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Spanish 2
Capítulo 2
Term | Definition |
acostarse (o-->ue) | to take oneself to bed |
bañarse | to bathe oneself |
la cara | the face |
cepillarse (los dientes/el pelo) | to brush (one's teeth/sohair) |
desayunar | to have breakfast |
el despertador | the alarm clock |
despertarse (e-->ie) | to wake up oneself |
ducharse | to shower oneself |
lavarse (la cara/el pelo) | to wash (one's face/hair) |
levantarse | to get oneself up |
levantar | to lift |
peinarse (el pelo) | to comb (one's hair) |
secarse (el pelo) | to dry (one's hair) |
soler (o-->ue) + infinitivo | to be in the habit of |
vestirse (e-->i) | to dress oneself |
antes de (+ infinitivo) | before |
después de (+ infinitivo) | after |
la actividad extracurricular las actividades extracurriculares | extracurricular activity extracurricular activities |
el anuario | the yearbook |
las artes marciales | the martial arts |
el club los clubes | the club/association the clubs/associations |
el consejo estudiantil | the student council |
cuidar niños | to take care of children |
el equipo | the team/equipment |
ganar | to win/earn |
literario/a | literary; related to literature |
el miembro | the member |
participar en | to participate in/to take part in |
el periódico (de la escuela) | the (school) newspaper |
repartir | to distribute/give out; to divide; to deliver; to deal (cards); to spread |
repartirse | to give out; to distribute |
la revista (literaría) | the (literary) magazine |
ser miembro de | to be a member of |
trabajar como voluntario/a | to work as a volunteer |
el tutor/la tutora | the tutor |
la banda | the band |
la canción las canciones | the song the songs |
cantar | to sing |
el coro los coros | the choir; the chorus the choirs; the choruses |
la orquesta las orquestas | the orchestra the orchestras |
el instrumento musical los instrumentos musicales | the musical instrument the musical instruments |
el clarinete los clarinetes | the clarinet the clarinetes |
el contrabajo los contrabajos | the double base the double bases |
la flauta las flautas | the flute the flutes |
el piano los pianos | the piano the pianos |
el saxofón los saxofones | the saxophone the saxophones |
el tambor los tambores | the drum the drums |
la trompeta las trompetas | the trumpet the trumpets |
el violin los violines | the violin the violins |
el trombón los trombones | the trombone the trombones |
el violonchelo los violonchelos | the cello the cellos |
depender | to depend |
de buen/mal humor | in a bad/good mood |
fácil; fácilmente | easy; easily |
es necesario | it's necessary |
hay que + infinitivo | one has to + infinitive |
mismo/a | same |
por lo menos | at least |
según | according to |
sin | without |
con | with |
uno (un)/una unos/unas | a, an, one a few/some |