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VETT 118

Chapter 1 - Contrasting Prefixes

A- means without or no.
An- means without or no.
Ab- means away from.
Abduction means to take away from the midline.
Ad- means toward.
Aduction means move toward the midline.
Atraumatic means without injury.
Anuria means absence of urine.
Traumatic means pertaining to injury
Uria means urination
Emetic means pertaining to vomit
Anti- means against.
Antiemetics means work against or prevent vomiting
Dys- means difficult, painful, or bad.
Dysphagia means difficulty eating or swallowing.
Eu- means good, easy, or normal
Euthyroid means having a normally functioning thyroid gland
Endo means within or inside
Endocrine means to secrete internally.
Ex- or exo- means without, out of, outside, or away from.
Exocrince means to secrete externally (via a duct).
Endoparasite an organism that lives within the body of the host.
Ecto- means outside.
Ectoparasite an organism that lives on the outer surface of the host.
Hyper- means elevated, higher, or more than normal.
Hyperglycemia means elevated amounts of blood glucose.
Hypo- means depressed, lower, or less than normal.
Hypoglycemia means depressed amounts of blood glucose.
Inter- means between.
Intercostal means between the ribs.
Intra- means within.
Intramuscular means within the muscle.
Poly- means many or excessive.
Polyuria means excessive amount or frequency of urination.
Oligo- means scant or little.
Oliguria means scant amount or frequency of urination.
Pre- means before.
Preanesthetic means pertaining to before anesthesia.
Post- means after
Postanesthetic means pertaining to after anesthesia.
Sub- means below, under, or less.
Sublingual means under the tongue.
Super-/Supra- means above, beyond, or excessive.
Supernumerary means more than the regular number.
Suprascapular means above the shoulder blade.
Created by: alcerbin
Popular Veterinary sets




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