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Term | Definition |
tener un accidente | to have an accident |
hacerse dano, lastimarse | to hurt yourself |
caerse | to fall |
romperse | to break |
torcerse | to twist |
cortarse | to cut oneself |
picar | to stain/ to itch |
ocurrir | to happen |
tener lugar | to take place |
acabar de | just/ to finish |
el servico de primeros auxilios | first aid service |
la ambulanca | the ambulance |
la camilla | stretcher |
el hospital | the hospital |
la sala de emergencia | the emergency room |
la sala de urgencias | the emergency room/ accident and emergency department |
la recepcion | the reception |
la silla de ruedas | the wheelchair |
las mueltas | the crutches |
la victima | victim |
llenar el formulario | to fill out the form |
el/la medica | doctor |
el/la cirujano/ ortopedico | surgeon |
el/la enfermero | nurse |
el/la tecnico | technican/ technical |
el/la socorrista | lifeguard |
una fractura | fracture |
una herida | wound/injury |
una picadura | sting/ bite |
el dolor | pain |
hinchado | swollen |
ayudar | help |
doler | to hurt |
sentirse | to feel |
tomar la tension (presion) arterial | to measure/ take blood pressure |
tomar el pulso | to take pulse |
tomar un radiografia | to take an x-ray |
tomar unos rayos equis | to take some x rays |
reducir el hueso | to reduce the bone |
poner en un yeso | to put in a plaster cast |
poner un vendaje | to apply a bandage |
cerrar la herida | to close the wound |
poner puntos | to give stitches |
parecer | to seem |
el cuerpo | body |
el pecho | chest |
la pierna | leg |
el hombro | shoulder |
el codo | elbow |
la rodilla | knee |
el brazo | arm |
la muneca | wrist |
el tobillo | ankle |
el cuello | neck |
el dedo | finger |
el pie | foot |
la cara | face |
la frente | forehead |
la mejilla | cheeks |
la nariz | nose |
el labio | lips |
el ojo | eye |
el oido. la oreja | ear |