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head, neck, and face

head, neck, and face trail guide

1. What three landmarks creates the borders of the neck's anterior triangle? sternocleidomastoid, base of the mandible, trachea
2. The sternocleidomastoid, clavicle, and trapezius form the ___ of the neck? posterior triangle
3. How many bones compose the skull? twenty-two
4. the cranial bones are connected by ___ joints which form tight-fitting structures? fibrous
5. the __ is located at the posterior and inferior aspects of the cranium? occiput
6. Located at the center of the occiput, the ___ is the superior attachment site for the ligamentum nuchae? external occipital protuberance
7. Which bony landmark of the occiput serves as an attachment site for several neck muscles? superior nuchal line
8. The __ bones merge at the body's midline to form the sagital suture? parietal
9. Which bony landmark is located directly behind the earlobe and serves as an attachment site for the sternocleidomastoid? mastoid process
10. The space between the zygomatic arch and the cranium is filled by the ____ muscle? temporalis
11. The ___ bone forms the forehead and upper rim of the eye sockets? frontal
12. Which bony landmark is located on the underside of the mandible and acts as an attachment site for the suprahyoid muscles? submandibular fossa
13. While palpating the mandible, in which area should one use extra sensitivity? submandibular fossa
1. The two heads of the sternocleidomastoid originate at the ___ and the ___? top of manubrium, medial one-third of clavicle
2. To create an even more visible contraction in the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), ask your partner to flex her neck after making what adjustment rotate head slightly to opposite side
3. Which scalene is difficult to distinguish from surrounding muscle bellies posterior
4. which muscles are located between the SCM and the anterior flap of the trapezius scalenes
5. the brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass through a small gap between which two muscles on the anterior, lateral neck. anterior scalene, middle scalene
6. you might ask your partner to "breathe deeply into your upper chest" when palpating which muscle group? scalenes
7. The anterior scalene lies partially deep to the lateral edge of which muscle? sternocleidomastoid
8. To discern the posterior scalene from the levator scapula, what action could you ask your partner to perform that would contract the levator but not the scalene? elevate the scapuls
9. The ___ is the strongest muscle in the body relative to its size? masseter
10. The broad origin of which muscle attaches to the frontal, temporal, and parietal bones? temporalis
11. To access the insertion of the temporalis, you must ask your partner to perform what action? open your mouth (jaw) to access the coronoid process
12. Passive protraction of the mandible would ___ the temporalis lengthen
13. Passive rotation of the head and neck to the opposite side would __ the scalenes shorten
14. Passive lateral flexion of the head and neck to the same side would ___ the sternocleidomastoid and scalenes. shorten
15. Passive flexion of the head and neck would ___ the anterior scalene shorten
16. Passive rotation of the head and neck to the same side would __ the sternocleidomastoid lengthen
17. Passive elevation of the mandible would __ the masseter. shorten
The origin of anterior scalene is? Transverse processes of third through sixth cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercles)
the insertion of anterior scalene is? first rib (2)
The origin of masseter is? Zygomatic arch
the insertion of masseter is? angle and ramus of mandible
the origin of middle scalene is? Transverse processes of second through seventh cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercles)
the insertion of scalene is? First rib (2)
the origin of posterior scalene is? Transverse processes of sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercles)
the insertion of posterior scalene is? second rib
the origin of sternocleidomastoid is? Top of manubrum, medial one-third of the clavicle
The insertion of sternocleidomastoid is? Mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
The origin of temporalis is? Temporal fossa and fascia
the insertion of temporalis is? Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
1. Name the four muscles which compose the suprahyoids digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, stylohyoid
2. Which muscle originates at the mastoid process, loops through a tendinous sling at the hyoid bone, and inserts to the inferior border of the mandible? digastric
3. what direction should you give your partner in order to locate the suprahyoids? press the tip of the tongue firmly against the roof of the mouth
4. Which muscle runs from the hyoid bone to the superior border of the scapula and is mostly inaccessible? omohyoid
5. Which muscle becomes visually distinct when your partner forms a Creature from the Black Lagoon expression? platysma
6. The galea aponeurotica forms the bridge between which two muscle bellies? occipitalis, frontalis
7. The frontalis is best seen and felt by asking your partner to do what action? raise his eyebrows
8. What two muscles attach from the anterior surface of the cervical vertebrae to the occiput and atlas? longus capitis, longus colli
the origin of digastric is? mastoid process (deep to SCM and splenius capitis)
the insertion of digastric is? inferior border of the mandible
the origin of geniohyoid is? underside of the mandible (2)
the insertion of geniohyoid is? hyoid bone (6)
the origin of mylohyoid is? underside of the mandible (2)
the insertion of mylohyoid is? hyoid bone (6)
the origin of omohyoid is? superior border of the scapula
the insertion of omohyoid is? hyoid bone
the origin of sternohyoid is? top of manubrium (2)
the insertion is sternohyoid is? hyoid bone (6)
the origin of sternothyroid is? top of manubrium (2)
the insertion of sternothyroid is? thyoid cartilage
the origin of stylohyoid is? styloid process
the insertion of stylohyoid is? hyoid bone (6)
the origin of thyrohyoid is? thyroid cartilage
the insertion of thyrohyoid is? hyoid bone (6)
Passively raising the eyebrows would ___ the frontalis fibers shorten
11. Tightening the fascia of the neck would ___ the platysma shorten
12. Passive protraction of the mandible would ___ the digastric lengthen
13. PAssive depression of the mandible would ___ the suprahyoids shorten
14. Not that you'd ever want to, but passive elevation of the hyoid bone would ___ the infrahyoids. lengthen
13. The pulse of the ___ can be felt medial to the SCM at the level of t he hyoid bone. common carotid artery
14. Where can you best feel the pulse of the temporal artery? in front of the ear along the zygomatic arch
15. Which structure could detect by placing your finger at the base of the mandible along the anterior edge of the masseter? facial artery
16. The thyroid gland is situated on the anterior surface of the trachea between which two structures? jugular notch, cricoid ring.
the skull is composed of __ bones, __ in the cranium and __ in the facial region. 22, 8, 14
the ___ forms a large, superficial bump directly behind the earlobe. mastoid process
the superficial ___ (or cheekbone) is formed by the temporal and zygomatic bones. it is an attachment site for the masseter muscle. zygomatic arch
The ___ is located behind the earlobe between the mastoid process and the posterior edge of the mandible. it is fanglike shaped styloid process
the ___ is known as the cheekbone zygomatic
the __ is the windpipe and is located at the center of the anterior neck. trachea
the __ is also known as the adams apple thyroid cartilage
the __ is horseshoe shaped and is superior to the thyroid cartilage hyoid bone
the ____ is the primary supplier of blood to the head and neck. carotid artery
The ___ artery branches off the external carotid artery and crosses over the top of the zygomatic arch. continues along the side of the cranium, lying superficial to the temporalis muscle. superficial temporal artery
The __ is a small, superficial vessel that branches off from the external carotid artery and curves around the base of the mandible (jawline) toward the mouth and nose. facial artery
Created by: xokitty17xo
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