent that decreases the rate at which some cellular process occurs
disinfectant an agent that destroys microorganisms on inanimate objects
electrocardiogram graphic record of the heart's electrical activity
electroencephalogram graphic record of the brain's electrical activity
erythrocyte red blood cell
expectorant an agent that decreases the viscosity of respiratory secretions
fibrillation rapid, ineffectual heartbeat
herpes simplex acute viral disease marked by watery blisters (cold sores, fever blisters)
hormone a substance formed in one organ that is transmitted through the bloodstream to a site where it affects the function of another organ
hyperkinetic abnormally increased motor funtion or activity
hypersensitive tending to exhibit an abnormally increased response to a drug or agent
hypotension low blood pressure
idiosyncrasy abnormal or peculiar response to a certain drug in a particular individual
immunity ability to resist or overcome infection
infection invasion of the body by pathogenic oranisms
inflammation reaction of tissue to injury
infusion slow injection of a solution into a vein or subcutaneous tissue
intracardiac route by which a drug is administered into the heart
inhalation route by which the drug is administered into the lung or respiratory tract
intradermal route by which the drug is administered into the skin
intramuscular route by which the drug is injected into the muscle
intravenous into or within the vein
jaundice yellowish appearence of the skin, eye or other tissue due to deposits of bile pigment
laxative a drug used to stimulate evacuation of bowels or to promote softer, buljier stools
lukemia disease characterized by extremely high leukocyte counts
leukocyte white blood cells
malignant condidtion tending to become progressively worse if untreated
mastectomy surgical removal of the breast
metabolism biochemical alteration of a substance (drug) within the body
metastasis spreading of disease from one organ, or part, to another
narcotic a drug that induces insensibility and relieves pain but is also addicting
nephritis inflammation of the kidney
nosocomial aquired at or originating at the hospital
ophthalmic relating to the eye, especially drugs administered to the eye
oral relating to the mouth, drugs administered by mouth
otic relating to the ear, especially drugs administered into the ear canal
parenteral not administered orally or rectally, usually means a drug administered by IV
pathogen any disease producing microorganism
pathology the study of disease and the changes they can cause in the body
phlebitis inflamation of the veins
pruritus iching
renal pertaining to the kidneys
respiration process by which the body exchanges gases with the body
sedative a drug that exerts a quieting effect on the mental processes
shock acute peripheral circulatory failuredue to interruption of or loss of circulating fluid (blood)
side-effect undesirable pharmacological effect of a drug, at therapeutic doses
sterilize to render objects free of microorganisms, usually by destroying those present by heat or application of chemical
subcutaneous beneath the skin, drug injected just under the skin
symptom specific functional evidence of disease, observed or reported
syncope fainting, temporary suspension of consiousness due to cerebral anemia
syndrome set of symptoms occuring together and characterizing a particular abnormality
synergistic response when the effect of two or more combined drugs is greater than the sum of their individual effects
systemic pertaining to or effecting the body as a whole (as in the blood stream)
teratogenic effect causing damage or defect in an unborn child
tolerance the need to increase the dose of a drug to obtain a desired therapeutic effect
toxicity harmful or poisonous effect on the human body, usually from an excessive amount of a drug
toxin poison produced by a living oranism, often bacterium
tracheotomy an incisin into the trachea through the skin and neck muscle, to allow breathing
tranquilizer a drug that relieves anxiety and tension
vaccine an agent administered to establish resistance to an infectious disease
vasoconstrictor a drug that causes narrowing of blood vessels
vasodilator a drug that causes widening of blood vessels
vermicide a drug that destroys parasitic worms
vertigo dizziness
virus microscopic agent capable of growth and replication only in living cells
drug a substance intended for use in diagnosis, cure, treatment or prevention of disease
OTC Drug over the counter drug for which a perscription is not required because the manufacturer has convinced the FDA that it safe for unsupervised use
Legend Drug a drug that requires a prescription
Ancillary label a label on a perscription whose purpose is to warn or remind
meniscus convex or concave upper surface of a column of liquid which is caused by surface tension. Point at which liquid is measured in a graduated cylinder
progesterone hormone, compound obtained from the corpus lutrum of pregnant sows; used for the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea and threatened or reoccurent abortions
estrogen female sex hormone produced by the ovarian follicles
isotretinion yellowish orange or orange crystilline powder used in the treatment of acne. This drug is extremely harmful to an unborn fetus
P&T Committee Pharmacy and Theraputics Committee used in an institutional prectice, a team which is responsible for the safe distribution of medications in that institute
automatic stop order refers to medications that have a predetermined duration of therapy and must be discontinued unless reordered. Used in institutional practice and has no equivilant in retail
aseptic technique the handling of previously sterile products without the introduction of microbial contamination
porcelain mortar and pestle device used to grind powder or solids in a pharmacy
glass mortar and pestle device used for compounding mainly liquids in a pharmacy
trituration is the process of reducing solids into fine particles by rubbing them in a mortar and pestle
levigation is the process of reducing particle size and incorporating into lotions and creams. Typically using an ointment slab abd spatula
aseptic free from germs of disease, fermintation or putrefacation
hermetically sealed an air tight seal that prevents introduction of air, light, radiation and moisture
pyrogen a substance that cuases fever or a rise in tempature in humans
hibicleanse antimicrobial substance for hand washing
betadine antimicrobial substance for hand washing
TPN Total Parental Nutrition - feeding through the veins typically includes amino acids, dextrose, fats, electrolytes, vitamins and sometimes the drugs heparin and insulin
amino acids building blocks from which protiens are constructed
dextrose dextragluclose obtained from starch by acid hydrolysis (sugar) (corn sugar)
heparin substance that prevents or slows clotting in blood; used to treat thrombosis; obtained from the liver or lungs of domesticated food animals
thrombosis blood clots
insulin a drug used to restore the body's normal ability to utilize sugar and other carbs
MSDS material saftey data sheet - identifys a hazardous substance that is inside, suggest emergency procedure and precautions for safe handling
Created by: rpusbach
Popular Pharmacology sets




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