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CPR Test

How should you check a conscious person? Get consent, Ask questions, Do not touch or move painful areas on the body
You see a woman collapse in front of you while entering the lobby of you office building. You check the scene and then check the victim for consciousness, but she does not respond. What should you do next? Call or have someone else call EMS
The best way to check if a person is unconscious is to – Tap the person and shout “Are you okay?”
Move an injured person only if – The scene becomes unsafe, You need to reach another person with a more serious injury or illness, You need to move a person to give emergency care
You determine that a person may be in shock. What should you NOT give them? WATER
What care should you give to a conscious adult who is choking and cannot cough, speak, or breathe? Give back blows and abdominal thrusts
The cycle of compressions and breaths in CPR for an adult is – 30 compressions for every 2 breaths
About how often should you stop and check for signs of life when performing CPR on an adult? CPR should not be interrupted or stopped until an AED is ready to use, another trained responder takes over, or you see obvious signs of life
About how many cycles of CPR should you perform for a adult in 2 minutes? 5
When giving a rescue breath to an adult, you should give the breath over a period of about – 1 Second
When giving care to a child who is conscious and has an obstructed airway, where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts? Just above the navel
A child is choking on a piece of hard candy. She is conscious and coughing forcefully. What should you do? Stay with her and encourage her to continue coughing
When giving rescue breaths to a child, you should give 1 breath about every – 3 Seconds
When giving CPR – Compress the chest straight down about 1 to 1 ½ inches, Give cycles of 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths
About how often should you stop and check for signs of life when performing rescue breathing on a child? Every 2 minutes (or 40 breaths)
An infant in need of CPR will show – No breathing and No pulse
What should you do for a conscious infant who is choking and cannot cough, cry, or breath? Give back blows and chest thrusts to clear the airway
Where should you place your hands when compressing an infant’s chest during CPR? One hand on the infant’s forehead and 2 or 3 fingers on the center of the chest
When giving CPR to an infant – Compress the chest straight down about ½ to 1 inch, Give cycles of 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths
Where should you position a conscious choking infant’s head? With the infant’s head lower than his or her chest
When preparing an AED for use, what is the FIRST thing you should do? Turn on the AED
If, during the second analysis, the AED prompts “no shock advised” you should – Resume 5 cycles or about 2 minutes of CPR
What should you do before the AED analyzes the rhythm? Ensure no one, including yourself, is touching the victim
If, prior to applying the pads, you see a medication patch on the person’s chest you should – With a gloved hand, remove the patch from the person’s chest
The AED pads for an adult should be placed on – The upper right and lower left of the chest
Created by: 1434136741



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