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History Quiz2

What was the Civilian Conservation Corps? A program started by President Roosevelt to employ strong able men to work protecting the Utah forests.
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt? The President who ran against Hoover and won. He had a can-do attitude, working to stop the Great Depression.
What was the New Deal? A set of policies designed to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression. New Deal policies focused on three general goals: relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform.
What were the "Hundred Days"? From Mar. 9 to June 16, 1933, Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of New Deal. These laws, and others, expanded the federal govern.'s role in the nation’s economy and in citizens’ lives. Too, it changed the relationship between federal and state.
What happened during the Roosevelt's Hundred Days? Roosevelt’s first step as president was to reform banking and finance, he declared a bank holiday and closed all banks to prevent further withdrawals. Congress passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which authorized to inspect the country’s banks.
What was the Glass-Steagall Act? This act established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-FDIC. It provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts, reassuring millions of customers that their money was safe. It also required banks to be cautious with the customers’ money.
What was the Federal Securities Act? Passed in May 1933, required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations.
What was the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)? Used to regulate the stock market. One goal of this commission was to prevent people with inside information about companies from “rigging” the stock market for their own profit.
What additional law had Roosevelt pushed for? Roosevelt persuaded Congress to approve a bill allowing the manufacture and sale of some alcoholic beverages. The bill’s main purpose was to raise government revenues by taxing alcohol. By the end, the 21st Amendment had repealed prohibition altogether.
What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)? After both the Dust Bowl and Great Depression, farmers were hit hard. The government sought to raise crop prices by lowering production, then payed farmers to leave a certain amount of land unseeded. The theory was that reduced supply would boost prices.
What was The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)? The TVA renovated five existing dams and constructed 20 new ones, created thousands of jobs, and provided flood control, hydroelectric power, and other benefits to the region. The government also established the Cumberland Homesteads in eastern Tennessee.
What was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)? It put young men aged 18 to 25 to work. They built roads, made parks, planted trees, & helped in soil-erosion/ flood projects. It paid a small wage, of which most was sent to their family. It also supplied free food, uniforms, & lodging in work.
What was the The Public Works Administration (PWA)? The PWA was a part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). The PWA provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings.
What was the National Recovery Administration (NRA)? It set prices of many products and established standards. The aim of the NRA was to promote recovery by interrupting the trend of wage cuts, falling prices, and layoffs.
What was the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)? It provided government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure because they couldn’t make their loan payments.
What is deficit spending? How did it effect this time period? -Spending more money than it receives in revenue. -It was stimulating economic recovery, despite putting the government deeply into debt.
Why did people oppose the deficit spending/New Deal? (1/2) Liberal critics worried that the New Deal would not go far enough to help the poor and to reform the nation’s economic system. Conservative critics argued that Roosevelt’s direct relief plan would cost the government too much.
Why did people oppose the deficit spending/New Deal? (2/2) Many critics believed the New Deal would interfere with the workings of a free-market economy. They believed it was a way for the government to gain control over businesses.
How did the Supreme Court react to NIRA? They declared NIRA unconstitutional. They said that the law upset the established system of checks and balances by giving legislative powers to the executive branch.
How did the Supreme Court react to AAA? the Supreme Court struck down the AAA on the grounds that agriculture is a local matter and should be regulated by the states rather than by the federal government.
What was Roosevelt's response to the Supreme Court? He asked Congress for a court reform bill. If passed, the bill would reorganize and allow FDR to appoint 6 new Supreme Court justices.
What was wrong with Roosevelt's request? It'd further shift the relationship of the branches by allowing the executive to use legislation to interfere with judicial independence. However, it later was passed.
Who were The American Liberty League? They opposed New Deal measures that it believed violated respect for the rights of individuals and property.
Who was Huey Long? Long was a supporter of the New Deal, but he turned against Roosevelt. Eager to win the presidency, he proposed a program called Share-Our-Wealth. His slogan was “Every Man a King,” which promised something for everyone. However, he was assassinated.
What was the Second New Deal? During this phase, the president called on Congress to provide more extensive relief for both farmers and workers.
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? A social reformer who had humanitarian impulses and great political skills. She tried to influence Democratic National Committee to put women in government jobs. Too, she made sure that the New Deal had relief for women as well.
What was the it: the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act? This act paid farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops. It also rewarded farmers for practicing good soil conservation methods.
Who else did the 2nd New Deal try to help? Including farmers, the Second New Deal also attempted to , sharecroppers, migrant workers, students, women, African Americans, and Native Americans.
What was The Resettlement Administration? Provided monetary loans to small farmers to buy land. In 1937 the agency was replaced by the Farm Security Administration (FSA).
What was the Farm Security Administration (FSA)? The FSA loaned more than $1 billion to help tenant farmers become landholders. It also established camps for migrant farm workers, who had traditionally lived in squalid housing.
What was the Works Progress Administration (WPA)? It set out to create as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible. They built airports throughout the country or repaired roads & streets, & built public buildings. Because of Eleanor R. , they made efforts to help women, minorities, and young people.
What was the National Youth Administration (NYA)? It created specifically to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people. The NYA provided student aid to high school, college, and graduate students. In exchange, students worked in part-time positions at their schools.
What was the Wagner Act? The federal government protected the right of workers to join unions and engage in collective bargaining with employers. It also prohibited unfair labor practices such as threatening workers, firing union members, and interfering with union organizing.
What was the Fair Labor Standards Act? It set maximum hours at 44 hrs per week, decreasing to 40 hrs after 2 years. It also set minimum wages at 25 cents an hour, increasing to 40 cents an hour by '45. Plus, it set rules for the employment of kids under 16 and banned hazardous work for minors.
What did the Social Security Act establish? -Old-age insurance for retirees 65 or older and their spouses. -Unemployment compensation system. -Aid to families with dependent children and people with disabilities.
What was the Rural Electrification Administration (REA)? The REA financed and worked with electrical cooperatives to bring electricity to isolated areas. By 1945, 48 percent of America’s farms and rural homes had electricity.
Created by: OliviaRoark
Popular American Government sets




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