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VETT 118

Chapter 2 - Tissues

Tissue a group of specialized cells that are similar in structure and function.
Histology the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissue.
Hist/o the combining form for tissue.
What are the four types of tissues? Epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous
Epithelial tissue or epithelium covers internal and external body surfaces and is made of tightly packed cells in a variety of arrangements.
Epi- prefix that means above
thel/o combining form that means nipple, but now is used to denote any thing membrane
-um suffix that means structure.
What are the two types of epithelial tissue? Mesothelium and endothelium
Endothelium the cellular covering that forms the lining of the internal organs, including the blood vessels.
Endo- prefix meaning within
Mesothelium is the cellular covering that forms the lining of the serous membranes such as the peritoneum.
Meso- prefix meaning middle.
Connective tissue adds support and structure to the body by holding the organs in place and binding body parts together.
What are the types of connective tissue? Bone, cartilage, dense connective tissue (found in tendons and ligaments), blood, and adipose tissue.
Adipose fat
Adip/o combining form for fat
Muscle tissue contains cell material with the specialized ability to contract and relax.
What are the three muscle types? skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
Nervous tissue contains cells with the specialized ability to react to stimuli and conduct electrical impulses.
-plasia suffix used to describe formation development and growth in the NUMBER of cells in an organ or tissue.
-trophy means formation, development, and growth in the SIZE of an organ or a tissue or individual cells
Anaplasia is a change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other.
Aplasia Is lack of development of an organ or a tissue or a cell.
Dysplasia abnormal growth or development of an organ or a tissue or a cell.
Hyperplasia is an abnormal increase in the number of normral cells in normal arrangement in an organ or a tissue.
Hypoplasia is incomplete or less than normal development of an organ or a tissue or a cell.
Neoplasia Is any abnormal new growth of tissue in which multiplication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and progressive.
Neoplasms usually form a distinct mass of tissue called a tumor.
Tumors mass of cells that can be benign or malignant
Benign meaning not recurring
Malignant meaning tending to spread and be life threatening
-oma suffix meaning tumor or neoplasm
Atrophy decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ or tissue or cell.
Dystrophy is defective growth in the size of an organ or tissue or cell.
Hypertrophy is increase in the size of an organ or tissue or cell.
a- prefix meaning without
hypo- prefix meaning less than normal
hyper- prefix meaning more than normal
dys- means bad
ana- means without
neo- means new
Glands groups of specialized cells that secrete material used elsewhere in the body.
Aden/o the combining form for gland.
What are the two categories of glands? Exocrine and endocrine
Exocrine glands groups of cells that secrete their chemical substances into ducts that lead out of the body or to another organ. Examples include sweat, sebaceous, and the portion of the pancreas that secretes digestive chemicals.
Endocrine glands groups of cells that secrete their chemical substances directly into the bloodstream, which transport them throughout the body; ductless, examples include thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and the portion of the pancreas that secretes insulin.
Organ part of the body that performs a special function or functions.
If a body part has two combining forms that are used to describe it, how do you know which form to use? In general, the Latin term is used to describe or modify something, as in renal disease and renal tubule. The Greek term is generally used to describe a pathological finding, as in nephritis and nephropathy.
Bicornuate uterus uterus with two horns
Unilateral means pertaining to one side
Bilateral means pertaining to two sides
Created by: alcerbin
Popular Veterinary sets




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